
lǜ lián shí
  • Epidote;acanthconite;allochite;achmatite;thallite
绿帘石[lǜ lián shí]
  1. 绿帘石有时相当显著。

    Epidote may be quite conspicuous .

  2. 绿帘石是一种能在UHP变质峰值期稳定存在的含水矿物。

    Epidote is one of the water-bearing minerals which can keep stable during peak ultra-high pressure ( UHP ) metamorphism .

  3. 其中早期韧性剪切变形(DF1)与区域D2变形幕有关,蓝闪片岩相矿物(蓝闪石、石榴子石、绿帘石和多硅白云母)是伴随变形叶理生长的同构造产物。

    The early ductile shearing ( DF_1 ), which is associated with regional D_2 deformation , is accompanied by the growth of synkinematic blueschist-facies minerals including glaucophane , garnet , epidote and phengite etc. with the development of a transposition foliation .

  4. 当俯冲深度接近50km,俯冲陆壳岩石中大量低级变质含水矿物(如绿泥石、绿帘石、阳起石)会脱水并从俯冲陆壳逸出形成流体流。

    When the subduction depth is near 50km , the voluminous lower grade metamorphic hydrous minerals ( e.g. chlorite , epidote , actinolite ) undergo dehydration forming an aqueous fluid flux .

  5. 当实验温度为680C时,黑云母与斜长石发生脱水熔融和部分熔融,转换成白云母、绿帘石、铁尖晶石、石英等物质成分;

    At the temperature of 680 ℃, biotite and plagioclase became dehydrated-melted and partially melted , transformed into muscovite , epidote , hercynite , quartz , etc. ;

  6. 风化绿帘石和绿泥石很难区分。

    It becomes difficult to discriminate between weathered epidote and chlorite .

  7. 绿帘石石英错动带空间展布与力学特征分析

    Analysis on spatial distribution and mechanical property of epidote quartz dislocated belt

  8. 陕西商洛绿帘石的基本特征研究

    Basic Characteristic of Epidote from Shangluo , Shanxi Province

  9. 岩浆绿帘石特征及其地质意义研究进展

    Summary of characteristics and significance of the magmatic epidote

  10. 榴辉岩由石榴子石、多硅白云母、绿帘石、石英、金红石等组成。

    The eclogites are composed of garnet , phengite , epidote , quartz , rutile , etc.

  11. 绿帘石可以稳定到>3.5GPa,在4GPa时转变成硬柱石;

    Epidote is stable up to more than 3.5 GPa and transform into lawsonite at 4.0 GPa .

  12. 西昆仑大同岩体岩浆成因绿帘石矿物学研究及其对岩体形成构造环境的制约

    Mineralogical Study on magmatic epidote from Datong pluton , and its implication for tectonic setting of Western Kunlun region

  13. 蓝片岩典型的矿物组合为:(1)绿泥石+绿帘石+青铝闪石+钠长石;

    The typical mineral assemblages are as follows ; ( 1 ) epidote + chlorite + crossite + albite ;

  14. 方解石+青铝闪石-绿帘石:(4)绿泥石-透闪石+蓝透闪石(±单斜辉石残晶)。

    Calcite + crossite + epidote ; and ( 4 ) chlorite + actinolite + winchite ( iclinopyroxene relict ) .

  15. 这些绿帘石呈自形晶,普遍发育熔蚀结构,部分具褐帘石核。

    Most of these epidotes are idiomorphic , and they are featured frequently with melting corrosion structure and occasionally with allanite-rich cores .

  16. 重矿物不稳定组分含量较高,组合以角闪石-绿帘石-石榴子石-透闪石为主,钾长石和榍石是区域内的特征矿物。

    Highly unstable components of heavy mineral , mineral assemblage amphibole-epidote-garnet stone-tremolite , and K-feldspar and sphene are characteristic minerals in the region .

  17. 蓝片岩相以钠质问石+绿帘石共生为特征,在A带的大面积绿片岩中呈条带或残片状分布。

    The blueschist is characterized by the coexistence of sodic amphibole and epidote and occurs as bands or remnants in the extensive greenschist of belt A.

  18. 主期阶段的矿物组合在云母片岩中为石榴石+多硅白云母+石英+磁铁矿±钠云母±绿帘石/黝帘石;

    The mineral assemblages in the main stage are garnet + phengite + quartz + magnetite ± paragonite ± epidote / zoisite in the mica schist ;

  19. 脉石矿物有钾长石、钠长石、中长石、石英、方解石、绢云母、绿泥石、绿帘石和磷灰石少量。

    The gangue minerals include feldspar , albite , quartz , feldspar , in dolomite , calcite , sericite , chlorite , epidote and apatite amount .

  20. 重矿物37种,以磁铁矿、角闪石、绿帘石、褐铁矿等为主。

    37 Kinds of heavy minerals , magnetite , amphibole , epidote , limonite and so account for 81 % and have their presence in all stations .

  21. 绿帘石透闪石玉是市场上发现的一新品种,主体呈特征的黑绿色和黄绿色,商家称其为“青花玉”。

    Epidote-tremolite jade called " Qinghua jade " by sellers is a new species in the market , and its main colour is blackish green or yellowish green .

  22. 矿石的组成矿物主要有黄铜矿、黄铁矿、硫钴矿、磁铁矿、孔雀石、蓝铜矿、绿泥石、绿帘石、斜长石、石英等。

    The main compositions of ore are chalcopyrite , pyrite , linnaeite , magnetite , malachite , azurite , chlorite , epidote , plagioclase , quartz and so on .

  23. 本文研究的主要内容是实际研究过程中遇到的密度较大硅酸盐矿物绿帘石和角闪石与有用矿物金红石分离问题,因此本研究课题紧密结合实际,对金红石资源开发利用具有重大的现实意义。

    The research laid a strong emphasis on separating rutile from the higher-density silicate minerals ( epidote and hornblende ), and had great realism significance in rutile 's exploitation and utilization .

  24. 铁矿矿石中主要的金属矿物有磁铁矿、黄铁矿、黄铜矿,矿石中的脉石矿物主要有石榴子石、透辉石、斜长石、角闪石、石英、方解石、绿泥石和绿帘石等。

    Iron ore in the main metal minerals are magnetite 、 pyrite 、 chalcopyrite 、 ore gangue minerals are mainly garnet 、 diopside 、 plagioclase 、 hornblende 、 quartz 、 calcite 、 green and epidote and other debris .

  25. 矿石金属矿物主要有黄铜矿、磁铁矿、闪锌矿、方铅矿等;脉石矿物主要有石榴石、透辉石、绿帘石、方解石等。矿石结构主要有粗晶结构、斑状结构、交代结构,次生结构。

    Ore minerals have chalcopyrite , magnetite , sphalerite , galena ; Gangue minerals are garnet , diopside , epidote , calcite etc. The ore textures have coarse-grained texture , porphyritic texture , metasomatic texture , secondary textures .

  26. 在白云母钠长(二长)片岩和片麻岩中为石榴石+多硅白云母+钠长石+石英+绿帘石/黝帘石±冻蓝闪石;

    Garnet + phengite + albite + quartz + epidote / zoisite ± barroisite in the muscovite albite ( monzo ) schist and gneiss ;

  27. 在含蓝闪石岩分布区,岩石的变质相有葡萄石-绿纤石相、蓝闪石绿片岩相、绿帘石-角闪岩相、铁铝榴石角闪岩相等,未发现高压低温矿物组合。

    In the glaucophane-bearing rocks there distributed some sections , in which the metamorphic facies of the rocks are mainly of prehnite-pumpellyite facies , glaucophane-greenschist facies , and epidote ( almandine ) - amphibolite facies etc , but the high temperature-low pressure mineral associations are not discovered .