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  1. 缠枝莲纹嵌螺钿黑漆长方盘

    Black-lacquered Rectangular Dish Inlaid with Interlocking Lotus Design in Mother-of-pearl

  2. 特别是青花缠枝莲纹作为主题纹饰或辅助纹饰被大量运用在陶瓷器面上。

    Especially the blue and white interlock branch lotus is used as theme decoration or assistantdecoration on porcelain works .

  3. 产品以皇家传统纹饰缠枝莲与宝相花为主体,采用纯手工青花釉下彩绘制而成,极具收藏价值,是集茶文化与瓷艺术于一体的艺术珍品。

    Products with real traditional lines lotus flowers with treasure , in using pure manual green glazed drawn , extremely is worth collecting , tea and porcelain art in an art treasures .

  4. 图案寓意:图案以莲花组成的称“缠枝莲”,寓意吉庆。因其结构连绵不断,故又具“生生不息”之意。

    Design : Pattern in the lotus composition called " tangled branches , meaning auspicious , Ephraim " because of its structure , so it is also continuous with " a perennial " meaning .