
zōnɡ hé shěn jì
  • comprehensive audit
  1. 建立综合审计项目档案的探讨

    An Exploration of Establishing the File of Comprehensive Audit Program

  2. 基于系统复杂性的大型工程综合审计模式研究

    A Study on Comprehensive Audit Model of Large-Scale Projects Based on Systematic Complexity

  3. 最后,本文提出了发展IT环境下的内部审计的政策建议,建议今后内部审计应当开展综合审计业务、广泛应用基于CAATs的数据分析技术和发展连续监控技术。

    Finally , this article gives the suggestions developing the internal audit in IT circumstance . The suggestion is to fulfill more combined audit , to widely use CAATs based data analysis technology and to develop continuous monitoring technology .

  4. 综合审计工作在现代审计中的作用和任务

    Role and Task of Synthetical Auditing Work in Modern Audit

  5. 安全审计数据的综合审计分析方法

    Audit data analyzing approach for security audit system

  6. 根据信息安全审计系统的功能设计了一套信息安全综合审计系统的体系结构,并分析了审计系统的工作流程,最后对综合审计系统的运行环境进行了描述。

    An information security compositive audit system is designed according to audit functions , and work modules of the compositive audit system are analyzed . At last , run environment of the audit system is described .

  7. 为了寻找一种有效的技术对环境项目的成本、进度及绩效进行综合审计,本文引进了挣值管理理念。

    In order to find an effective method that can conduct integrated audit for cost , schedule , performance of a project at the same time , earned value management idea is introduced in this paper .

  8. 简要论述了综合审计工作的主要内容及综合审计工作的作用、主要任务和要求等,指出当前综合审计工作中存在的问题及改进措施。

    This paper briefly describes the main contents of the synthetical auditing work in addition to its role , main tasks and requirements etc. , and points out the problems existing in present synthetical auditing work and corresponding improvement measures .

  9. 综合审计实务,分析了社会公众对审计的期望以及使用者利用审计报告后的行为,重新给出了审计风险的定义,并在此基础上总结出新的风险模型。

    Synthetic audit real affairs analysed the expectation to audit from the public and the behaviour after using audit report by the users . The auther once again gave the definition of audit risks , and on this base summarized new risks model .

  10. 审计定价是综合考虑审计成本、审计质量、审计风险等因素的产物,在审计市场上占据着极为重要地位。

    In the auditing market , Audit pricing have occupies a very important position , it is the product which contains the costs of the audit , audit quality and audit risk .

  11. 本文主要研究管理审计中企业综合绩效审计的问题,其研究主要涉及三方面的内容:绩效审计内涵、绩效审计程序和绩效审计方法。

    The paper aims to research the enterprise comprehensive audit problems of the management . There are three contents in the paper : performance audit meaning , performance audit procedures and performance audit method .

  12. 综合产品环境审计工具:生命周期清单分析

    A Comprehensive Environmental Auditing Tool of Products : Life Cycle Inventory

  13. 这些CBE事件可以提供详细、综合的JRules服务审计跟踪。

    These CBE events can provide detailed and integrated audit trails of the JRules services .

  14. 文章在综合分析现有计算机审计软件系统基础上,指出网络环境下的计算机审计系统模型应该具有的特点要求,并依此要求提出基于移动Agent的分布式审计系统模型。

    Based on the synthetic analysis of current computer software , we discuss the features that computer audit system model should hold in the networks environment . This paper proposes a novel mobile agent-based distributed computer audit system model .

  15. 审计及合规委员会需确保以固定的价格进行有效、综合、完整的审计。

    The ACC needs to be satisfied that an effective , comprehensive and complete audit can be conducted for the set fee .

  16. 然后,运用多层模糊综合评价法对审计人员职业判断的业绩进行综合评价,从而有助于提高审计人员职业判断的业绩。

    Appraising performance of audit professional judgment using ' lens model ' and the hierarchical fuzzy synthetic evaluation approach , and then improve performance of auditors ' professional judgment .

  17. 针对央行内部审计风险日益加剧的情况,必须采取有效措施,综合运用各种内部审计风险控制手段和方法,对央行内部审计风险实行全过程、全方位控制。

    As the risks involved in the Central Bank 's internal audit are becoming more and more serious , we must take effective measures and apply all the tools and methods available synthetically to control the Central Bank 's internal audit as a whole .

  18. 探讨了风险指标体系的建立以及审计风险的评估方法,并在此基础上设计了一种将德尔菲法、层次分析法和模糊综合评价法相结合的综合评估审计风险的方法。

    Then , introduce risk index system and the methods of auditing risk assessment , and on this basis , design a a comprehensive evaluate audit risk method combined with Delphi Method , Analytic Hierarchy Process , and comprehensive fuzzy judgment method .