
  • 网络attack;cyber attack;Internet attack
  1. Internet上的网络攻击分析

    Analysis of Network Attack on Internet

  2. IP欺骗作为网络攻击的一种手段,近年来被人们越来越重视。

    As a means of network attack , IP cheating has been put more and more attention in recent years .

  3. 接下来一星期的网络攻击时断时续,花样百出

    Next network of a week attacks intermittence , pattern 100 .

  4. Windows防火墙提供了面临诸如蠕虫之类恶意程序的网络攻击时的防御手段。

    Windows Firewall offers some protection from network attacks by malicious software known as worms .

  5. 首先简述了网络攻击、入侵检测和CORBA等相关概念;

    Concepts such as network intrusion , intrusion detection and CORBA are firstly introduced .

  6. IPv6下的网络攻击和入侵分析

    Analysis of Network Attack and Intrusion under IPv6

  7. IPv6下网络攻击平台的研究与实现

    Research and Implementation of IPv6 Network Attack Platform

  8. 绝大多数网络攻击都使用伪造的IP地址,使被攻击者很难确定攻击源的位置,从而不能有针对性地实施保护策略。

    Most of the network attacks use spoofing IP address , which makes it very difficult to tracing attack to its real origin .

  9. 通过模拟纯IPv6中网络攻击的方式对该机制进行了验证用以确定其能够正常运行。

    This paper validates the mechanism above by simulating the network attack working of pure IPv6 circumstance .

  10. 提出基于Linux平台用数据包过滤与透明代理相结合防网络攻击的解决方案,对其中的关键技术进行了探讨,提出了一种完整的技术路线。

    A solution scheme to protect the network attack based on the packet filter and transparent proxies on linux operation system is proposed .

  11. 然而,大多数SSL部署会受到网络攻击的影响,因为这项技术普遍地都认识不清。

    Yet , most SSL deployments are susceptible to network-based attacks , because the technology is widely misunderstood .

  12. 介绍了网络攻击检测系统(IDS)的运作机理,分析了IDS的优缺点。

    The principle of intrusion detection system ( DIDS ) is introduced , and its advantages and disadvantages are analyzed .

  13. 描述了基于Agent技术的网络攻击系统模型,该模型根据网络攻击的分类法将各攻击实体按功能进行分类设计,给出了攻击Agent的层次模型,实现了攻击实体的模块化、小型化。

    In this model the attack entities are classified and designed by the taxonomy of this paper . The hierarchical agent model is convenient for the modularization and miniaturization of network attack entities .

  14. 此平台集网络攻击预警、分析、模拟、清洗多种能力于一身,为提升苏州IP网络安全水平起到了重要的支撑作用。

    This platform combines network attack warning , analysis and simulation as well as cleaning , thus to play an important role in improving the level of network security in Suzhou .

  15. 在这些网络攻击中,拒绝服务(denialofservice,DoS)攻击作为一种重要的网络攻击手段,该攻击主要利用了网络协议的缺陷。

    Among the network attack meanings , Denial of Service ( DoS ) is one of important network attack , it mainly uses the bug of network protocol .

  16. 通过对基于ARP欺骗的网络攻击方式进行分析,提出了防御网络内部攻击的许多措施。

    ARP Spoofing and Countermeasures It puts forward many defense measures on how to protect network from attacks .

  17. Fuzzy-AHP法在网络攻击效果评估中的应用

    Application of Fuzzy-AHP Method in the Effect Evaluation of Network Attack

  18. 但IPv6环境下的网络攻击依然存在,不仅包括网络中原有的那些针对非IP层的攻击,还包括IPv6引入的新的攻击行为。

    However , the network attacks under IPv6 still exist , which includes not only some of those original ones for non-IP layer , but also the new ones which IPv6 introduces .

  19. 分布式网络攻击检测系统(DIDS)

    Distributed Intrusion Detection System ( DIDS )

  20. 美国联邦调查局(FBI)局长提供了有关索尼影视(SonyPictures)所受网络攻击的新细节,为美国声称朝鲜应为此次攻击负责的说法辩护。

    The director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation has offered fresh details of the cyber attack on Sony Pictures as he defended the US claim that North Korea was responsible .

  21. 北约(Nato)上周宣布,其首次决定把网络攻击归为可能引发集体回应的事件类型。

    Nato announced last week that it had decided for the first time to classify a cyber attack as the type of event that could trigger a joint alliance response .

  22. 随着网络攻击方法和手段的不断变化,相应的IDS也在不断增多,设计有效的IDS评估方案对保证网络安全具有重要意义。

    With the continuous change of network attacks , the corresponding IDS also increase . It is crucial to design effective schemes of IDS evaluation in order to assure the network security .

  23. 朝鲜周日严厉谴责了美国对其实施的最新制裁,重申该国未参与针对索尼电影(SonyPictures)的网络攻击,并称美国此举是充满敌意的高压手段。

    North Korea has blasted the US for imposing fresh sanctions against it , reiterating its denial of involvement in a cyber attack on Sony Pictures and calling the US move hostile and repressive .

  24. 周二,苹果承认受到网络攻击,但明确表示其iCloud服务器未被攻破。

    Apple on Tuesday acknowledged a network attack , but clarified that its iCloud servers were not breached .

  25. 测量半开连接的性能指标有助于了解不同操作系统的TCP性能,为改善服务器的性能以及策划应对网络攻击的解决方案提供有价值的依据。

    Measuring the performance metrics of TCP half-open connection helps to realize the TCP performance of different OSs , and provides valuable evidence for improving the server 's performance and scheming the solution to defend network attacks .

  26. 根据McAfeeLabs发布的,针对移动平台、尤其是智能手机的网络攻击,在2010年有所增长(见参考资料)。

    Cyber attacks against mobile platforms , especially smartphones , grew in 2010 according to the published by McAfee Labs ( see Resources ) .

  27. 从最早利用协议分析仪发送攻击特征,采用黑客工具,到网络攻击数据的录播重放,IDS测试方法和工具随着入侵检测技术和网络攻击的发展而不断发展。

    From sending signatures , using hacking tools , to replaying the traffics of network attacks , the methodologies and tools of IDS test are developing along with the developing of intrusion detection and hacking .

  28. 美国国防部副部长威廉j林恩(williamj.lynn)在接受英国《金融时报》采访时表示,美国和英国一直在研究如何反制网络攻击这一愈演愈烈的国际危险。

    In an interview with the financial times , William J. Lynn , US deputy defence secretary , said America and Britain had been working to counter the growing international danger of cyberattacks .

  29. 流量标本和IP陷阱是DIDAPPER系统所提出的新概念.它们可以获取和识别异常的流量数据,而且适合于检测大规模网络攻击行为。

    Traffic specimens and IP traps are DIDAPPER 's new concepts , which can capture and recognize abnormal traffics and are suitable for monitoring the large scale network attacks .

  30. 虽然防火墙、IDS、保密认证等安全技术的防护能力越来越强,但是它们以被动防护为主,无法应对层出不穷的新的网络攻击。

    Although the protective ability of firewall , IDS , confidentiality , authentication and other security technology is growing , but they are mainly passive protection can not cope with the endless stream of new cyber attacks .