
bìng jí
  • union;join;sum aggregate
并集[bìng jí]
  1. 并且应用它证明了在一定的条件下,粗嵌入到(?)P空间的性质可以在做并集的情况下保持。

    And we proved under some conditions , this property can be preserved under taking the union of metric space .

  2. 并集(union)的并发状态

    Concurrency state of the union

  3. Flex支持各种形状的并集或交集。

    Flex supports the union or intersection of shapes as well .

  4. 求解TSP问题的并集搜索的新宏启发算法

    Union Search : A New Meta-Heuristic Algorithm to the Traveling Salesman Problem

  5. 如果F的任何一个元素都不含于其它元素的并集的凸包中,则称F处于凸位置。

    F is said to be in convex position if none of its members is contained in the convex hull of the union of the others .

  6. 本文将证明:BCI-代数X的诣零根N(X)正好是它的所有幂零分支的并集,进而得到:X为诣零代数■X的广义结合部分G(X)为诣零代数;

    In this paper , we shall prove that the Nil-radical N ( X ) in a BCI & algebra X is the union of all nilpotent branches in X ;

  7. 运用条件概率和并集事件的概率展开公式建立了k/n(G)表决系统可靠性分析的通用模型,并给出了具体的计算步骤。

    Using the expansion formula of conditional probability and combined event probability , a general model of safety analysis for k / n ( G ) voting system is established and specific operating steps are suggested .

  8. 在关联特征选择的研究中,我们总结了文档类别区分能力和文档覆盖率这两个特征选择原则,提出了k项频集的并集的选择方法。

    During the research of text associative feature selection , we summarized two principles of feature selection such as ability of document type identification and document coverage rate , and presented the selection method of combination set of k-frequent sets .

  9. XPath和jQuery都允许您组合多个选择器来检索每个匹配任意查询的节点(就是说,将得到结果的并集)。

    Both XPath and jQuery let you combine more than one selector to retrieve every node that matches any of the queries ( that is , you 'll get the union of the results ) .

  10. 论述了可积最高权模的Schubert子模的结构性质,证明了可积最高权模可以表示成有全序关系的Schubert子模的并集。

    The construction properties of the Schubert submodule are studied . It is proved that the integrable highest weight module can be represented as an union of Schubert submodules which are total ordered .

  11. 给出球域Bezier曲线的升阶公式,并证明在不断升阶的过程中球域控制顶点的并集收敛到原球域Bezier曲线。

    The degree elevation formula for ball Bezier curve is given , and it is proved that the ( union ) of ball control point converges to the original ball Bezier curve as the degree is elevated incessantly .

  12. 针对SIFT算法所提取特征包含大量的冗余信息的问题,从特征点的类内类间关系出发,将SIFT特征点重组为并集类、交集类和排他集类。

    SIFT algorithm for the feature extraction of redundant information contained a lot of problems . Start from the intra class and inter class relationship , the SIFT feature points are reorganized as union , intersection and exclusion set class .

  13. 把Bézier曲线、曲面的升阶公式推广到区间Bézier曲线、曲面,证明了在不断升阶的过程中,区间控制顶点的并集收敛到原区间Bézier曲线、曲面。

    The degree elevation formulae for B é zier curves and surfaces are generalized to interval B é zier curves and surfaces . It is proved that the union of interval control points converges to the original interval B é zier curves as the degree is elevated incessantly .

  14. 同时,对于多通道图像,本文先利用基于Mumford-Shah模型的向量图像分割方法,对人造的两个通道的图像,成功的得到了两个图像的差集和并集图像。

    For the multichannel image , we use the vector-valued image segmentation model based on Mumford-Shah model to deal with the artifical two-channel image , and get the reunion and set difference image of the two channels .

  15. 作为子空间的并集,与原空间有什么关系呢?

    What is the relation between union of sub space and primary space ?

  16. 基于多交易项目子集的并集的关联规则更新采掘

    Updating and Mining Association Rules Based on the Union of Transaction item Subsets

  17. 请仔细观察这种并集类型的结构与下面的一个结构是多么的不同。

    Note how completely different this union type construct is from the following .

  18. 关于子空间的并集及其性质的讨论

    Discussion on Properties of Sum Aggregate of Subspace

  19. 计算两凸多边形的并集多边形及其面积的计算机算法与实现

    Algorithm and Implementation for Computing the Union of Two Convex Polygons and Its Area

  20. 线性子空间的并集完全不覆盖的基

    Completely uncovered basis in linear subspace set

  21. 证明了同余关系的并集与交集也是同余关系;

    This paper prove that union and intersection of the congruence relation is congruence relation .

  22. 并集对称合并和序偶非对称合并&句法演算的一个简约的新设想

    Set Symmetric Merge and Paired Asymmetric Merge : A New Proposal for an MP Syntactic Derivation

  23. 新飞跃来源于中国,并集中国经典功夫和当代时尚元素于一体。

    It came from China , with combination of classical , Kung Fu and fashion elements .

  24. 获取或设置一个值,该值是所有当前剪辑状态标志的按位并集。

    Gets or sets a value that is the bitwise union of all current clip status flags .

  25. 边不相接回路的并集

    Edge disjoint circuit union

  26. 边不相接割集的并集

    Edge disjoint cut-set union

  27. 是一家私营研制卫生洁具并集设计、生产、营销于一体的专业企业。

    We are a private enterprise who professionally develop , design , produce and sell the sanitary wares .

  28. 讨论布尔运算的并集、交集、差集运算原理在电脑美术设计中的应用。

    The theories of Boolean operations union , intersection and subtraction operation inthe com puter arts design are discussed .

  29. 一个聚合条目的类别集是它所有组件的类别的并集。

    The set of Categories for an aggregate Entry is the union of the Categories on all its components .

  30. 讨论了圆域并集上施瓦茨交替法的收敛速度,计算得到了收敛因子的具体表达式。

    The convergence factors for the Schwarz Alternating Procedure ( SAP ) on the union of two disks are discussed .