
  • 网络VICTOR;Viktor;Vector
  1. 总而言之,维克多越来越厌倦了。

    Victor , in a word , got increasingly fed up

  2. “我们的关注点之一是帮助孩子们学会批判性思考,”休利特基金会项目官员维克多。维奇克说。

    " One of our focuses is to help kids learn how to think critically , " said Victor Vuchic , a program officer at the Hewlett Foundation .

  3. 10.wouldratherV宁愿……wouldratherV+thanV宁愿……而不愿……(吉娜宁愿成为尼姑也不愿嫁给维克多。)

    C } ina would rather beceme a nun than marry Victor .

  4. 维克多•欧文(VictorOwens)很早就发现了在某一企业内不断轮岗的价值,这始于快餐连锁企业麦当劳的一个内部项目。

    Victor Owens discovered early on the value of working at a company from every angle .

  5. 维克多开着一辆蓝色福特旅行车,同行的还有民谣乐手保罗·克莱顿(PaulClayton)和记者彼得·卡尔曼(PeterKarman)。

    Victor took the wheel of a blue Ford station wagon , also joined by the folk musician Paul Clayton and the journalist Peter Karman .

  6. 维克多没看布勒老师,含糊地说:“FrenchieohwewegeeinSeptember。”布勒老师知道了这个男孩其实并不会法语,便转身走开了。

    Without looking at Mr. Bueller , Victor mumbled , ' Frenchie oh wewe gee in September . " Mr. Bueller understood that the boy didn 't know French and turned away .

  7. 普林斯顿大学历史学家西恩·韦伦兹(SeanWilentz)的著作《鲍勃·迪伦在美国》(BobDylaninAmerica)是2010年的畅销书,他说维克多从一开始的参与就对迪伦很重要。

    Victor 's presence at the creation mattered to Mr. Dylan , said Sean Wilentz , the Princeton historian and author of " Bob Dylan in America , " a 2010 best seller .

  8. 20世纪50年代,维克多是独角兽俱乐部的创始人之一,伦尼·布鲁斯(LennyBruce)和马龙·白兰度(MarlonBrando)等人都是那里的常客。

    In the 1950s , he was a co-founder of the Unicorn , a club that attracted the likes of Lenny Bruce and Marlon Brando .

  9. 为什么维克多•哈拉(VictorJara)与加布里埃尔•加西亚•马尔克斯(GabrielGarcíaMárquez)最终会认为为集体主义斗争是值得的?

    How did Victor Jara or Gabriel Garc í a M á rquez wind up thinking it worthwhile to fight for collectivism ?

  10. 蔻驰CEO维克多o路易斯近日在公司曼哈顿总部接受了《财富》杂志的专访,阐述了他扭转业务颓势的策略。路易斯今年1月份走马上任,出任蔻驰CEO。此前几年,他一直在这家奢侈品公司国际业务部门担任高管。

    Coach CEO Victor Luis , who took the reins in January after helping build the luxury company 's international business in recent years , sat down with Fortune at Coach 's Manhattan headquarters for an exclusive interview to discuss his strategy .

  11. 老师满脸堆笑着说:“Tresbien.Parlez-vousfrancais?(非常好,你会说法语吗?)”维克多不知道该怎么回答。

    The teacher beamed and said , " Tres bien . Parlez-vous francais ? " Victor didn 't know what to say .

  12. 2001年,在圣塔莫妮卡的麦凯布吉他店举办了维克多的追思会,杰克手头的签名簿上有汤姆·佩蒂(TomPetty)、杰克逊·布朗(JacksonBrowne)和电影导演保罗·马祖斯基(PaulMazursky)的签名。

    There was also the guest book from the memorial for Victor at McCabe 's Guitar Shop in Santa Monica in 2001 . Tom Petty , Jackson Browne and the filmmaker Paul Mazursky all signed it .

  13. 当西方最终被允许参观这些木乃伊,维克多Mair博士,宾夕法尼亚大学中文系教授,参观了博物馆。

    When the West was eventually allowed to visit the mummies , Dr Victor Mair , who was Professor of Chinese at Pennsylvania university , took a tour around the museum .

  14. 新的字符加入的绍多尔岛的冒险包括来自绍多尔Steamworks和查理,一个新的蒸汽机日本发动机浩,维克多和凯文。

    New characters to join the adventures on the Island of Sodor include Japanese engine Hiro , Victor and Kevin from the Sodor Steamworks , and Charlie , a new steam engine .

  15. 维克多是我的一个老朋友。我知道了。

    Victor is an old friend of mine . I see .

  16. 除此之外,维克多还向我保证它不会受苦的。

    Besides , victor 's promised me it won 't suffer .

  17. 我们两个人心里都明白,你是属于维克多的。

    Inside of us we both know you belong with Victor .

  18. 书中一条线索追溯了维克多在洛杉矶落日大道上的波西米亚冒险生涯。

    One thread explores Victor 's adventures in Sunset Strip bohemia .

  19. 维克多我进了最后一轮选拔

    Victor ! I 'm in the final audition ! Wow !

  20. 维克多:有点糙,这我承认。

    Victor : It is a little rough , I admit .

  21. 你的丈夫,维克多,他是个好人

    Your husband , Victor , he was a good man .

  22. 维克多:仔细想想。我可以付高价。

    VICTOR : Think hard . I can pay you well .

  23. 菲利普:维克多是个从纽约来的艺术品交易商。

    PHILIP : Victor is an art dealer from New York .

  24. 有个叫维克多的人来过电话么?

    Do you know if a guy named Victor called me ?

  25. 维克多·韩是我为潜入国土安全部而起的化名

    Victor Han was a name I created to infiltrate Homeland .

  26. 或许,维克多.查普曼不是自己造的那个假条约,

    Maybe Victor Chapman didn 't make the fake treaty himself .

  27. 真看不出来维克多还有这样的本事

    Victor has worked a miracle ! Who 'd have thought ?

  28. 我需要维克多·韩在香港的地址

    I need a location on Victor Han in Hong Kong .

  29. 然而,弗莱迪和维克多不是人类,他们是黑猩猩。

    But Fredy and Victor aren 't humans & they 're chimps .

  30. 维克多:明天,维多利亚,我们将

    Victor Van Dort : Tomorrow , Victoria , we are to be