
  1. 绿叶类蔬菜对你很有益。

    Green vegetables are very good for you .

  2. 氮肥对绿叶类蔬菜硝酸盐累积的影响及机理的研究

    Study of the Nitrogen Fertilization on the Nitrate Accumulation and Mechanism of the Greenery Vegetables

  3. 通常存在于绿叶类蔬菜和橘红色水果蔬菜中,以及肝脏、蛋类和鱼油中。

    Found naturally in green leafy vegetables and in orange-coloured fruit and vegetables , as well as liver , eggs and fish oils .

  4. 影响眼部症状的发生相关因素有每日荧屏暴露时间、精神状态、近视、心理压力、空气质量、噪音、绿叶类蔬菜的摄入情况、家族中有患眼病的人。

    The affecting factors were daily computer usage , mental status , myopia , mental stress , air quality , noise , vegetable intake , familial eye disease .

  5. 茄果类和瓜菜类蔬菜铅污染严重,绿叶类蔬菜铅污染相对较轻,其它4种重金属污染未超过国家标准,其中各产区均未检出镉。

    Lead pollution was very seriously in the eggplant fruit class and the melon class vegetables , and was relative lightly in the green leafy vegetables . The other 4 kinds of heavy metals were not found excessive in all vegetables .