
  • 网络Vienna Boys’ Choir;Vienna Boys Choir;Vienna Boys' Choir;Wiener Saengerknaben;Vienna Choir Boys
  1. 届时将有来自世界各地的一流的交响乐团和合唱团与闻名世界的奥地利“维也纳童声合唱团”在维也纳金色大厅同台演出。

    There will be from around the world-class symphony orchestra and choir with the world-famous Austrian " Vienna Boys Choir " in Vienna 's Golden Hall with the Orchestra .

  2. 科罗拉多青少年音乐艺术团是和维也纳童声合唱团、英国伊顿公学童声合唱团齐名的世界三大童声合唱团之一。

    Colorado children 's Chorale is one of the three world-famous children 's chorales , together with Vienna children 's Chorale and Eton children 's Chorale in britain .