
yì sǐ
  • death by hanging
  1. 特殊体位缢死3例法医学分析

    Forensic Analyses on Hanging of Special Positions in 3 Cases

  2. 310例缢死分析

    Analysis of 310 cases dying of hanging

  3. 这等事一定随时随地都在发生――小企业一上手就给缢死。

    Constantly this sort of thing must occur-little industries choked out in their very beginnings .

  4. 杨贵妃被逼死于马嵬有“饮金屑”和被缢死两种说法,其实杨贵妃是被缢死的,而饮金屑乃是人们对她缢死表示同情怜惜的一种宛转的说法。

    There were two statements about the death of Highest-ranking Imperial Concubine Yang at Mawei Post : being forced to drink gold crumbs and being hanged .

  5. 我还记得在女王伊利萨白初年的英国,有一个被判死刑的爱尔兰叛党曾上呈总督,请求缢死他的时候用薪条而不用绞索,因为以前的叛党都是照例用薪条的。

    I remember in the beginning of Queen Elizabeth 's time of England , an Irish rebel condemned , put up a petition to the deputy , that he might be hanged in a with , and not in an halter , because it had been so used , with former rebels .