
  • 网络maintenance worker;maintenance man
  1. 通过改造,降低了维修工人的劳动强度,取得了显著的经济效益。

    Through reforming , the labour intensity of maintenance worker has been lowered and remarkable economic benefit has been achieved .

  2. 全体维修工人正继续罢工,直到要求被满足为止。

    All the maintenance workers are stopping out until their demands are met .

  3. 这对基于Web的产品展示及对设备维护维修工人和学生的培训等都具有重要的意义。

    It has the vital significance on product demonstration based on the Web and the workers and student 's training on maintenance of equipments and so on .

  4. 这就是维修工人每天必须面对的。

    That 's essentially what maintenance people deal with each day .

  5. 这样他们就可以成为摩托车维修工人,或者手机服务人员。

    so that they can become motorcycle repair people , or mobile phone service people .

  6. 你有服务人员来清理房间,有维修工人来为你修理坏家具。

    You have maids to keep the house and repaimp3en to fix your broken furnishings .

  7. 利用该式,可查找出相应的维修工人的最优配置数。

    We can find out the optimum number of repairmen in machine maintenance by using the formulae .

  8. 维修工人和水管工人

    Maintenance and grounds workers

  9. 在马里兰州洛克维尔市的菲茨杰拉德汽车商城,汽车维修工人身着灰色的工作服,绣在他们上衣口袋上的名字赫然可见。工人们正在给一列汽车进行维修。

    Mechanics wearing grey work suits with their names stitched onto their pockets make repairs on a row of cars .

  10. 维修工人爬了334步,到达伊丽莎白塔顶部对大本钟进行了调整,之后钟又走慢了。

    But when mechanics climbed the 334 steps up the Elizabeth Tower the clock became too slow after adjustments were made .

  11. 这个商人由于被人发觉而恼羞成怒,拿起一把管道扳子把公司维修工人痛揍了一顿。

    The businessman , enraged at being discovered , attacked the company serviceman with a pipe wrench and beat him badly .

  12. 在拥有几年的熟练帮工经历后,其中表现优异维修工人可被邀请提交他们的“绝活”以作为他们长年积累的技能的证明。

    After years as a journeyman , a select few were invited to submit their " master-works " as proof of their accumulated skill .

  13. 为了减轻维修工人的劳动强度,我们设计了一种装拆方便的皮带轮与轴的连接形式,经过实践获得成功。

    For lightening the intensity of labour for workers we design a kind of high speed dismount and assemble wheel , and succeeded after practice .

  14. 北京青年报援引当地管理部门的说法称,在1月30日的北部城市西安市,电梯维修工人前往某小区维修电梯。

    Workers came to repair a malfunctioning elevator in the northern city of Xi'an on January 30 , Beijing Youth Daily cited local authorities as saying .

  15. 2月19日,塞尔西旅馆住户反映住房水压过低,维修工人在进行修理时发现了21岁蓝可儿的尸体。

    A maintainence worker discovered the body of Elisa Lam , 21 , on Feb. 19 after residents of the Cecil Hotel complained about low water pressure .

  16. 本文利用计算机技术,研究求解机器看管问题中维修工人数的最优配置问题,导出了计算最优值的拟合公式。

    The paper studies to solve the problem of the optimum number of repairmen in machine maintenance by computer technique and gets the fitted formulae for calculating the optimum number .

  17. 考虑到维修工人对拆分后设备的不同部分具有不同的维修效率,提出了一种基于维修时间优化的决策方法,将其与经典指派方法进行了比较;

    A maintenance decision-making method is provided which is based on time optimization when workers can repair different parts in varied efficiency and it is compared with classical assignment method .

  18. 上周日有媒体报道,由于电梯维修工人没有正确检查电梯里是否有人就关掉了电梯电源,导致一名中国女性在被困电梯达一月之久后死亡。

    A Chinese woman died after being trapped in an elevator for a month because maintenance workers shut off the power supply after failing to properly check if anyone was inside , state media reported last Sunday .

  19. 对于现场环境复杂、线路较长的各类电缆的断线事故,能够快速准确的判断出电缆断线位置,对于缩短故障处理时间,减小维修工人的劳动强度有着至关重要的作用。

    It is very important for the Scene of Complex Circumstances , How can quick and exact determined the position of major circuit all classes ' accident of break line , save time for revive and reducing the labor intensify .

  20. 本文着重对牵引部常见的故障:不牵引、单向牵引、牵引速度下降进行了分析,指出各种故障所在的部位,便于现场工程技术人员和维修工人有的放矢地寻找和处理故障,实用性较强。

    Paper analyses with emphasis the faults often occurred in traction portion of the miner , i.e. non-traction , one way traction and drop of traction speed , points out the location of relative faults , so enables the service men to shoot trouble with aim .

  21. 应由专业人员维修工具。维修工人开始修理电视机。

    Repair tool by a qualified worker . The repairman set to work on the television .

  22. 相关行业协会透露,假冒的维修网点和无证上岗的维修工人已经严重影响家电维修市场的正常发展,消费纠纷量节节上升。

    Some industry association said the unqualified stores and repairmen were stifling Chinese home appliance maintenance and repair market by rising consumers'disputes .

  23. 笔者在从事该润滑系统的管理和维修的具体工作中,经过细致地分析研究整理出主轴承润滑系统故障诊断和排除方法,为今后加强对该设备的维修、保养以及维修工人的培训提供参考。

    During maintenance and management , the trouble diagnosis and clearing on main bear-ing lubricating system are summarized . This can be a reference for the equipment main-tenance and operators trainning .