
chuān tánɡ fēnɡ
  • draught
穿堂风 [chuān táng fēng]
  • [draught] 过堂风

  1. 这房间冬天有穿堂风。

    The room has a draught in the winter .

  2. 把门关上吧&这儿穿堂风太大!

    Shut the door there 's a howling draught in here !

  3. 你关上门好吗?这里有穿堂风。

    Can you shut the door ? There 's a draft in here .

  4. 挡住门窗处的穿堂风。

    Block draughts around doors and windows

  5. 穿堂风有助于空气流通。

    Draughts help to circulate air

  6. 我们坐在门边有穿堂风经过的地方。

    We were sitting in a draughty position near the door .

  7. 你能关上窗户吗?穿堂风很冷。

    Can you close the window ? There 's a terrible draft .

  8. 保证室内空气流通状况良好,但是不要有穿堂风。

    Make sure your bedroom is well-ventilated but not drafty .

  9. 没有门之后,穿堂风可真大啊。

    It 's going to be very draughty with no doors on .

  10. 一阵刺骨的穿堂风吹得我全身发抖。

    I was trembling in a piercing draught .

  11. 这儿有一股穿堂风。

    There 's a draught in here .

  12. 一幢潮湿、穿堂风大的联立式房屋。

    A damp and draughty terraced house .

  13. 但刮着穿堂风的走廊却变得寒冷刺骨,教室的窗户玻璃也被凛冽的寒风吹得咔哒作响。

    the drafty corridors had become icy and a bitter wind rattled the windows in the classrooms .

  14. 在厂房里端部设置通风竖井,使地下厂房洞室系统形成穿堂风。

    The ventilation shaft is provided at the end inside the powerhouse to enable a cross ventilation through the underground powerhouse cavern system .

  15. 通过对穿堂风效应、烟囱效应、地域气候效应、微气候效应等自然现象在现代建筑中的使用分析,论述自然现象的运用对现代建筑可持续发展的重要作用。

    By analyzing the use of draught , chimney effect , area climate effect and micro climate effect , this section states the importance of natural phenomenon to the sustainable development of modern architectures .

  16. 在研究降温除湿通风时,分析研究了穿堂风和热压整体通风的设计原则和方法,并以实例予以介绍具体操作步骤。

    To the study of the cooling and dehumidification ventilation design , the principle and methods of the design draft and overall thermal ventilation are studied , and an example is introduced express the specific steps of design .

  17. 而根据动力的不同,自然通风分为风压通风和热压通风,人们常说的穿堂风就是利用建筑两侧的风压差产生穿过建筑内部的室内外空气交换。

    According to dynamic difference , natural ventilation is divided into wind pressure driven ventilation and stack ventilation . Cross ventilation , which is commonly refered , is the process of air exchange across the interior of building driven by wind pressure .

  18. 结果表明通风形式对室内生物颗粒的分布有着重要影响,对于文中列举的算例,穿堂风形式下的室内生物颗粒浓度最低,防御生物污染的能力最好。

    The results show that the ventilation type is the important factor influencing the biological particle distribution indoors . For the cases presented in this paper , the cross ventilation has lowest particle concentration , which implicates it is the best to defend the biological pollution .