
  • 网络Green
  1. 绿色生态住宅小区在中国的发展分析

    The Development Analysis of Green - Eco Residential Quater in China

  2. 基于AHP法的住宅小区绿色生态性能评估

    Green Performance Evaluation of Housing Community Based on AHP Method

  3. 中国加入WTO与服装业的绿色生态设计

    China Joining in " WTO " and the Healthy Ecological Design of Clothing

  4. 几周以前,墨西哥绿色生态党(Greenparty)的党首豪尔赫•埃米利奥•冈萨雷斯(JorgeEmilioGonzalez)因醉驾被警察拦下。

    A few weeks ago , Jorge Emilio Gonzalez , the head of Mexico 's Green Party , was pulled over for drunken driving .

  5. 围绕绿色生态纸业的发展目标,阐述了我国纸业应该着力发展的几项关键技术,讨论了几种常用的控制系统和有效的控制算法,重点介绍了软测量技术和自整定PID算法。

    Several key techniques for China 's paper industry to realize ecological paper strategy are illustrated . The common use control systems and effective algorithms are discussed , in which soft-sensor technique and self-tuning PID are emphasized .

  6. 分析了火电站能量热力系统(锅炉热力系、汽轮机热力系)的能源经济效率(Yong经济效率),并从绿色生态保护角度出发,分析了火电站的生态效率计算模型。

    This paper analyses energy economy efficiency ( Yong efficiency ) of thermal system of fossil fuel power plants ( FFPPs ) roundly . At the same time , based on the green zoology protection point , the calculating model of zoology efficiency has been analysed .

  7. 城市环境·公共艺术·绿色生态

    The urban Environment · the Public Art · the Green Ecology

  8. 基于偏好理论的绿色生态住宅需求模型分析

    Demand model analysis of green ecological residence based on preference theory

  9. 莘县绿色生态县建设框架

    Study on General Frame Work of Eco-green County Planning in Shenxian

  10. 绿色生态建筑中可应用的太阳能技术(2)

    Usable solar energy technology in green ecotypic buildings ( 2 )

  11. 我们吹响了构建绿色生态上饶的号角。

    We blowing the horn of building green and ecologic Shangrao .

  12. 从经济角度分析建设绿色生态园的必要性

    Analyzing the Necessity of Constructing Green Ecological Garden from Economic Angles

  13. 绿色生态建筑是21世纪建筑的主题。

    The main theme of architecture in21th century is green ecologic building .

  14. 绿色生态建筑中需要采用绿色可再生能源。

    The green ecotypic buildings require to use a green renewable energy .

  15. 大力发展循环经济打造绿色生态江西

    Developing Circular Economy and Building Green Zoology Environment in Jiangxi

  16. 中山市绿色生态小区规划建设研究

    The study on planning and construction of green ecologic residence in Zhongshan

  17. 到2005年,完成三道绿色生态屏障建设。

    By2005 , three green shelters will be formed for the city .

  18. 西部大开发中建立区域绿色生态经济模式的基本思路

    A New Pattern of the Green Eco-Economy in Local Areas

  19. 公路边坡防护与绿色生态技术研究

    The Research of Highway Slope Protection and Green Ecological Technology

  20. 成都市绿色生态住宅小区绿化系统生态效益评价指标体系研究

    The Study on Evaluation System of Ecological Benefit for Garden Landscape System

  21. 故应该积极推进绿色生态建筑的发展。

    Therefore , we should actively promote the development of green building .

  22. 城郊绿化与城市绿色生态空间的营造

    Suburban Green Space and Construction of Urban Green Ecological Space

  23. 绿色生态住区的水环境建设

    Water Environment Construction in Green and Ecological Residence Zone

  24. 绿色生态露天停车场的设计与施工

    The Design and Construction of Green Ecological Open-air Park

  25. 城市绿色生态社区理念的构建与案例研究

    Study on the Construct of Urban Ecological Community Theory and a Case Study

  26. 试论绿色生态住宅营销的发展趋势

    On the Development of the sale of Green House

  27. 现代城市绿色生态环境建设

    A brief talk on the construction of green ecological environment of modern city

  28. 绿色生态纸业战略的决策与实施

    Policy making of the green-ecological paper strategy and its implementationProducer : LI Jian-hua

  29. 绿色生态系统是体现生物多样性的重要场所,绿色植物在维护生态平衡中起着关键性的作用。

    Green ecosystem is an import an t place of embodiment of biodiversity .

  30. 可持续发展营造绿色生态城市。

    Sustained development construct green and ecological city .