
  • 网络maintenance plan;AppleCare Protection Plan
  1. 创建一个数据库维护计划(例如名为“Controllerdatabases”),该计划

    Create a database maintenance plan ( for example called " Controller databases ") which

  2. 若成功创建了维护计划,则将返回计划id。

    Success in creating the maintenance plan will return the plan ID.

  3. 应该制定维护计划,从而及时地应用ApplicationServer和ProcessServer补丁,避免不必要的生产系统停机。

    Develop a plan that allows for the timely application of Application Server and Process Server fixes to avoid unnecessary production outages .

  4. 添加维护计划并返回计划id。

    Adds a maintenance plan and returns the plan ID.

  5. 根据ISO文件规定制订生产设备相应的维护计划和标准,并确保它们切实的实施。

    According to the ISO requirement to make relevant maintenance plan and criteria for production equipment , and ensure them to be performed actually .

  6. 分布式环境(其中LotusWebformServer是远程的)提供了对所关注问题的最佳界定,且支持单独的维护计划。

    A distributed environment , whereby Lotus Webform Server is remote , gives the best demarkation of concerns , and allows for separate maintenance schedules .

  7. 注意,只有当用户是sysadmin固定服务器角色的成员时,对象资源管理器才会显示维护计划。

    Note that object Explorer only displays maintenance plans if the user is a member of the sysadmin fixed server role .

  8. fhsph公司维护计划,包括所需维护类型对应的轨道质量的详细等级。

    The fhsph maintenance program will include specific levels of track quality that correspond to the type of maintenance required .

  9. 确立建筑物所需的保护措施时要考虑到它的预期用途,设计使用年限(见EN1990),以及维护计划和结构所受作用。

    P The required protection of the structure shall be established by considering its intended use , design working life ( see EN1990 ), maintenance programme and actions .

  10. 作为维护计划的一部分来备份事务日志

    Back up the transaction log as part of the maintenance plan

  11. 指定要如何存储维护计划记录。

    Specify how you want to store the maintenance plan records .

  12. 这也是维护计划的有效方法。

    It was also an effective way to maintain our schedule .

  13. 应该能够从管理和维护计划中获得该路标。

    This roadmap should be captured in an Administration and Maintenance Plan .

  14. 备份数据库并以此作为维护计划的一部分

    Back up the database as part of the maintenance plan

  15. 制度设备维护计划并严格执行。

    Figure maintenance plan and carry it out strictly .

  16. 选择希望为其创建维护计划的数据库。

    Select the databases for which you want to create the maintenance plan .

  17. 运行维护计划向导后,需要进行一些手动配置。

    After you run the maintenance plan wizard some manual configuration is required .

  18. 此外,还可以使用维护计划向导来创建数据库备份。

    Alternatively , you can use the maintenance plan wizard to create database backups .

  19. 制定和维护计划的标准操作规程。

    Prepare and maintain SOPs for Planning part .

  20. 指定的作业“%1!”不是为维护计划而创建的。

    The specified job " % s " is not created for maintenance plans .

  21. 为维护计划建立计量凭证。

    You create measurement documents for maintenance planning .

  22. 第一节描述在制订服务器维护计划时要考虑的因素。

    The first section outlines things to consider when building your server maintenance plan .

  23. 制定维护计划,推进能源节约,解决问题。

    Establish the maintenance plan , promote the energy sources economize , solve problems .

  24. 什么是维护计划工厂?

    What is a maintenance planning plant ?

  25. 网络技术在编制市话局线路维护计划中的应用

    The Uses of Network Technique in Making Line Maintenance Plan of a Local Telephone Exchange

  26. 检查计划是提交维护计划的重要因素。

    The inspection program is a crucial factor in the delivery of the maintenance plan .

  27. 但此功能已由不使用这些存储过程的维护计划取代。

    This feature has been replaced with maintenance plans which do not use this stored procedure .

  28. 要维护计划策略,你只需要包含所需要的需求类型即可。

    To maintain the planning strategy , you only have to combine the necessary requirements types .

  29. 维护计划已创建成功。

    Successfully created the maintenance plan .

  30. 您尚未选择任何要执行的操作。将不会创建数据库维护计划。

    You haven 't selected any actions to perform . Database maintenance plan will not be created .