
  • 网络website security;site security;Web Security
  1. 基于ASP的教育网站安全策略分析

    Analysis on ASP-based Education Site Security Policy

  2. 在网站安全性应用中对MD5码的改进

    Improvement of MD5 for Site Security

  3. 数据挖掘技术在Web网站安全中的应用

    Application in Data Mining in Security of Web Sites

  4. 动态Web网站安全防范技术探讨

    Discussion on Dynamic Website Security Technology

  5. SQLInjection是当前网站安全的主要问题之一。

    SQL injection constitutes one of the major web server security problems .

  6. 对动态Web网站安全防范技术进行了探讨,提出了动态Web网站的安全体系四个层次框架,并对四个层次的技术手段展开描述。

    This paper discusses dynamic Website security technology . A four-stage frame of Website security system is proposed and described in detail .

  7. 基于ASP网站安全的全面剖析

    A comprehensive analysis of website security based on ASP

  8. 基于ASP技术开发的网站安全防护分析

    Security Analysis of Website based on ASP Technology

  9. ASP程序网站安全性编程探讨

    Probes into Security Programming of ASP Websites

  10. 从安全机制、配置安全的IIS5以及设置SqlServer的安全机制3个方面详细介绍了加强网站安全管理的具体实现方法。

    In this paper , methods of security mechanism , and IISS and SQL Server configuration are presented to enhance website safety management .

  11. 作为中小型企业的网络管理员要经常进行Web安全测试和评估,保护企业网站安全。

    The network manager of the small and medium-sized enterprises should often carry out the detection and evaluation of Web security to protect the security of the enterprise 's website .

  12. Snort在电子商务网站安全方面的应用

    Application of Snort to E-Business website security

  13. 一方面,在系统层上通过下载最新补丁程序和采用NTFS格式等措施来提高ASP网站安全性;

    The safety of the ASP net can be improved by loading the newest pitch program and adopting NTES format on the system layers .

  14. 去年九月,Google收购了验证码公司reCAPTCHA,该服务可以在保证网站安全的同时帮助电脑识别陈旧的扫描文本。

    In September of last year , Google made a smart and obvious acquisition : reCAPTCHA , the service helps secure websites while at the same time helping computers learn to read old , scanned text .

  15. 其中非法关键字扫描和图片视频监控模块作为平台的核心模块,创新性地将网络爬虫、FTP以及视频切片等技术应用在了网站安全领域,为网站的内容安全提供实时的监控。

    Among the modules , illegal keyword scanning , pictures and video supervision modules are designed as core modules . The platform innovatively adopts webs crawler , FTP and video slice technology in the field of web security to provide real-time monitoring for the security of webs content .

  16. 信息安全评估体系在网站安全评估上的应用

    Application of the information safety evaluation system in the evaluation of website safety

  17. 网站安全性对隐私风险有显著影响,呈负相关关系;服务风险、功能风险和隐私风险对消费者的网上购买意愿有显著影响,呈负相关关系。

    Service risk , performance risk and privacy risk negatively affect online shopping intention .

  18. 教育网站安全性建设探讨

    Discussion about the Security of Constructing Education Websites

  19. 在网站安全方面,提供短信确认方式,保证购买安全。

    On website security , the provision of SMS confirmation , guaranteed purchase of safety .

  20. 介绍了网站安全管理的原则。

    Describes the site safety management principles .

  21. 网站安全管理的技术性分析

    Technique analysis of website 's safty administration

  22. 公共气象服务平台信息网站安全技术

    Security of Public Meteorological Service Information Website

  23. 为了初始化此个人卡,必须输入管理口令或网站安全性口令。

    In order to initialize this card , you must enter the Administration or Site Security Password .

  24. 这位教授教的课程是网站安全,因为担心被报复,所以要求匿名。

    The professor , who teaches Web security , asked not to be named for fear of reprisal .

  25. 电子治理作为一种新的治理理念,提供了政府网站安全治理的新的结构框架。

    E-governance as a new concept of governance , provide a new security governance framework for government web sites .

  26. 文中着重描述了身份认证安全的必要性,以及网站安全隐患和应对策略。

    Focus on description , and the need for security authentication , and Web security risk and coping strategies .

  27. 同时,也为网站安全尤其是网站内容的安全防护提供了新的思路,具有一定的学术意义。

    Meanwhile , it has certain academic significance as it provides new thoughts to the web security especially for web content security .

  28. 在此安全技术的基础上,提出了图书馆类网站安全防护的一般模型及其安全策略。

    In this security technology foundation , it proposes the general model of the library website safe protection and the security policy .

  29. 本文首先介绍了网站安全的定义、目标和国内外风险评估的研究现状;

    Firstly , this thesis presents the definition and object of Website security and research progress of risk assessment at home and abroad .

  30. 任何人都可以访问对网站安全存在潜在威胁的信息,包括可能会导致站点发生错误的人员。

    Potentially compromising information about your web site can be exposed to anyone who can cause an error to occur on your site .