
  • 网络Chrono Cross;Through time and space;Travel Through Time;Through time;Through The Veil Of Time
  1. Gallifrey星球上不朽的时间领主利用一个像公用电话亭似的的TARDIS机器穿越时空——没错,这正是典型的英剧。

    An immortal Time Lord from the planet Gallifrey travels through time and space in the phone booth-like TARDIS machine -- yeah , it 's your just typical British import .

  2. 为热爱探索的你准备一份体验穿越时空的惊喜。

    An adventure through time and space for those who love to explorer .

  3. 她感到自己正在穿越时空。

    She felt herself transcending time and space

  4. 这部剧讲述了一位能穿越时空的类人外星人、名为“博士”(Doctor)的时间领主的冒险故事。

    The program depicts the adventures of the Doctor , a Time Lord - a space and time-travelling humanoid alien .

  5. 尽管McDonald已经有一些出色的作品,但是这个穿越时空的对话将他的职业生涯提到了一个新的高度。

    Though McDonald has a significant body of work , reaction to the time capsule video may lift his career to a new level .

  6. 《黑衣人3》中,史密斯扮演的探员J穿越时空回到过去以拯救搭档探员K。K由较年轻的乔什布洛林出演。

    The third instalment in the Men In Black series sees Smith 's Agent J travelling back in time to save his partner Agent K , played as a younger man by Josh Brolin .

  7. 金钟学曾向24集的《信义》(Faith)投入数百万美元,最终遭遇商业失败,而愤怒的剧组人员向他追讨被拖欠的薪酬。该剧讲述的是一位整形外科医生穿越时空回到过去的故事。

    Mr Kim had invested millions of dollars in Faith – a 24-part drama about a plastic surgeon who travels back in time – only to find himself facing a commercial flop and an angry cast pursuing him for unpaid wages .

  8. 穿越时空面向未来&武汉展览馆方案设计构思

    Across space and Time into Future-The Design of Wuhan Exhibition Building

  9. 数学史是穿越时空的数学智慧。

    The history of mathematics is wisdom of mathematics through space-time .

  10. 当今的政治言论常常让我穿越时空,回到种族隔离时代。

    Political talk today often sends me drifting back to apartheid .

  11. 我穿越时空,只为见你一面。

    I traverse space and time , just to see you .

  12. 穿越时空的隧道,无数的生命在流逝。

    There are countless lives passing away in the tunnel .

  13. 但其他人则把这种穿越时空视为一种比较现实的选择。

    Others , however , saw the anachronism as a practical choice .

  14. 有点儿像穿越时空,非常神奇。

    It was something like time travel and it was very magical .

  15. 她爱上了穿越时空的名叫库珀的物理学家。

    and the time-traveling physicist named Cooper she falls in love with .

  16. 穿越时空巴洛克艺术的东方神话

    Cross Space , the Oriental Myth of Baroque Art

  17. 就可以穿越时空回到过去。

    Would appear to be going backward in time .

  18. 穿越时空的理性关照&论铁凝独特的历史叙述

    Rational Caring Through Times & On the Unique Historical Narration of Tie Ning

  19. 我们人生中的每一天…都是一起穿越时空

    We 're all travelling through time together every day of our lives .

  20. 穿越时空心有灵犀的地方。

    And a place that reaches across time .

  21. 用真心照耀历史、让爱意穿越时空。

    Truly shine with the history , so that love through time and space .

  22. 如果我们可以穿越时空…

    If we could travel back in time ,

  23. 突然,穿越时空貌似没什么必要了…

    Suddenly , time travel seems almost unnecessary ,

  24. 我想我已经从穿越时空这件事上学到了最后的教训

    I think I 've learned the final lesson from my travels in time .

  25. 穿越时空去旅行?

    What if we could travel through time ?

  26. 在秋光中停留,多想穿越时空昔日重游。

    In the Autumn of stop to think about revisiting past through time and space .

  27. 穿越时空的思念。

    The missing through time and space .

  28. 品读经典,能让人们穿越时空的界限,从古人那里找寻自己的心灵答案。

    People can find out their spiritual answers from the ancients by reading the classic .

  29. 暴影号穿越时空裂缝。

    Nemesis emerges from the time warp .

  30. 那种感觉就像是穿越时空,回到了从前。

    It was like crossing over into another dimension , a leap through space and time .