
  • 网络Site Administration;Website management;Site Management;admin
  1. 不过,通过使用IBMWebSpherePortal,可以将这两种类型的内容组合在一个门户中,使得网站管理更为简单。

    With IBM WebSphere Portal , however , you can combine both content types within one portal and make your Web site administration easier .

  2. 再次关闭网站管理工具。

    Close the web site administration tool again .

  3. 基于WEB的示范性建设专业网站管理系统的设计

    WEB-Based Model Management System for Building Professional Web Site Design

  4. Web应用程序在高性能的数据中心内可以由服务器群很好地伸缩并能被既有的网站管理工具服务。

    Web applications scale well with server farms in high-performance data centers and are serviced by readily available Web-site management tools .

  5. Web数据挖掘让网络用户和网站管理者受益,也可能对数据源的安全带来威胁。

    Web-based Data mining can benefit Web users and administrators , but it will also threaten the safety of data resources .

  6. 本文将着重介绍基于ASPACCESS数据库的企业网站管理系统构建。

    This paper will highlight on the enterprise ASP ACCESS database management system on the site .

  7. 基于ASP教学网站管理系统的设计

    Design on Teaching Web Site Management System Based on ASP

  8. 网站管理人员也抱怨说,他们的CMS很难使用。

    Website managers also complain that their CMS is hard to use .

  9. 在“自助式网站管理”页上,选择要启用自助式网站创建功能的web程序,选择需要的选项,然后单击“确定”。

    On the self-service site management page , select the web program for which you want to enable self-service site creation , select the options you want , and then click ok .

  10. 介绍了利用ASP创建电波与天线课程教学网站管理系统以及设计制作过程,并简要介绍了所运用的技术和辅助软件。

    This article introduces a teaching Web site management system for the course " Radio Wave Antenna ", including the design development and main software used in the system .

  11. 为了吸引用户,网站管理人员在设计网站结构时总是把具有相似内容的Web页面放在尽可能接近的位置,因而从Web页面的URL结构可以观察其静态相似性。

    In order to attract users , website managers always put similar contents in similar places as soon as possible when designing website structure , so we can observe its static similarities through the URL structure of web pages .

  12. CMS其实是一个很广泛的称呼,从一般的博客程序,新闻发布程序,到综合性的网站管理程序都可以被称为内容管理系统。

    CMS is a very broad term , the blog from the general procedures , procedures for issuing press releases , to the comprehensive site management procedures can be referred to as content management systems .

  13. 功能介绍:功能模块分为稽核管理,网站管理,稽核OLAP(联机分析)子系统,报表生成子系统,安全保障系统,其他非功能网站模块等。

    Business Scope : Business audit management system consists of the audit management component , the website management component , audit OLAP ( Online Analysis ) sub - system , report and statement subsystem , safety guarantee system etc.

  14. 最后,在网页在线维护系统WOMS中应用该策略实现网站管理者对网页的在线维护。

    Finally , a Web page Online Maintenance System ( WOMS ) is established based on this strategy .

  15. 介绍了基于iBASE数据库的数字图书馆系统的结构及特点,网站管理及信息检索功能。

    This paper introduces the structure and character , internet station and information retrieval function .

  16. Moodle具有课程管理、学习管理、网站管理三大功能,是目前世界上最流行的适合基础教育、高等教育、教师教育的学习平台之一。

    Moodle has three main functions : course management , learning management and website management . It is one of the most popular learning platforms in the world for basic education , higher education , teacher education .

  17. 该网站管理者百勒(AwantiBele)说,最难的是克服人们的恐惧心理,保证我们的用户在法律上受到保护,不会面临诉讼;

    ' Overcoming the fear people had and making sure our users were legally covered and did not face prosecution , 'said Awanti Bele , manager of the web site .

  18. 专题学习网站管理系统的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of a Management System of Subject-Based Learning Website

  19. 任何意见及建议,欢迎电邮至网站管理人。

    For any comments & suggestions , please email to Webmaster .

  20. 物理设备、网站管理和安全也是重要因素。

    Physical facilities , site management and security are also important factors .

  21. 网站管理系统在医院药学网站建设中的应用

    Application of Website Management System in Hospital Pharmaceutical Website Construction

  22. 本专题学习网站管理系统的主要特点有:实用方便、易于操作;

    The website 's management system mainly has the following several characteristics .

  23. 海南现代文学馆网站管理系统的设计与实现

    The Design and Implementation of Management System of Hainan Modern Literature Library Website

  24. 九三学社天津市委员会网站管理系统的设计与实现

    " 93 Society " Tianjin Committee 's Website Management System Design and Realization

  25. 他们不能满足网站管理上不断变化的需求。

    They fail to meet the changing demands of the websites they manage .

  26. 超链接自动生成器是一种提高网站管理效率的工具。

    The hyperlink automatic generator is a useful tool to improve WEB management efficiency .

  27. 网站管理中若干安全问题的研究

    Research on several security issues of website management

  28. 当从小规模转移到工业规模的网站管理时,我愿意考虑它。

    I like to think of it as moving from small-scale to industrial-scale webmastering .

  29. 最后三人举手表决,同意将财会和网站管理业务外包。

    All in favor of outsourcing accounting and web maintenance please raise your hand .

  30. 使用网站管理工具与使用其他基于窗体的网站类似。

    Using the web site administration tool is similar to using other forms-based web sites .