
  • 网络network retrieval;web search
  1. 本文首先分析了传统网络检索技术的局限性。

    The limitation of current web search engine is presented first .

  2. 中英文网络检索工具评价与比较

    A Comparative Study and Evaluation of Chinese and English Web Search Tools

  3. 在办公软件、电子邮件、网络检索等个人电脑应用方面,申请人应具备良好的操作技能。

    Applicants should have good PC skills with common office software , email and internet recherche .

  4. Web文本数据挖掘关键技术及其在网络检索中的应用

    Essential Technology for Web Text Data Excavating and Its Application in Network Retrieval

  5. GIS信息资源的网络检索

    References of GIS Information Resources on Internet

  6. 利用ASP实现网络检索系统中的动态查询

    Using ASP to Achieve the Dynamic Inquiry in Network Searching System

  7. Novell平台上的光盘数据库网络检索系统

    Networking CD-ROM Database Retrieval System on Novell Platform

  8. 用信息过滤技术改进Internet信息检索系统已成为非常重要的研究方向,是个性化服务的基础。Internet信息检索模式作为一种新型网络检索方式。

    It 's important to improve current information retrieval system with information filtering . Information filtering is the basis of personalized information service . Internet which is a new networked information retrieval method is the final on - line searching way .

  9. 现在,您看到了如何通过网络检索数据、如何用这个数据来通过使用多线程智能地更新AndroidUI。

    Now that you have seen how to retrieve data over the network , look at how to use this data to smartly update the Android UI using multi-threading .

  10. 通过对美国专利商标局(USPTO)专利数据库检索过程的实例说明,介绍该专利网络检索方法,供用户在检索美国专利文献时参考与使用。

    The methods for USPTO patent database searching were introduced by examples , so as to be used to search patents in United States .

  11. 受控语言&自然语言一体化是最适合于网络检索的检索语言。

    Controlled Language-Natural Language Entirety is mostly suited to network search .

  12. 建立光盘网络检索系统的实践与体会

    Practice and Understanding of Setting up a CD-ROM Network Retrieval System

  13. 中外专利信息网络检索工具的比较研究

    Comparative Study on Patent Information Retrieval Tools of Chinese and Foreign Network

  14. 中文科技文献的网络检索及其资源

    Network Retrieval and Resources of Chinese Scientific and Technological Literature

  15. 医学信息的网络检索技巧

    The Skills for Searching the Medical Information on the Network

  16. 自然科学学术资源分布及其网络检索

    Natural science academic resources distribution and its network retrieval

  17. 基于知识库的中文网络检索工具&经济信息智能搜索引擎研究

    Research on Intelligent Search Engine Based on Knowledge Database

  18. 论图书馆电子文献网络检索系统建设

    Discussion on the Construction of Network Retrieval System of Library 's Electronic Document

  19. 语义网在网络检索中的发展趋势

    The developing trend of semantic net in network retrieval

  20. 介绍网络检索语言的发展趋势,分析目前主要的网络检索工具搜索引擎的种类、原理,从现有的检索方法出发,提出了网络检索工具的发展方向。

    This paper introduced the development orientation of information retrieval on the internet .

  21. 光盘网络检索系统的开发与应用

    Development and application of a retrieval system on cd-net

  22. 健康评估课程学习资源网络检索技术研究

    On the web searching technique for learning resources for the course of nursing health assessment

  23. 在具体的信息加工层面,网络检索行为对信息流进行了注意、信息加工与贮存、信息输出与反馈等加工处理过程。

    The information processing contains notice , information process and store , information output and backfeed .

  24. 网络检索技术

    The information retrieval technique on Network

  25. 医学文献计算机网络检索系统

    Cumputer Network for Medical Literature Retrieval

  26. 作者还展望了农业本体论在将来农业信息网络检索中的应用。

    The authors look forward to the application of agricultural ontology in future network information searching .

  27. 实验表明,该系统较网络检索在速度和准确度上都有明显的改进。

    The experiment shows that the speed and veracity are improved by far than the ordinary net retrieval .

  28. 能根据主题确定合适信息并运用网络检索信息的策略与技巧,合法地获取网上信息。

    Select proper information according to the theme and apply means to gain the information and get information from the internet legally .

  29. 随着因特网特别是主题网关的发展,网络检索迫切需要一种能够整合各种异构网关、实现互操作的服务系统。

    With the development of Internet , especially subject gateways , the interoperability be - comes an evergrowing demand in Internet searching .

  30. 从传统工具书到网络检索工具的使用&谈图书馆参考咨询工作

    From the use of traditional reference books to the use of the retrieval tools on the networks & On library 's consultation wor