
  • 网络coordinating conjunction;coordinate conjunction;Coordinator
  1. 除句子连接词yet和so之外的并列连词

    Coordinating conjunctions , except the sentence connectors yet and so

  2. 其中并列连词运用灵活并且容易混淆。

    The coordinating conjunction of use is also flexible and easy to confuse .

  3. 关联并列连词的缺省偏误主要是在搭配使用时遗漏其中一个。

    Associated coordinate conjunction default bias is mainly found in using with omission of one of them .

  4. 英语中并列连词和从属连词具有不可或缺性,而在相同情况下,汉语则往往不用连词;

    Coordinators and subordinators are indispensable in English sentence construction while they can often be omitted in Chinese .

  5. 在句间层面,主要表现在并列连词和从属连词的使用。英语中并列连词和从属连词具有不可或缺性,而在相同情况下,汉语则往往不用连词;

    Hypotaxis at the inter-sentential level mainly concerns the use of coordinators and subordinators . Coordinators and subordinators are indispensable in English sentence construction while they can often be omitted in Chinese .

  6. 对于连词的界定,本文主要是着手解决并列连词与伴随介词、因果连词与表原因的介词、连词与关联副词的纠葛问题。

    As for the definition of conjunctions , we mainly solute to distinguish the words between compounding conjunctions and accompany prepositions , cause conjunctions and cause prepositions , conjunctions and related adverbs .

  7. 在不同的语境当中,but可以用作并列连词和从属连词。用作并列连词时,可以表达不同的意义;

    In different contexts , " but " can serve as a coordinating conjunction , which can express various meanings , and as a subordinating conjunction , which can introduce different kinds of subordinate clauses .

  8. 这将是这类小说中写得最好的。昨晚被邀请参加你的晚会的那些所谓的客人是谁呀?这是一个的结构,其中or译为属并列连词,表示转折关系。

    This will be the best novel of its kind ever written ( = that has ever been written ) . Who were the so-called guests invited ( = who had been invited ) to your party last night ?

  9. 导致英语伴随介词没有演变成并列连词的主要因素是语义滞留原则,导致汉语伴随介词最终不能发展成句级并列连词的原因是句法位置的制约。

    The main factor preventing the English comitative preposition from evolving into a coordinating conjunction is persistence and it is the syntactic position that ultimately prevents the Chinese comitative preposition from developing into a coordinating conjunction in the sentence degree .