
lù lín
  • Greenwood;forest outlaws;Lulin
绿林 [lù lín]
  • [Lulin] 原为山名,位于湖北当阳东北。西汉末,新市人王匡、王凤等领导过绿林山起义。后以此称聚众抗官或劫富济贫的行为

  • 绿林好汉

绿林[lù lín]
  1. 与此同时,绿林盛行。

    At the same time , there were numerous forest outlaws .

  2. 常绿林下地被植物的引种与配置

    On Introduction and Disposition of Ground Cover Plants under Evergreen Trees

  3. 哪些人将在车站迎接“绿林少年”?

    Who will be meeting the Greenwood Boys at the station ?

  4. 暖温带适合阔叶常绿林,包括月桂树林。

    Warm temperate zones support broadleaf evergreen forests , including laurel forests .

  5. 绿林少年要在这里逗留五天。

    The Greenwood Boys will be staying for five days .

  6. 圣诞夜在哪里?在绿林?还是在去绿林的途中

    Where is Christmas ? In Greenwood or on the way

  7. 《沙漠边缘》穿过这最后的绿林,就是沙漠。

    Desert edge Crossing this last green forest , it will be desert .

  8. “绿林少年”演唱团在工人俱乐部的那场演出还不错。

    The performance of the Greenwood Boys at the Workers'Club was all right .

  9. 青冈常绿林硼含量特征

    Characteristic of Boron Content in Quercus Glauca Evergreen Forest

  10. 第四部电影的名字暂定为《荒野绿林的彼端》。

    And the fourth one is currently called Into the Wild Green Yonder .

  11. 我不会嫁给任何人,将走向绿林深处。

    To the green woods I will wander to shun all men 's view .

  12. 最少干预&绿林中的红飘带秦皇岛汤河滨河公园设计

    Minimum Intervention : Red Ribbon Flying in Greenwoods Riverside Park , Tang River , Qinhuangdao

  13. 或参与每日特别安排的活动和绿林远足。

    A wide range of daily , organized recreational and social activities include jungle walks .

  14. “绿林少年”是一些什么样的人?

    Who are the Greenwood Boys ?

  15. 在接下来的十几年间,刘秀平定了绿林军和赤眉军以及其他的一些地方势力。

    Over the next dozen years Liu Xiu wiped out the Lulin and Red-brow armies and other local forces .

  16. 绿林少年是一群流行歌手,现在他们在全国巡回演出。

    The greenwood boys are a group of pop singers , at present ; they are visiting all parts of the country .

  17. 公元24年,绿林军攻破长安。此时,长安城里的起义已蓄势待发。

    In 24 , the Green Wood army broke into Chang " an , where people were also ready to rise in revolt .

  18. 通过规划把发展带融入整个秦岭的大自然之中,形成了水体-绿林-城市-群山的风貌特色。

    The development area melts into nature of Qinling Mountain and forms style and features of water-greenwood-city-mountain . Her tout ensemble positively kills one .

  19. 阳光下的鼓浪屿,日光岩和绿林掩映的洋房依稀可见。

    Sunlight Rock and western-style houses hidden in the lush greenery on Gulangyu Islet , a tiny island off the coast of Xiamen , were faintly visible .

  20. 现在,他将要分享他从这次经历中吸取到的的教训。他最近在科州一个叫绿林的乡村课堂上作过报告。

    Now , he 's trying to share the lessons he learned from his experience . Recently , he spoke to a class in Greenwood Village , Colo.

  21. 我们在绿林里奔跑了一阵,拍了些照片,然后在河里玩耍,互相把水泼洒到彼此的身上。

    We ran around for a while in the green forest , then took some photographs and waded into the river and splashed each other with water .

  22. 农业用地和绿林地大面积减少,而城乡建设用地明显增多,说明地区城市化进程发展较快。

    The area of agricultural and woodland reduced , but the urban and rural construction land increased significantly , that indicate the process of the urbanization accelerating .

  23. 在井冈山革命根据地的创建中,“绿林”出身的袁文才等人作出了重要的贡献。

    The creation of Jinggagshan Revolutionary Base owes certain to the contribution of the force converted from " greenwood outlaws " of whom Yuan Wencai is a representative .

  24. 绿林成荫,可怜的罗宾汉葬那里。那绿荫,至今还在溪中漂流;那绿叶,至今还在溪中荡漾。

    There bury poor Robin Hood under the greenwood tree . Do you know , the shadow is still floating ; the green leaves is still waving on the brook !

  25. 虽然我身处于喧闹的城市,但我渴望一片绿林。虽然我住在拥挤的世界,但我渴望一片深海。

    Although I am living in a noisy city , I desire a green forest . Although I am living in a narrow world , I do desire a deep sea .

  26. 野恶是邪恶,所以旧时也指“绿林”为占山为王、拦路抢劫、骚扰百姓的盗匪;

    Wild and bad is improbity , so also point " greenwood " aforetime for have the mountain as king and block the bandit that the road rob , harasses common people ;

  27. 数百年来,塔卡侬这个古老的村庄养育着许许多多的大象,因为当时他们的祖先在干燥的常绿林区即城门和池河的交界处定居了下来。

    Ta Klang , an ancient village , has raised elephants for hundreds of years , since the time when their ancestors settled down in the dry evergreen forest at the juncture of the Mun and the Chi Rivers .