- 网络Supercomputing;SuperComputer;super computing

The trend to use PC clusters to achieve supercomputing speed with an affordable budget has accelerated with the rising use of GNU / Linux .
Cloud Computing , a data-centric and data-intensive supercomputing , has its own unique technology on data storage , data management , programming model , concurrency control , and system management .
Cloud computing is a super-computing model based on Internet network .
Like the poker pro-beating Libratus AI program before it , Lengpudashi was run on a supercomputer at Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center .
This paper introduces the basic concepts of the workstations cluster for distributed supercomputing . Some research issues , Such as active message communication , global UNIX , and MPI , are discussed in detail .
For the fact that there are a lot of underutilized hosts on the Internet , proposes a resource broker-based grid model by referring to the popular Peer-to-Peer idea , which can provide super computing capability to the ordinary users .
A key part of the announcement was that Yahoo would make available a Hadoop enabled super computing data center named M45 .
An active area of research in supercomputing is concerned with mapping certain sums , such as dis-crete Fourier transforms ( DFT ) and discrete cosine transforms ( DCT ) to multi-processor arrays .
Clustering represents the lower end of supercomputing , a more build-it-yourself approach .
Supercomputing power enables PARAMICS to study large-scale traffic patterns at high speeds .
SGI is also involved with supercomputing , storage and visualisation equipment , and allows all design and engineering personnel to share access to the development database 24 hours a day , seven days a week .
After years of neglect , the United States does appear to be taking the competitive threat seriously , said John Neuffer , president of the S.I.A. " It 's an opportunity for us to double down on supercomputing and get ourselves back on track , " he said .
Design and Implementation of Network and Data Transmission in Supercomputer Center
The grid node of supercomputing is a main component .
But first , some background on the supercomputing cluster .
DISC is responsible for storage , maintenance and handling of data .
This paper has designed and implemented a network system in supercomputer center .
Studies of Network Bandwidth Management in Supercomputer Center
National Center for Supercomputing Applications
Workstations cluster for distributed supercomputing
This is not unlike how I had to consume supercomputing services back when I was in college .
Parallel and distributed processing for computer graphics have be-come the foundation of scientific visualization in the supercomputing enviroment .
More and more super computing areas are using grid technology to implement distributed computing environments cooperated with multiple sites .
Once completed , the NSCC in Changsha will add to the world 's eight quadrillion-level supercomputing centers and national labs .
This works can help the climatic researchers to develop applications on the grid platforms , which present a framework of next generation supercomputing .
Major breakthroughs were made in a number of key technologies , such as the building of supercomputers and smart robots and the cultivation of super-hybrid rice .
The fastest machine , the Sunway TaihuLight System , was installed this year at the National Supercomputing Center in Wuxi , in China 's Jiangsu province .
Due to the flexibility of connecting a number of computer nodes with LAN / SAN , cluster computing has become one of the most essential methods to implement supercomputing .
The giant machine , now housed in Changsha , will be installed in the National Supercomputing Center in north China 's port city Tianjin at the end of this year .
Grid has a lot of useful features which have broad applications in the field of education : sharable , dynamic , heterogeneous , superior computing performance , and outstanding service support .