
  • 网络coordination;coordinating relation
  1. 通过对LTP中依存句法分析的功能进行详细分析,发现其中的并列关系识别效果较差。

    It founds that the recognition effect of coordination relations is poor after the detail analysis about the LTP .

  2. 本文对并列关系中的标注情况进行了分类总结,根据连词用法识别出句子中的并列结构短语,根据识别结果对依存句法分析的结果进行处理,从而提高汉语依存句法分析中并列关系的识别效果。

    This paper sums up the labels of coordination relations , and then recognizes the parallel structure phrases of the sentence with the conjunction usages . Finally , the recognition results of the dependency parser can be processed with the parallel structure phrases to improve Chinese dependency parsing .

  3. 题外连接成分连接的语篇单位A与B的语义关系有两种:1、B是对A里某个词的解释;2、A与B是并列关系。

    Digressive connected components discourse unit A and B semantic relations , there are two : 1 . B is the interpretation of a word in A ; 2 .

  4. 尤其在B式中还存在的并列关系、同位关系和主谓关系,不仅也要对其进行分析描写,还要从此基础上进行歧义现象的描写以及排歧处理。

    Especially type B which contains the parallel relations , the parity relations and the predicate relations , not only analyzes and describes , but also on the basis , describe the phenomenon of the ambiguity , and handle the disambiguation .

  5. 然而经济发展带来的环境恶化破坏了migratoryshorebirdsandseabirds的生存环境,在东亚-澳洲的主要迁徙路线上,这些鸟类数量锐减。这句话没有并列关系。

    Yet the physical changes that go with affluence destroy the habitats of migratory shorebirds and seabirds , wreaking havoc on their numbers along the crucial East Asian-Australasian flyway .

  6. 午饭后黄阿姨进来了,她看起来很着急。(表示并列关系)

    After lunch Aunt Huang came in and she looked worried .

  7. 斡旋受贿与普通受贿是并列关系,利用职务上的便利与利用本人职权或者地位形成的便利条件是不同的两个概念。

    Mediate bribery and ordinary bribery are two apposite concepts .

  8. 有些独立主格结构可以满足这两个条件,因此可以体现并列关系。

    Some absolute clauses fulfilling the two requirements can realize paratactic relationships .

  9. 交错关系的多项状语由于本身既有并列关系又有递加关系,所以相对比较复杂。

    The cross relation of multi-adverbial is complicated with accumulation and coordinative relationship .

  10. 这样一种空间上的并列关系也突出了他们这一代与父辈那一代在兴趣上发生的转变。

    The juxtaposition highlighted the shift from the interests of his father 's generation .

  11. 这类事理关系主要包括连贯关系和并列关系。

    Such kinds of subjective relation can be divided into coherence relation and coordinative relation .

  12. 这是一个并列关系的复句。

    This is a compound-complex sentence .

  13. 这种句型是用来表示并列关系。

    The " you * you * " structure is used to express a parallel relationship .

  14. 史前诸文化不但有时间先后的顺序,还存在包含及并列关系。

    The prehistoric various cultures not only chronological order , there is also included and paral-lel relationship .

  15. 制度和行为显然不是并列关系,而是交叉关系。

    The system and behavior are obviously not in a coordinate relationship but in a cross relationship .

  16. 应该看到,两个毫不动摇不是简单的并列关系。

    We should see that " the two never hesitations " are not of simple coordinate relation .

  17. 通过与复古派和折衷派的比较,认识到:陈序经的共同文化为特殊文化的基础,二者之间不存在并列关系;

    A knowledge can be obtained through genre comparison that the common culture is the base for the special culture and they are not coordinate .

  18. 它在语义上与另一分句是并列关系,起着类似评注状语的作用,是一种独立的语法形式。

    In semantics it and another clause are coordinate and plays the part similar to comment adverbial and is a kind of independent grammatical form .

  19. 独立使用的小句倾向于并列关系,既然独立主格结构可以独立使用,那么它也有体现并列关系的意义潜势。

    Independently used clauses tend to be paratactic , and since absolute clauses can be used independently , they also have the potential to realize paratactic relationships .

  20. 侵权责任法调整的是侵害民事权利而产生的责任关系,“权利”和“利益”不是并列关系。

    The object of tort law is the liability relationship of the infringement of civil rights . " Right " and " interest " are not paralleled .

  21. 模板采用基于树视图的表达结构,可清晰地表达数据之间的层次关系、并列关系以及数据的组合状态。

    The template was based on tree view expression structure and could distinctly express the hierarchical relation , paratactic relation among data and the combined state of the data .

  22. 我们发现日中两国由于语言体系的不同,&对应的复合动词很少,仅少量存在于并列关系和修饰与被修饰关系复合动词当中。

    We found that because the language system is different , one-to-one compound verbs , only a few exists in parallel relationship and modified and be modified relationship of compound verbs .

  23. 形成并列关系的条件有两个:主要句和次要句不能易位;次要句可以单独使用。

    There are two factors determining the formation of paratactic relationships : the primary clauses and the secondary clauses can not be transposed ; the secondary clauses can be used independently .

  24. 四家所谓显学与孔子学说不是并列关系,而是侧重强调了孔子学说中的某个或某些部分;

    The relationship between the four famous schools of thought and Confucian doctrines is not parallel , certain parts of Confucian doctrines were elaborated by the four famous schools of thought respectively .

  25. 本文在总的结构安排和逻辑关系上,采取的是总分关系和并列关系,总论在前,分论在后。

    In this paper , the overall structure and logical relations arrangements , to take the score and the parallel relationship between , General in the former , points on the back .

  26. 通过研究,前后项要素的意义关系可以分为①并列关系②修饰和被修饰关系③被修饰与修饰关系④转义关系。

    Through the study , the significance of a relationship before elements can be divided into ① parallel relationship ② modified and be modified relationship ③ be modified and modified relationship ④ escapes relationship .

  27. 但其中中国语的并列关系和修饰与被修饰关系的复合动词能在日语里能够找到与其&对应的サ变动词,也许是因为日本早期吸收中国汉字文化造成的结果吧。

    But the modify the parallel relationship with the modified and be modified relationship of Chinese can find corresponding サ verb in the Japanese , perhaps because Japan absorb Chinese characters culture in the early .

  28. 第3.4节的多层次并列关系问题虽然小,但容易被人忽视,是一个翻译界尚未全面探讨过的问题;

    In section 3.4 , although the translation of multi-level coordinate structure of Chinese is a small one , this issue is easily neglected by some translation practitioners and is not extensively studied in translation circles ;

  29. 其中,第二至五章为理论分析部分,第二章为法理分析,第三、四章为并列关系的范畴分析,第五章为前几章的递进总结。

    Among them , the theoretical analysis of the second part of chapter five , the second chapter of the legal analysis , Chapters 3 and 4 for the parallel relationship between the scope of analysis , the fifth chapter summarizes the previous chapters of the progressive .

  30. 在旅游系统中,旅游资源与旅游业之间不是平行并列关系,而是包容从属关系,旅游资源是旅游业的核心构成,并且是旅游业的四大支柱之一;

    In tourism system , the relations between tourism resources and tourism industry are not paralled and juxtaposed , it is containing and subordinate . The key constitution of tourism industry is tourism resources , and it is also one of the four major supporters of tourism industry ;