
  • 网络document security
  1. PDM图文档安全管理的方案与实现

    Scheme and realization of PDM document security management

  2. Readername字段可以提供文档安全性,但对显示包含readername字段的那些文档的视图来说,存在负面影响。

    Reader name fields can provide document security , but can have adverse affect on views that display documents that contain reader name fields .

  3. ActiveXML文档安全重写判定算法

    Algorithm for deciding active XML document safe rewriting

  4. 浅谈Word表格应用技巧及Word文档安全保护

    Brief summary of WORD - Tables application techniques and WORD - Documents security protection

  5. 基于RDF的XML文档安全发布

    RDF Based Secure Publishing for XML Documents

  6. 文档安全管理与SolidWorks的集成研究

    Study on document safety management and SolidWorks integration

  7. 智能终端上商务文档安全传输中ECC加密技术的探讨

    Discussion About Elliptic Curve Cryptography in the Secure Transmission of E-Commerce Documents on Intelligent Terminal

  8. 最后,本文针对CAD软件文档安全保护的需求,提出了基于多重水印技术应用方案并进行了应用,这对使用矢量图进行文档安全存储具有深远的意义。

    Finally , for the needs of CAD software document security protection system , a multi-watermarking technology is rised and appied in the system . It has an important significance in the using of 2-D drawing for secure storage .

  9. 文档安全性对于信息共享Peer-to-Peer(或P2P)系统而言是一项重要的性能指标,以P2P系统的文档安全性优化为目标。

    For the information sharing Peer-to-Peer ( or P2P ) systems , the document security is an important metric to evaluate the performance , so this paper concentrates on the optimization of document security in file sharing P2P system .

  10. 根据访问控制策略对主机的访问权限进行时间限制,在访问控制模型的基础上提出依据访问控制权限,将加密后的XML文档安全传送给不同级别主机,并进行安全检查的方法。

    The access of hosts is temporally controlled by ACB . On the basis of access control model , the method of transmitting securely XML documents encrypted according to access control privileges , to hosts of different grades , and the method of security check-up were put forward .

  11. 针对电子文档安全管理的需求,提出了多种加强电子文档管理的安全措施,并把用户需要与安全措施结合,应用于PDM系统。

    In accordance with the requirements needed by the security management of electronic documents , we propose many kinds of security measures in strengthening the management of electronic documents and apply them into the product data management ( PDM ) system by combining with users ' need .

  12. 企业信息集成平台电子文档安全存储管理技术

    Secure Storage Management Technology of Electronic Documents on Information-integrated Platform in Enterprises

  13. 电子商务文档安全传输系统的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of E-Commerce Documents Secure Transmission System

  14. 保护此文档安全的最佳方法是什么?

    What is the best method of securing it ?

  15. 多级数字文档安全管理系统设计

    Multi - Level Digital Document Security Management System

  16. 基于智能卡和数字信封的电子文档安全认证模型

    A security authentication model for electronic documents based on intelligent card and digital envelope

  17. 传统的电子文档安全管理和传输观念开始受到了挑战和动摇。

    So the traditional document management and transmission idea begins to be assaulted and wavered .

  18. 讨论了法院信息系统中的电子文档安全性问题。

    The security of the electronic document insurance of the court information system is discussed .

  19. 因而,围绕电子文档安全的各种技术和产品不断问世。

    Thus , the safety of various electronic documents on technology and products is constantly to come out .

  20. 随着信息技术和计算机科学的发展,电子文档安全已经成为信息技术领域的一个热点问题。

    With the development of information and computer science , the document security has become a hot topic in information area .

  21. 本文提出并建立一种多级数字文档安全管理系统。

    A kind of multi-level digital document security management system based on the extensive military security model ( EMSM ) was proposed in this paper .

  22. 针对企业文档安全管理的需要,研究了其他相关安全技术的应用,如防病毒技术,防火墙技术,虚拟专用网技术。

    The application of some other security techniques about the technical document protection is researched , including Virus Prevention , Firewall , and Virtual Private Network etc.

  23. 使用这些链接可管理文档库安全性、文档配置文件、内容源和“web部件”设置,以及访问web文件夹。

    Use these links to manage document library security , document profiles , content sources , and web part settings , and to access web folders .

  24. 随着越来越多的公司在通过网络传输结构化数据时采用xml,文档的安全性变得愈加重要。

    As more and more companies use XML to transmit structured data across the web , the security of documents becomes increasingly important .

  25. 面向PDF文档的安全电子邮件系统

    Design of Secure E-mail System for PDF Document

  26. 依据协议,IBM将通过其SoftLayer技术,为客户机数据文档提供安全中枢。

    Under the pact , IBM will host a centralized , secure hub for client reference data and documents on its SoftLayer technology .

  27. 文中从角色、角色继承、授权等方面分析了如何利用RBAC实现对XML文档的安全访问控制。

    This paper analyzes how to realize secure access control for XML documents using RBAC from aspects of role , role hierarchy , authorization , etc.

  28. 由于发送时一部分文档需要安全,而其余部分不需要安全,所以要将安全性应用于文档的不同部分,则XML加密是很自然的方法。

    Since some portion of the document needs to be secure and the rest can be sent insecurely , XML encryption is the natural approach for applying security to distinct portions of the document .

  29. OmniFind可以配置来将文档与安全令牌或访问控制列表相关联。

    OmniFind can be configured to associate documents with security tokens or access control lists .

  30. 同时,XML作为一种事实上的数据表示标准,越来越多的公司在通过网络传输结构化数据时采用XML,XML文档的安全性变得愈加重要。

    At the same time , XML as a de facto standard of data presentation , more and more company adopts XML when transmitting structure data through network , so the security of XML document becomes more important than ever before .