
xū nǐ xiàn shí jì shù
  • Virtual Reality Technology
  1. 基于虚拟现实技术的GIS集成分析

    Analysis about GIS Integration which based on virtual reality technology

  2. 可采用虚拟现实技术或基于ASP的Web数据库架构。

    They suggest to use virtual reality technology or ASP-based Web database infrastructure .

  3. 虚拟现实技术综述与基于Internet的虚拟培训系统设计

    A State-of-Art on the Virtual Reality and Design of a VR System Based on Internet

  4. 阐述了这些仿真环境与技术以及虚拟现实技术在基于Web的分布交互仿真中的应用。

    And Web-based DIS . These simulation environments and technologies are described , and virtual reality ( VR ) technology use for Web-based DIS is also described .

  5. 基于Internet的虚拟现实技术使网站的产品不局限于传统网络的平面表示,可以通过三维立体展现。

    The virtual reality technology based on Internet makes the Network product show itself through the three-dimensional display , instead of restricting to the traditional network graphic representation .

  6. 伴随着信息技术的深入发展,虚拟现实技术与GIS技术的结合使得虚拟环境的仿真得以实现。

    With the intensifying of the information technique , the combination of Virtual Reality and GIS technology make it possible to achieve virtual simulation .

  7. 采用VB为开发工具,结合虚拟现实技术,仿真出了整个动态装配过程。

    Using the tool of VB and virtual reality technique , the whole dynamic assemblage processes are simulated .

  8. VRML技术是一种集成了多媒体技术和虚拟现实技术的网络3D技术,利用它可以很方便在WEB上建立一个3D虚拟协同空间。

    VRML , a network-based 3D graphics integrating multimedia and virtual reality , is applied to build a 3D virtual cooperative space on Web .

  9. 然后,简要介绍了虚拟现实技术和工程级实时三维视景仿真软件Vega。

    Then Virtual Reality Technology and Vega are briefly introduced .

  10. 随着三维服装建模技术的长足进步和虚拟现实技术的迅速发展,三维服装CAD作为一种新兴的服装设计模式,已经开始得到广泛的应用。

    With the development of the 3D garment modeling and the virtual reality , 3D garment CAD as a new clothing design technique has been applied widely .

  11. 勒基表示,在某种程度上,虚拟现实技术需要进一步的发展,才能减少类似谷歌眼镜(GoogleGlass)遭遇的社会批评那样的风险。

    In part , more development is necessary to reduce the risk of a social backlash akin to that suffered by Google Glass , Mr Luckey says .

  12. 本论文应用虚拟现实技术研究基于OpenGL的虚拟现实开发平台设计。

    This thesis uses technical of virtual reality research the developing platform design of virtual reality based on OpenGL .

  13. 创建的场景具有较好的立体感,不仅拓宽了虚拟现实技术的应用领域,也提高了CFD的研究水平。

    The created three-dimensional scene not only broadened the application of virtual reality technology but also enhanced the level of CFD research .

  14. 在电建企业项目管理中热点信息技术是:虚拟现实技术、Intranet和数据仓库技术。

    The popular information technologies in project management of power construction enterprises are : virtual actual technique , Intranet and data base technique .

  15. 客户端软件利用OpenGL绘制机器人三维模型完成利用虚拟现实技术进行仿真的功能,并给出一个机械臂的空间路径规划算法。

    The client software implements simulating functions by drawing 3D robot model in OpenGL , and a path-planning algorithm also is brought forward .

  16. 传统的机械CAD系统存在缺乏柔性和自动化水平低的缺点,虚拟现实技术可以提供具有良好沉浸感、交互性和可视化效果的设计环境。

    Traditional mechanical CAD system has the disadvantages of inflexibility and low-level automation , and the technology of virtual reality can supply an ideal environment of good interaction and good immersive visualization .

  17. 虚拟现实技术支持下电机装配培训MCAI的设计与开发

    The Design and Development for MCAI of the Motors Assembly Training Supported by the Virtual Reality Technology

  18. 随着计算机技术、计算机图形学、计算机辅助工业设计、交互技术和虚拟现实技术(virtualReality,VR)的快速发展,传统的消费电子产品的设计流程与方法也将随之改变和更新。

    With the development of computer technology , computer graphics , computer-aided design and virtual reality , traditional design processes and methods of consumer electronics product will also be changed and innovatory .

  19. 在分析了基于Internet的虚拟现实技术的基础上,特别研究了实现网上互动展示环境设计的相关技术,最后给出了基于VR技术的产品展示设计模型,并给出了应用的实例。

    The virtual reality technology and related technology on Internet were discussed . The mechanism of virtual interactive design based on VR was given , and the operational mode was analyzed .

  20. 并相信虚拟现实技术和GIS技术以及互联网结合起来,将彻底改变公众参与城市规划的方式。

    Collision detection and scene navigation etc. Trust that it will absolutely change the way of the public getting in on the city planning after combining the virtual reality technology with the GIS technology and the Internet .

  21. 以三个I,即Immersion沉浸感,Interaction交互性,Imagination思维构想性,作为虚拟现实技术最本质的特点,并融合了其它先进技术,具有广泛的应用前景。

    Virtual reality technique with three " I " , that is Immersion , Interaction and Imagination as its most essential specialty , combined with other advanced techniques will be widely used in future .

  22. 同时将TM影像和SPOT影像融合后对西溪湿地进行分类的精度与TM影像的分类精度进行对比,最后将虚拟现实技术引入湿地动态变化研究中。

    Meanwhile , we contrasted precision between TM image and merged image ( SPOT and TM ) and finally explored the technique of virtual reality in the study of dynamic changes of wetland .

  23. 虚拟现实技术(virtualReality,简称VR)是近十几年发展起来的高新技术,被称为二十一世纪对人类有巨大影响的十大高新技术之一。

    Virtual reality is a new and advanced technology that has developed in the last ten years , which is considered as one of the ten new and advanced technologies that will greatly influence human in 21st century .

  24. 虚拟现实技术(VR)是近年来十分活跃的研究领域,而虚拟手术是虚拟现实技术在医学领域的重要应用。

    The research field of virtual reality has attracted a lot of interests in recent years , and virtual surgery is the most important application of it in medical field .

  25. 因此,如何利用GIS技术和虚拟现实技术,结合观光农业园的特点进行三维旅游景区的开发已成为虚拟旅游一个重要的研究方向。

    Therefore , how to use the technology of GIS and the virtual reality technology , Combined with the characteristics of sightseeing agricultural gardens to develop the three-dimensional development of the tourist attractions has become an important research direction of the virtual tour .

  26. 随着VR技术的不断发展和成熟,越来越多的与虚拟现实技术相关联的新的理论将会出现,VR技术在矿山中的应用也将越来越广泛。

    With the development of VR technology , more and more new theory associated with the Virtual Reality will emerge , and applying VR technology into mining engineering will also be more extensive .

  27. 虚拟现实技术若干关键问题的研究与VARE的实现

    The Research on Several Key Issues of VR Technology and the Implementation of VARE

  28. 介绍了运用高层体系结构(HLA)体系结构和虚拟现实技术对化工安全综合仿真平台的构建、系统实现的具体技术细节,以及HLA各联邦成员的设计方法。

    Describes the constitution of integrated platform of chemical simulation in security with HLA ( Run-time Infrastructure ) and VR ( Virtual Reality ) technology , details of realizing the system , and methods of designing the members of Federation .

  29. 探讨了VRML在篮球辅助教学中的应用问题,对虚拟现实技术辅助篮球教学的硬件结构和软件设计进行了描述,提出了把虚拟现实技术运用于篮球教学中的方案。

    Application VRML in the auxiliary teaching of basketball , hardware structure and software design in virtual reality technology in the auxiliary basketball teaching , the plans of applying virtual reality technology in the auxiliary teaching of basketball are proposed .

  30. 如果电视目标模拟使用虚拟现实技术,研究工作使用Matlab,就会使这两方面不能有机地衔接,使得研究工作变得复杂和烦琐,最后的仿真软件也会缺乏完整性。

    If virtual reality techniques are used to simulate TV targets and Matlab is used to carry out research work , the two aspects can not be connected as an organic whole and the research work will be trivial and complicate , and the final software will also lack integrity .