
chóu bù
  • silk fabric
  1. 理查德决定退出呢绒绸布行业。

    Richard decided to get out of the dry goods business .

  2. 棺材的底部也要铺上黄绸布。

    The bottom of the coffin is also lined with yellow silk .

  3. 他父亲在波士顿开一家绸布店。

    His father kept a dry-goods store in boston .

  4. 大批电子由玻璃棒转移到绸布上。

    Large numbers of electrons are transferred from the glass rod to the silk cloth .

  5. 周口的商业主要以杂货、绸布和农副产品为主,至咸丰时期由于战乱开始衰落。

    Its trades majored in grocery , silk and agricultural products . It declined because of war in the period of Xianfeng , Qing Dynasty .
