
  • 网络Network language;Internet language;cyber language;netspeak;net-speak;Internet slang
  1. 本文首先介绍什么是网络语言,并在社会语言学以及语域理论基础上指出网络语言是一种语言变体;

    First of all , in this thesis , netspeak is introduced from macro aspect , and the author defines netspeak as a language variety , based on sociolinguistic theories and Halliday 's Register Theory .

  2. 第二,对网络语言和网络流行语进行描述。

    Second , describe the Internet language and the network catchword .

  3. Internet上网站资源的评价时尚另类的网络语言

    The Web site Evaluation on the Internet

  4. 可编程主动网络语言(PLAN)采用集成思想来实现主动网络的特点。

    PLAN ( Programming Language for Active Network ) implement the characters of AN via idea of integration .

  5. XML作为下一代的网络语言,其应用更是大行其道。

    XML , which will act as the next generation WEB language , has gained more success .

  6. 从依存关系树库中提取出依存三元组到语义网络语言的转换规则,并使用XML标记语言实现了对大规则集的管理,包括规则的添加、删除、修改。

    The transformation rules from dependency relationship tree-bank is get and XML is used to managing the set of rules , including these operations : accession , deletion , modification .

  7. 介绍了使用VRML网络语言搭建虚拟殷墟博物苑的实现方法和应用技术。

    The realization methods and application techniques were introduced to build a virtual Yin Ruin 's museum with VRML language .

  8. 利用StreamingMedia技术来设计和实现校园网络语言学习环境,并进行了教学应用。

    This paper , by means of streaming media , has discussed the design and realization of network language learning environment on campus , which has already been applied in teaching .

  9. 地缘政治本体应用了本体网络语言(OWL)1.0语言,是W3C标准。

    The geopolitical ontology is implemented in Ontology Web Language ( OWL ) 1.0 language , which is a W3C standard .

  10. 伴随着互联网的出现以及新兴网络语言的繁荣发展,近年来网页上流行起诸如梨花体、淘宝体、凡客体等以XX体命名的文本。

    In recent years , with the advent of the Internet and the emerging of network language , pear style , Taobao style and VANCL style which named as " XX style " become popular .

  11. 数字网络语言实验室在英语教学中的应用与管理

    The Application of Digital Network Language Lab in Foreign Languages Teaching

  12. 以数字网络语言实验室为平台的人机英语口语考试

    The Computerized English Oral Test in Language Laboratories of Digital Network

  13. 第四章则研究了网络语言与经济之间的互动关系。

    Chapter four offers the interaction between economy and cyber language .

  14. 中德网络语言都展示了这些特征。

    Both the German and the Chinese Internet language have this character .

  15. 网络语言是网民之间用于交流的语言。

    Cyber language is the language for netizens to communicate .

  16. 网络语言也在人们的日常交流中广受欢迎。

    The Network language is also very popular in our daily communication .

  17. 网络语言:信息时代的言说方式

    Internet Language : The way of Communication In the Era of Information

  18. 网络语言:语言作为符号的变异

    Network Languages & A Change of Language as a Sign

  19. 网络语言的变革现象与规范问题的思考

    Thoughts on the Changes and Norms of the Network Language

  20. 第四章运用模因论发现了网络语言的社会性,同时详细分析了每一个社会特性。

    The third part analyzes each property of network language in details .

  21. 网络语言:新兴的网络社会方言

    Network language : new and developing network social dialect

  22. 探讨了网络语言产生的语境;

    The context which cyber language originates from is discussed in this thesis .

  23. 汉语语音识别中的加权概念转移网络语言模型

    Study of Language Model with Weighted Concept Transition Network in Mandarin Speech Recognition

  24. 网络语言伦理的原则与规范

    On the Moral Principles and Norms of Network Language

  25. 从会话分析的角度研究网络语言

    Study on Cyber-language from the Perspective of Conversation Analysis

  26. 文章结尾是作者对中国网络语言教学的思考和展望

    The authors also anticipate the prospects of Network Based Language Teaching in China

  27. 我国对待网络语言的态度及原因分析

    Attitudes of Chinese toward Internet Language and Cause Analysis

  28. 浅谈网络语言在词汇层面上的变异

    A Brief Discussion on the Variation of Network Language at the Vocabulary Level

  29. 虚拟现实三维立体网络语言的应用

    An Application of Tridimensional Network Language of Virtual Reality

  30. 因此将汉语网络语言恰当译成英语十分必要。

    Therefore , it is indispensable to translate Chinese net lingo into English .