
wǎnɡ luò lián jiē
  • network connection
  1. Web服务应用程序所需要只是网络连接和XML解析器。

    Web service applications need only a network connection and an XML parser .

  2. 而且任何的LED灯泡都可以是一个网络连接。

    And any LED bulb can be a network connection .

  3. 当我们所购买的几乎每一个新设备都在其底端有插头或者无线网络连接时,物联网的新应用正在快速发展就不足为奇了。

    It 's no wonder shat new applications for the Internet of Things are moving ahead fast when almost every new device we buy has a plug on the end of it or a wireless connection to the internet .

  4. 该网络连接灯具、电视机等设备并通过电子线路、手机通讯或Wifi远距离控制它们。

    This network connects devices , such as lights and TV sets , and allows them to be controlled from far away through electrical wiring , mobile phone communication or WiFi over the Internet .

  5. 而是通过自身的重复和占去某些值得的资源(如磁盘空间、CPU时间或网络连接等)来造成破坏。

    Instead , it may cause damage by replicating itself and taking up scarce resources , such as disk space , CPU time , or network connections .

  6. 从有网络连接的客厅到互联网支持的冰箱,从智能电视到可以随时更新微博的手表,科技已经进步到你朝任何一个方向扔出一枚飞镖都能击中一样与互联网连接着的“事物”。

    From the connected lounge room to internet-enabled fridges , from the smart TV to the watch that keeps your Tweets up-to-date , technology has evolved to such a point that you could throw a dart3 in almost any direction and hit an internet-connected " thing " .

  7. 这些节点通过配置建立一对一的网络连接,组成一个Diameter网络,实现Diameter节点的对等连接。

    All these nodes connect with peer to peer , combine a Diameter network .

  8. 我们继续在“你可能认识的人”(peopleyoumayknow)这个产品上获得进展,该产品使人们能更容易与自己的关系网络连接。

    We continue to make inroads to our " people you may know " product , which enables people to connect more easily with their networks .

  9. AutoCAD图形文件的网络连接及保护

    The Network Link and Protection of AutoCAD Graphics Files

  10. 利用UNIX进行网络连接

    Make use of the UNIX to proceed the network conjunction

  11. 在开发中使用了理光公司提供的底层API接口,完成网络连接、建立显示元素和控制多功能一体机等功能。

    Basic API provided by Ricoh is used to connect network , create display items and control multi-function printer .

  12. 如何管理地理位置分散,并且可能通过高延迟、低带宽网络连接的基本节点或NetworkDeployment单元?

    How do you manage base nodes or Network Deployment cells that are geographically diverse , and connected possibly through a high latency , low bandwidth network ?

  13. IBM和SGI大型处理计算机网络连接与数据共享

    Net-connection and data share between large-scale computers IBM and SGI

  14. 硬件产品的选择包括处理器、RAM、磁盘驱动器及网络连接硬件。

    The hardware includes processor , RAM , disk driver and the items linking to the Internet .

  15. 在服务器上的网络连接使用了内建IntelPRO/1000GbE控制器。

    The network connections on the server used the built-in Intel PRO / 1000 GbE controllers .

  16. 系统采用B/S模式,其构成含本地和远程数据采集、网络连接与服务器、及Web浏览器管理终端等。

    The B / S mode was adopted by system . The system includes local and remote data collections , network connection , server , Web browser management terminal and so on .

  17. Geolocation可以使用IP地址、基于Web的数据库、无线网络连接和三角测量或GPS技术来确定经度和纬度。

    Geolocation can determine latitude and longitude using IP addresses , web-based databases , wireless network connections , and triangulation or GPS technology .

  18. 它的前身是AFS文件系统,它适合在网络连接没有保障的环境中使用。

    Coda is suitable for the environment in which the network connection is not stable .

  19. VPN非常流行的一个用途是为远程工作人员提供与公司网络连接的方法。

    One very popular use of Virtual Private Networks ( VPNs ) is to provide telecommuter access to the corporate Intranet .

  20. 将控制节点网络连接放在WAP与调制解调器之间将允许通过网络中的任意一台计算机监视与Internet的所有连接。

    Placing the control node network connection between the WAP and the modem allows monitoring of all connections to the Internet from any machine on network .

  21. 我最喜欢表演的戏法是只用一张Tom的RootBoot盘和网络连接完成裸机系统的重建。

    One of my favorite show-off tricks is to do a complete bare-metal system rebuild , using only a Tom 's Root Boot disk and an Internet connection .

  22. 可信网络连接(TNC)架构的应用研究

    Application of Trusted Network Connect ( TNC ) Architecture

  23. 因此,PowerHA强烈建议节点通过至少一个非IP网络连接到至少一个其他节点。

    PowerHA therefore strongly recommends that there be at least one non-IP network connecting a node to at least one other node .

  24. 数据服务中心则是以MFC技术为基础,建立TCP网络连接的数据服务中心,实现客户端的登录和数据接收和发送。

    Data service center is MFC technology , based TCP network connection data service center , achieve client login and sending and receiving data .

  25. Netscape的网络连接已被服务器%.200s拒绝。

    Netscape 's network connection was refused by the server % . 200s .

  26. 它是一种标准的办公式笔记本电脑,提供了一个有趣的特性:基于Linux的瘦客户机被直接构建在硬件中,共享键盘、屏幕和网络连接。

    It is a standard office laptop with an interesting twist : a thin Linux-based client built directly into the hardware that shares the keyboard , screen , and network connection .

  27. 详细地论述了了主控设备、HMI设备、网络连接设备的选型原则和设计流程。

    Introduced the principles and processes of the selection of main control equipment , HMI equipment and network equipment .

  28. 此外,本文还选用通过商用网络连接起来的PC机,以及并行虚拟机PVM和分布式操作系统LINUX,共同构成了一个机群系统作为并行计算平台。

    Moreover , this paper constructs a parallel compute platform to apply the new algorithm by using PC group and PVM virtual system and LINUX OS .

  29. 采用光纤以太网实现系统所有节点的网络连接,并完善后台监控系统并实现与管理信息系统(MIS系统)接口。

    Uses optical fiber ethernet realization system all pitch points the network connection , and consummation backstage supervisory system and realization and management information system ( MIS system ) connection .

  30. 分布式数据采集与控制系统将高性能的UNIX工作站与现场采集站通过标准计算机网络连接起来,极大地提高了仪器系统的整体性能和扩展性。

    DDACS combines the UNIX workstation with the field data acquisition unit together by standard network , hence greatly improve the system performance and expandability of the instrument .