
  • 网络Parallel architecture
  1. 同时,并行体系结构的多样性也造成了并行程序设计模型和软件系统的多样性,限制了并行应用程序的通用性和灵活性。

    While on the other hand , the diversity of parallel architectures leads to the diversity of parallel programming models and software systems , thus limits the genericity and flexibility of parallel programs .

  2. 提出了循环分块在MPI系统中的块分配方案&列组分配方案,并给出了在不同并行体系结构下依据列组分配方案计算块分配大小的算法。

    Column group allocation project , as a kind of blocks allocation projects in MPI system with loop blocking , is provided in this paper , and also the algorithm to caculate the allocated block size in different parallel architecture .

  3. BSP模型独立于并行体系结构,既可作为并行计算模型,又可作为并行程序设计模型。

    BSP model is independent of parallel architecture . It is a parallel computing model , as well as a parallel program design model .

  4. 在综合分析HPSS、MARS、SAN、DPSS等高性能存储系统体系结构的基础上,提出了一种地形服务器系统的分布式并行体系结构,以此为基础详细阐述了系统各组成部分的结构和功能。

    A new distributed-parallel architecture of TSS is proposed based on analysis of the architecture of high performance storage system such as HPSS , MARS , SAN and DPSS . The architecture and functions of each component of TSS are introduced in detail .

  5. 一种面向数据挖掘的并行体系结构研究

    Research on a Parallel Architecture for Data Mining

  6. 细粒度显式并行体系结构微处理器设计

    Microprocessor Design for Fine Granularity Explicit Parallel Architecture

  7. 面向视觉处理的并行体系结构

    Parallel architecture for vision processing

  8. 高可用集群是高性能处理器、磁盘阵列通过高速网络连接起来的能够提高系统服务可用性的并行体系结构。

    The cluster system is a parallel system that made up of the high-performance processors and connected by high-speed network .

  9. 由于二维网孔计算机的结构比较简单,而且比较规范,使得它成为解决计算机图像处理问题首选的并行体系结构。

    Because of its simplicity and regularity , the 2-dimension MCC is a preferred parallel architecture for solving the computer image processing problem .

  10. 在分析海量存储系统及分布式并行体系结构的基础上,设计了一种支持海量空间流媒体管理与服务的空间流媒体服务器的分布式并行体系结构。

    Architecture of the streaming spatial data server system is proposed based on the analysis of massive storage system and distributed parallel architecture .

  11. 随着新兴并行体系结构的普及,主流应用程序由单线程向多线程转变的趋势越来越明显。

    Along with the advent and popularity of new parallel architecture , it is more and more obvious that the form of mainstream applications shift from single-thread to multi-threads .

  12. 通用并行体系结构下共享I/O的研究成果不能普遍适用,并且没有考虑星载计算机系统中的任务对于实时性的要求。

    The ordinary research of parallel computer architecture share I / O system cannot be used here , and these theories did not consider the real time requirement of real time tasks .

  13. 在嵌入式并行体系结构上,对数字图像处理进行并行优化设计,不仅能提高图像处理的速度,而且还能降低成本,满足实时的需求,提高性能价格比。

    Digital image parallel process optimization not only accelerate the image process , but also can bring down the cost of process , satisfy real time requirement and raise cost performance on the embedded parallel system .

  14. 基于交换网络的并行PC体系结构性能评价

    Performance evaluation of parallel PC architecture based on switching network centric

  15. 一种带神经网络的并行VLSI体系结构的算法

    Algorithm and Implementation of Parallel VLSI Architectures Using Neural Networks

  16. VLSI技术与并行计算机体系结构趋势

    Trend of Parallel Computer Architecture under the Influence of VLSI

  17. 基三分层互连网络(THIN)是一种具有高可扩展性、高层次性和低网络复杂度的并行处理体系结构。

    Triplet-based hierarchical interconnection network ( THIN ) is a type of parallel processing architecture , which has high expansibility , good hierarchy characteristic and low network complexity .

  18. 本文的贡献和创新点如下:(1)综合已有并行检测体系结构的特点,提出了一种统一的并行检测体系结构UPDA(UniformedParallelDetectionArchitecture)。

    The main work and contributions of the thesis are summarized as follows : 1 . Integrating the characters of existed parallel detection architecture , an uniformed parallel detection architecture ( UPDA ) is proposed .

  19. 本文采用面向对象的系统设计方法对PC体系结构进行分析,针对传统PC的总线结构形成系统通信瓶颈的缺陷,提出了以交换网络为中心的并行PC体系结构设计思想。

    Adopting the Object oriented method , this paper analyzes the architecture of PC. According to the traditional PC 's defect that the bus forms the bottleneck of system communication , we propose the design of Parallel PC architecture for switching network centric .

  20. 并行计算机体系结构包括单指令流多数据流(SIMD)和多指令流多数据流(MIMD)两种结构。

    Parallel computer architecture consists of two classifications : simple instruction stream-multiple data stream ( SIMD ) and multiple instruction stream-multiple data stream ( MIMD ) .

  21. BJ-01并行计算机体系结构和硬件设计

    Architecture and hardware design of BJ-01 parallel computer

  22. 传统上,按照多条流水线的组织方式,并行绘制体系结构分为sort-first、sort-middle、sort-last三类。

    Traditionally parallel rendering systems are classified as sort-first , sort-middle and sort-last based on the way multiple rendering pipelines are organized .

  23. 本文提出一种基于输入缓存交叉开关的并行交换体系结构PSIQC,给出信元调度算法RRDS。

    This dissertation presents the PSIQC parallel switch architecture comprised of input-queued crossbar switches , and its cell scheduling algorithm , RRDS .

  24. 线速路由器分组并行处理体系结构与性能分析

    Parallel packet process architecture of line rate router and performance analysis

  25. 采用并行路由器体系结构可有效提高路由器的性能。

    Deploying the parallel router architecture can efficiently improve the router performance .

  26. 串并行混合体系结构探讨


  27. 本文提出了基于动态绘制组的混合式自适应并行绘制体系结构。

    This dissertation proposes a hybrid adaptive architure based on dynamic rendering team .

  28. 分析了星载并行计算机体系结构可靠性设计的特点。

    We summarize the characteristics of high reliable satellite-carried parallel computer architecture design .

  29. 一种基于自由空间光互连的微粒度并行计算机体系结构模型

    A Fine Grain Parallel Computer Architecture Model Based on Free Space Optical Interconnection

  30. 这使得针对地域性较强的电力系统形成分布式并行计算体系结构成为可能。

    It makes it possible to form a distributed parallel computing architecture for the inherently distributed power system .