
zōnɡ hé bào dào
  • Comprehensive report;news roundup;comprehensive (or composite) dispatch
  1. 综合报道了新型乙烯气相聚合MG型催化剂的制备及其聚合反应性能。

    MG - type highly active catalysts prepared with various supports and gaseous phase polymerization of ethylene with MG - type catalysts were studied .

  2. 本文综合报道了对Hilltop(HT)大鼠和Wistar(W)大鼠缺氧性肺血管收缩反应(HPV)的研究。

    Studies on the hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction ( HPV ) in Hilltop ( HT ) rats and Wistar ( W ) rats are reported .

  3. 对近10a来的用荧光法和导数光谱法测定镝的研究及应用进行了综合报道。

    Experiments and application situation on determination of dysprosium by fluorescence analysis and derivative spectrum analysis method are reviewed .

  4. 软骨粘液纤维瘤20例综合报道

    A Comprehensive Report on 20 Cases of Chondromyxoid Fibroma of Bone

  5. 他们在每晚11点钟的一次广播里综合报道新闻。

    They round up the news in a nightly 11 o'clock broadcast .

  6. 以下是最新的新闻综合报道。

    Here is a round-up of the latest news .

  7. 看东北东北地区室内设计综合报道

    Report on Interior Design in Northeast Area

  8. 现在是综合报道的时间。

    Now is the round-up time .

  9. 平面连杆机构的动平衡&三十年来研究动向综合报道与评论

    Something about dynamic balancing of plane link mechanisms & a general review of last 30 years

  10. 本文综合报道有关弹性半无限体表面稳定性的若干工作。

    In this paper , we present some work on the surface instability of elastic half spaces .

  11. 本文对中国漆树资源的现状和利用状况进行了综合报道。

    The recent situation and utilization of the resouces ot Chinese lacquer tree were reported in this paper .

  12. 综合报道了20种丛生竹的组织培养,其中15种得到生根小植株。

    The report covers the in-vitro culture methods of 20 species of sympodial bamboos , of which , 15 have obtained plantlets .

  13. 那份商业周刊发表的一篇综合报道强调说,加强农村地区的商业网及配套设施非常重要

    A roundup report in that Business weekly emphasized the importance of strengthening the construction of commercial networks and facilities in rural areas

  14. 综合报道了腈水解酶的来源、结构、作用机制及其工业应用。

    A Comprehensive review was present on the sources , enzyme stru cture , enzyme reaction mechanism and the application of the nitrilase .

  15. 综合报道了近年来喇曼光纤激光器的最新研究进展,并对几种新型激光器进行了分析。

    Modification of Coupled Equations for Cascaded CW Raman Fiber Lasers In this article , several new Raman Fiber Lasers were reviewed and analyzed .

  16. 本报综合报道据路透社19日报道,2月初一个寒冷的夜晚,一群食客走进纽约曼哈顿一家不错的餐馆。

    According to Reuters news agency reported on the19th , early February a cold night , a group of patrons into Manhattan a good restaurant .

  17. 国际在线综合报道:一架哥伦比亚客机当地时间16日凌晨在委内瑞拉西部坠毁,机上乘客均为法国人并已全部罹难。

    France 's civil aviation authority announced Tuesday that all153 passengers killed in a Colombian jetliner crash in western Venezuela earlier in the day were French citizens and none survived .

  18. 著名艺人迈克。杰克逊在周四因心脏病送入医院,现已死亡。根据美联社与洛杉矶时报综合报道。

    Entertainer Michael Jackson has died after being taken to a hospital on Thursday after suffering cardiac arrest , according to multiple reports including the Los Angeles Times and the Associated Press .

  19. 据外媒综合报道,苹果将大举挺进在线服务领域,通过扩大基于“云”技术的服务,提高它各项电子设备的性能。

    Apple will make a broad push into online services , as it seeks to reinforce its consumer gadgets with a stronger presence in the " cloud " services , foreign media reported .

  20. 综合报道了第17届世界石油大会上有关天然气方面的一些论述,包括天然气资源、市场、输送和应用,重点介绍了利用天然气生产清洁液体燃料和化工产品的情况。

    This paper summarizes the publications about natural gas on the 17th World Petroleum Congress , including natural gas reserves , marketing , transportation , and utilization , emphasizing production of clean liquid fuels and chemicals .

  21. 综合报道了由细菌、真菌、寄生虫和环境变化引起的锯缘青蟹常见病害及防治措施。由细菌引起的病害有弧菌病、丝状细菌病、甲壳溃疡病和黑鳃病;

    This paper reports the common diseases in Scylla serrata ( Forskal ), which are caused by bacteria 、 fungus 、 parasites and a change of enviroment It also reports the measures to prevent and treat these dieases .

  22. 本文对生态系统水平的多样性进行了综合报道.其主要研究内客涉及(1)物种及高级分类单位的多样性;

    Diversity on the level of ecosystem is studied in this paper . Its research contents mainly deal with ( 1 ) diversity of species and their higher classified units such as family , order and the like ;

  23. 综合报道了几种新型多波长掺铒光纤激光器,并对这些激光器的机理、实验装置及结果进行了详细的介绍,并展望多波长掺铒光纤激光器的发展方向。

    Several new multiwavelength Er3 + - doped fiber lasers are reported , including the methods , experimental apparatus and the results , and the prospect for developing orientations of multiwavelength Er3 + - doped fiber laser is described .

  24. 方法复习相关文献,作综合性报道。

    Methods Making a literature summarizaton based on the papers review .

  25. 腹腔镜术后残留卵巢组织:1例特殊的卵巢残余综合征报道(德)

    Laparoscopically lost ovarian tissue-An extraordinary case of ovarian remnant syndrome ( Germ )

  26. 目前直立倾斜试验被认为是评价血管迷走性晕厥唯一检查方法,对于心电学指标早期识别及晕厥时的核素脑血流测定未见综合研究报道。

    Prediction by analysis of early heart rate variations and evaluation of cerebral blood flow changes of vasovagal syncope during head-tilt test were little reported .

  27. 这类方法操作较为简单,且疗效亦较肯定。综合文献报道及临床治疗效果看,较有治疗价值及应用前景的方法主要为骶神经根电刺激及外周效应器器官的直接刺激两种。

    As for the articles , the most effective and practive methods are the electrical sacral nerve root stimulation ( ESNRS ) and the peripheral stimulation .

  28. 认为知情的媒体报道通过即时和综合网上报道提供帮助对目前的事态有帮助,这并非过于言过其实。

    It is not too fanciful to suggest that informed media coverage helped by instant and comprehensive online reporting has contributed to the current state of affairs .

  29. 该报当时几乎没有犯罪、娱乐或综合新闻报道,而是拥有大量关于政治、白厅、法律、教育和伦敦金融城等话题的专业报道。

    There were few crime , entertainment or general news stories , and a lot of specialist coverage of politics , Whitehall , the law , education , the City , and so forth .

  30. 综合文献报道初次出血24小时内出血率最高,达4.1%,以后每天下降为1.5%,1个月后再出血率锐减,大约为每年3-4%。

    Comprehensive aneurysm ruptured reported in the literature is the highest rate of 24-hour internal bleeding , reaching 4.1 % per day thereafter decreased to 1.5 % , 1 month after the bleeding rate dropped about 3-4 % per year .