
wěi dài mǎ
  • pseudo code
  1. 在下面的伪代码中,这个内核线程应该在设备驱动程序的close函数中进行销毁

    This kernel thread should be destroyed in the close of the device driver in this pseudo code

  2. 在下面的伪代码中,使用了内核APIkernelthread来注册这个内核线程

    Use the kernel API kernel_thread to register this kernel thread in this pseudo code

  3. 这个程序的伪代码几乎与其Scheme实现完全相同。

    The pseudo-code for this program almost identically matches its Scheme implementation .

  4. 请看下面的伪代码示例,其中演示了筛选语句和finally语句的运行顺序。

    Consider the following pseudocode example that illustrates the order in which filter statements and finally statements run .

  5. 上周我们写了一个socks程序,但那只是伪代码。

    Last week we did the socks thing and that was in pseudocode .

  6. 您刚刚编写的Groovy脚本几乎和可执行的伪代码一样。

    The Groovy script that you just wrote is almost like executable pseudocode .

  7. 代码引用被有意解释为伪代码(pseudo-code)。

    The code references are intended to be interpreted as pseudo-code .

  8. 为了保持每个模式描述的简洁,本书使用草图和伪代码代替了UML图和完整的C++或Java例程。

    In order to keep the description of each pattern compact , the book uses diagrammed sketches and pseudocode instead of UML-diagrams and fully blown C + + or Java examples .

  9. 第五部分是我对NAPT-PT、应用层DNSALG详细设计,用伪代码的形式给出;

    In part IV , the NAPT-PT gateway and DNS-ALG were designed with pseudo code .

  10. 但SWIG可以帮您完成这一艰苦工作&并且只需采用少量的伪代码。

    SWIG , though , does the hard work for you & with a minuscule amount of pseudo-code .

  11. 开发基于案例的SQL语言学习平台,通过三个代表性的学习案例得出通用的SQL学习方法结合中文SQL的伪代码库和SQL规范基础上开发SQL语言辅助学习平台。

    In this paper three typical teaching cases will be covered to find out the general learning method of SQL . And CAI platform can be developed based on the Chinese pseudocode library and SQL grammar standardization .

  12. 文中详细分析了MOTIF合并算法的设计要点,给出了算法的伪代码,并通过具体的实例来演示了算法的评定结果。

    The design of MOTIF combination algorithm was analyzed in detail , the pseudocode of the algorithm is given , and the result of the algorithm by some instance is described .

  13. 在实现部分,根据GPRS终端仿真器的设计思路和软件工程的思想,从数据结构和功能函数实现两方面给出了整体的实现方法和相关的伪代码。

    In the implementation section , according to the thinking of the the GPRS terminal emulator design ideas and software engineering , data structures and functions to achieve the two gives the overall implementation of methods and pseudo-code .

  14. 介绍了标记算法中用到的单向Hash函数的概念,提出了关系数据库的标记算法,讨论了半结构数据库的标记算法并给出了伪代码。

    This paper introduces the note of one way hash function which is used in labeling algorithms , puts forword a labeling algorithm for relational database , discusses a labeling algorithm for semi structure database and bings forword its pseudo code .

  15. 并对Apriori算法的改进、FP-Growth算法的优缺点进行了全面综合的分析。其次,本文详细介绍动态数据关联规则算法核心思想,体系结构,算法挖掘的基本步骤以及算法的伪代码实现。

    It takes a comprehensive analysis on Apriori improving and the advantages and disadvantages of FP-Growth algorithm . Second , this paper describes the core ideological , architecture , basic steps and pseudo-code of association rule algorithm based on dynamic data .

  16. 首先介绍了联机分析处理(OLAP)中的CUBE运算符以及几种计算CUB的优化方法,然后分析了以减少10操作优化方法为主的MMST优化策略,并给出了形成MMST树的BIT算法以及伪代码。

    Firstly this paper introduces the CUBE operator Of On-Line Analytical Processing ( OLAP ) application and some optimization methods to compute it . Then we analyze I / O-based scheme MMST and bring out BIT algorithm to form the MMST tree .

  17. 记号包括了数据流图,结构图,HIPO图,5过程模板,伪代码,结构化流程图,结构化英语和判定表。

    The notations included data flow diagrams , structure charts , HIPO diagrams , 5 procedure templates , pseudo code , structured flowcharts , structured English , and decision tables .

  18. 下面是这个函数的伪代码和实际代码

    Here is the pseudo-code and the real code for the function

  19. 我们放大这行伪代码。

    So we just zoomed in on this line of codes .

  20. 在现有算法的基础上提出了经改进的合并算法,并给出了该算法的伪代码描述。

    And it proposes the modified algorithm and describes the pseudo-code .

  21. 有些程序员在他们开始编写程序之前会编写一些伪代码。

    Some programmers write pseudo-code before they begin writing their program .

  22. 基于卫星网的路由算法研究及其伪代码实现

    Research on the Satellite Network Routing Algorithm and its Pseudocode Implementation

  23. 那我现在在伪代码的哪一行呢?

    And what line of code am I on now ?

  24. 给出了算法的详细步骤,并详细介绍了算法的伪代码实现。

    Then it introduces the pseudocode implementation of the algorithm .

  25. 我们使用简化的伪代码来减少编程语言“簇”。

    We use a simplified pseudocode to reduce programming language " clutter " .

  26. 经过简化的生成器伪代码如下

    The simplified pseudo-code for the generator is as follows

  27. 本文详细介绍了具体的算法、伪代码及其算法架构,并且对算法的数据结构也作了详细的介绍。

    This paper introduces the concrete algorithm , pseudocode and the algorithm architecture .

  28. 在阐述该测试方法的实现原理的同时对关键部分进行了伪代码说明。

    Its principle and implementation are interpreted in detail .

  29. 第三个迭代则定义模块内部的伪代码。

    The third iteration might define the intra-module pseudo-code .

  30. 我们可以将上面的过程看作是一段伪代码。

    Consider the above procedure as pseudo code .