
chóu duàn
  • silks and satins;silk fabrics;silk goods
绸缎 [chóu duàn]
  • [silks and satins] 绸子和缎子的合称,泛指丝织物

  • 绫罗绸缎

绸缎[chóu duàn]
  1. 女士们在一片绸缎塞牵声中离去。

    The ladies departed in a flurry of silks and satins .

  2. 绸缎要熄灭厨房的火

    Silks and satins put out the fire in the kitchen

  3. 她穿着紫绿相间的绸缎衣服。

    She wore purple and green silk .

  4. 这么贵的绸缎我可穿不起。

    I cannot afford such expensive silk dresses .

  5. “ABC绸缎棉布行定于本月一日在本市开张,特此奉告。”

    " We inform you that on the 1st of this month , we established in this city a Dry-Goods Business under the firm-name of ABC . "

  6. 周一晚上,蕾哈娜(Rihanna)身穿中国设计师郭培设计的黄色皮毛镶边绸缎礼服出席大都会艺术博物馆的慈善晚宴(MetGala),成为Twitter上的热议话题,人们戏谑地把这件礼服与煎蛋饼和披萨相比较。

    When Rihanna wore a fur-trimmed yellow satin gown by the Chinese-born designer Guo Pei to the Met Gala on Monday night , it became the talk of Twitter , which erupted with jokey comparisons to omelets and pizzas .

  7. 或者是剑桥公爵夫人戴的那种美利奴羊毛手套,或者是歌手蕾哈娜(Rihanna)的法式蕾丝长手套,或者是《唐顿庄园》(DowntonAbbey)里给玛丽小姐(LadyMary)的礼服添彩的长袖绸缎手套。

    Or the pure merino wool pair worn by the duchess of Cambridge , or the singer Rihanna 's long French lace ones , or even the opera-length satin sheaths that set off Lady Mary 's gowns in " Downton Abbey . "

  8. 兹定于本月一日,以本人名C.M.为名在本市开设绸缎棉布行。特此奉告。

    I inform you that on the 1st of this month I established in this town a dry-goods business under my own name of C.M. .

  9. 这是一家绸缎批发公司,因此雇佣女店员。

    It was a wholesale dry goods concern and employed women .

  10. 绸缎商提议和我自己会一下面。

    The mercer proposed to have a meeting with me myself .

  11. 床单在设计方面是用最好材质的绸缎。

    The sheets are of the finest quality damask in design .

  12. 你看他跳华尔兹,滑溜溜的,像绸缎一样。

    Watch 'm waltz , eh ? It 's like silk .

  13. 绸缎打卷机传动系统的改进

    Driving System Modification of Baling and Batching Machine for Silk Fabric

  14. 植村秀散粉。绸缎般的质地,创造出透明哑光的效果。

    A satin texture with a sheer or matte finish .

  15. 我穿一件短的蓝色绸缎外衣。

    I am dressed in a short blue silk coat .

  16. 你摸摸就知道是绸缎。

    You can tell it 's silk by the feel .

  17. 一种柔软的绿色毡帽,上面装饰着一根羽毛或绸缎尾巴。

    Soft green felt hat with a feather or brush hatband ornament .

  18. 他穿的是做工非常考究的灰色绸缎衣服,还有各种配得很协调的装饰。

    He wore an exquisitely tailored gray silk and accessories to match .

  19. 里面的东西全是成打的,还有一些和贵妇人衣料一样的绸缎衣服。

    Everything by the dozen , and silk gowns like a lady .

  20. 绸缎机织物信息系统的功能开发及其应用

    Functional Development and Application of Silk Woven Fabric Information System

  21. 为我安放一台绸缎羽绒的高座;

    Raise me a dais of silk and down ;

  22. 蟋蟀们悦耳的交响曲她的绸缎长裙的沙沙声。

    The crickets sweet symphony accompanies the sound of her rustling satin gown .

  23. 王妃的外衣是镶有金线的红色绸缎做的。

    The princess 's coat was of red silk laced with gold thread .

  24. 这好像是一家绸缎店被他们抢了。

    It seems it was a mercer 's shop that had been rifled .

  25. 椅子上已放着高雅的小丑服装,是用蓝白色的绸缎做的。

    On chairs were laid elegant masquerade costumes of blue and white satin .

  26. 女子围的一种绸缎围巾。

    A woman 's silk or lace scarf .

  27. 您想买些中国绸缎,是吗?

    You want to buy some Chinese silk and satin , don 't you ?

  28. 对了,穿配套的绸缎夹克衫!

    That 's right , matching satin jackets !

  29. 出口绸缎总体质量异常的判定

    Judgement of Overall Quality Abnormality of Export Silks

  30. 有人从南方给我献了四匹绸缎,可好看了。

    Someone down South sent me4 rolls of silk ; they are absolutely amazing .
