
chán rào zhí wù
  • twining plant;twiner
  1. 科里奥利力对缠绕植物的影响

    Influence of Coriolis ' Force on Twiner

  2. 有大的可食用根的亚马孙河盆地的缠绕植物。

    Twining plant of Amazon basin having large edible roots .

  3. 多年生缠绕植物,有心形的叶子和锥状花序。

    Twining perennials having cordate leaves and flowers arranged in conelike spikes .

  4. 有淡绿色芳香总状花序的多年生缠绕植物;中国西部至俄罗斯。

    Twining perennial vine having racemes of fragrant greenish flowers ; western China to Russia .

  5. 中国常青缠绕植物,长有有光泽的深绿色叶子和很香的白花。

    Evergreen Chinese woody climber with shiny dark green leaves and intensely fragrant white flowers .

  6. 欧洲缠绕植物,它的花主要用于麦芽酒的调味;美洲种植。

    European twining plant whose flowers are used chiefly to flavor malt liquors ; cultivated in America .

  7. 南非纤细的缠绕植物,有亮绿色扁平的茎干和有光泽的叶子,常作花饰。

    Fragile twining plant of South Africa with bright green flattened stems and glossy foliage popular as a floral decoration .

  8. 热带旧大陆缠绕植物,结内有红色或棕色种子的长豆荚;东方长期种植,用作食物。

    Twining tropical Old World plant bearing long pods usually with red or brown beans ; long cultivated in Orient for food .

  9. 西非热带一个匍匐或缠绕草本植物小属。

    Small genus of tropical western African creeping or twining herbs .

  10. 缠绕藤本植物,叶有毛,花深紫色。

    Twining vine with hairy foliage and dark purplish-brown flowers .

  11. 欧洲常见缠绕藤蔓植物,有块根心形叶子和红色果实。

    Common European twining vine with tuberous roots and cordate leaves and red berries .

  12. 美国东南部和中部开浅蓝色大花的缠绕藤蔓植物。

    Large-flowered wild twining vine of southeastern and central United States having pale blue flowers .

  13. 在草本植物中,缠绕草本植物为2种。湿生植物15种,占总数的67%。

    There are two winding herbs in herbaceous plants.15 hygrophyte species occupy 67 % of the total families .

  14. 有块根的一年生缠绕藤蔓植物,开紫色的花,豆荚有四片翼瓣;旧大陆热带地区植物。

    Tuberous-rooted twining annual vine bearing clusters of purplish flowers and pods with four jagged wings ; Old World tropics .

  15. 薯蓣(DioscoreaoppositaThunb.)又名淮山,俗称山药,属薯蓣科薯蓣属缠绕性藤本植物,具有较高的药用价值和营养价值,是我国著名的四大怀药之一。

    Yam ( Dioscorea opposita Thunb . ), also known as yam , commonly known as yam , is a winding vine of the genus Dioscorea . Dioscoreaceae with high medicinal value and nutritional value is one of the famous four pregnant drug .

  16. 欧洲产的一种缠绕忍冬属植物,花芳香、红色和黄白色。

    European twining honeysuckle with fragrant red and yellow-white flowers .

  17. 匍匐或缠绕木质藤蔓植物,有似皮革的小叶子和红色伞状花序;澳大利亚和塔斯马尼亚岛。

    Prostrate or twining woody vine with small leathery leaves and umbels of red flowers ; Australia and Tasmania .

  18. 当地面火遇到大风时,或树干上缠绕着爬蔓植物和有低垂下来的树枝,火便上升到树冠,成为树冠火。

    The wind , or fire meet tree-trunk enwinds climbing plants and have lowered down the branches of the tree and fire up to become crown fire .

  19. 庭院里长满了灌木、树丛、花朵,长长的树篱上缠绕着忍冬属植物,还有许多树,一棵无花果树,一棵梨树,两棵沙果树。前院则耸立着一棵巨大的老橡树。

    The grounds were full of shrubs , bushes , flowers , long hedges laced with honeysuckle , and lots of trees , including a fig , a pear , two crab apples , and a huge old oak in the front .