
  1. 固原县综合农业区划报告

    Report on Division of Comprehensive Agriculture in Guyuan County , Ningxia

  2. 吉林省综合农业区划研究的回顾与展望

    The retrospect and Prospect of researches on Jilin provincial comprehensive agricultural regionalization

  3. 全国综合农业区划的若干问题西南地区农业机械化水平在全国最低。

    SOME PROBLEMS ON THE COMPREHENSIVE AGRICULTURAL REGIONALIZATION OF CHINA Southwest China has the lowest level of agricultural mechanization in the country .

  4. 根据中国综合农业区划和现代农业发展状况,分别选择四种类型,即外向创汇型、高效集约型、节水旱作型、城郊都市型等基础好、代表性强的县(区)进行现代农业建设。

    According to integrated regionalization of agriculture and status of modern agricultural development in China , four types of agriculture , i.e. foreign-oriented agriculture , high efficiency and intensive agriculture , water-saving dry-land agriculture and peri-urban agriculture , are used for modern agricultural development .