
  • 网络ultrasonography;USG;ultrasound;ultrasound scan
  1. 每天1次从发情开始至发情结束后48h,用超声波检查卵泡发育和排卵情况。

    Follicular development and ovulation rate were monitored by transrectal ultrasonography at 24h intervals from the onset of estrus until 48h after the last signs of estrus .

  2. 应用超声波检查测量老年病人的肾脏大小

    The kidney size in senile patients measured by ultrasonography

  3. 我进行了超声波检查,看看妊娠情况如何。

    I had an ultrasound scan to see how the pregnancy was progressing .

  4. 大多数处于妊娠期的妇女将被建议接受超声波检查,不过这不是强制性的。

    Most women will be offered an ultrasound scan during pregnancy , although it 's not obligatory

  5. 全部患者作胸部CT增强扫描和肢体超声波检查。

    Thoracic enhanced CT scanning and Doppler sonography of the extremities were performed in all cases .

  6. Doppler超声波检查提示颈动脉狭窄,并经血管造影证实。

    The stenosis was initially revealed by Doppler US and confirmed by angiography .

  7. 还是医生需要远程用Butterfly进行超声波检查。

    or a doctor in a remote area using Butterfly to conduct an ultrasound .

  8. 方法:对112例慢性HBsAg携带者进行肝活检,了解肝脏组织学改变,同时进行B型超声波检查及血清HA、LN、Ⅳ、PⅢ水平检测。

    Methods : 112 patients with chronic HBsAg carrier were undertaken liver biopsy and examined by ultrasonic B , HA .. LN .

  9. 基于超声提供的正常解剖形态学信息所建立起来的正常乳腺TTM数学模型使TTM和超声波检查结果更具有可比性。

    The TTM mathematical model of normal breast based on normal anatomy morphology supplied by Ultrasound confirmed that TTM and the results from Ultrasound have more comparability .

  10. 超声波检查羊水指数AFI≤5cm,超声波检查结果与临床有异时以临床为准。

    Amniotic fluid index ( AFI ) ≤ 5cm . If the result is different by ultrasonic and clinical observation , the result is according to the clinical observation .

  11. 封堵器直径为4~18(6.24±2.48)mm,封堵后15min重复左心室造影和经胸心脏超声波检查,观察封堵的即刻效果。

    The device diameter selected was from 4 to 18 mm , mean ( 6.24 ± 2.48 ) mm . Left ventriculography and transthoracic echocardiography were repeated to assess the effect of closure 15 min after the procedure .

  12. 腹式超声波检查:子宫、附件。

    Belly type ultrasonic wave is checked : Uterus , enclosure .

  13. 每个参与者隔三年都要做一次颈动脉超声波检查。

    Each participant underwent two carotid artery ultrasounds three years apart .

  14. A型超声波检查诊断上颌窦病变

    Use of A-mode Ultrasound in the Diagnosis of Maxillary Sinus Diseases

  15. 但是超声波检查,表明焊缝还有裂纹。

    However , ultrasonic checks showed cracks in the seams .

  16. 另各有1例超声波检查假阳性和假阴性。

    Another two showed false positive and false negative on ultrasound respectively .

  17. 366例脑肿瘤脑电图和超声波检查的比较研究

    A Contrasting Study Between Electroencephalogram and Echo-Encephalogram for Cerebral Tumors in 366 Cases

  18. 超声波检查对肝脏纤维化分期的诊断价值

    Diagnostic value of ultrasonic examination in patients with different stages of liver fibrosis

  19. 查体和超声波检查都没有显示出需要担心的迹象。

    Nothing in the examination or ultrasound was concerning .

  20. 如果采用微刺激方案,患者去看医生进行血检或超声波检查的次数会减少。

    The minimal approach requires fewer doctor visits for blood work and ultrasound monitoring .

  21. 除非这个人接受了超声波检查。

    Unless that person receives a screening ultrasound .

  22. 做个胸部透视,然后进行超声波检查。

    Take an X – ray of your chest , then have an ultrasound examination .

  23. 熊猫的胎儿非常小以至于他们在超声波检查时发现不了。

    Panda embryos are so tiny they do not show up on early ultrasound scans .

  24. 物理查体、X线和超声波检查测量乳腺肿瘤大小的差异

    The divergence among physical palpation , mammography and ultrasonography in measuring the size of breast tumor

  25. 首先应用超声波检查确定结节为囊性还是实性,如果结节属囊性,任何其它检查都是不必要的。

    First , the nodule should be determined by ultrasound whether it is solid or cystic .

  26. 对于儿童颈部淋巴结的早期评估来说,超声波检查是一种理想的影像诊断方法。

    Ultrasound is an ideal imaging tool for initial assessment of cervical lymph nodes in children .

  27. 她也做了超声波检查。

    She also had an ultrasound .

  28. 1967例华支睾吸虫病患者超声波检查肝胆的临床分析

    Clinical Analysis on 1967 Cases of Clonorchiasis Patients after Using Ultrasound to Scan Liver and Gallbladder

  29. 胎儿听到的最响的声音可能是做超声波检查时的声音。

    The loudest sound of a fetus will ever hear may come during an ultrasound scan .

  30. 不管怎样,她们希望我明天可以和她们一起去做超声波检查。

    Ross : Anyway , they want me to go down to this-sonogram thing with them tomorrow .