
  • 网络Shuttle Bus;Free Shuttle
  1. 我被穿梭巴士送到市中心的Doubletree酒店。

    I was sent by shuttle bus to Doubletree Hotel in the downtown .

  2. 请问,到厚街最近的穿梭巴士站在哪?

    Excuse me , where is the nearest shuttle bus stop to Houjie ?

  3. 那对疲倦的夫妇和那个穿梭巴士司机都盯着我看。

    The tired couple and the shuttle driver stared at me .

  4. 沿途亦可乘搭校园穿梭巴士。

    It is also accessible via campus shuttle light bus .

  5. 你可以乘穿梭巴士去城市的另一边。

    You can take the shuttle across the town .

  6. 在离我几步远的地方,一辆去往机场宾馆的穿梭巴士刚刚关上门。

    A shuttle to the Hyatt was just closing its doors a few feet behind me .

  7. 酒店设有免费穿梭巴士来往机场,亦会应客人要求提供高级轿车接送服务。

    The hotel provides complimentary bus service to and from the airport and also limousine service .

  8. 如果要横穿市区,你可以乘时代广场到中央车站的穿梭巴士。

    To get across town , you can take the shuttle from Times Square to grand central .

  9. 你可以和其他宾客同行,或者搭乘穿梭巴士到达宴会。

    You can get rides with other guests , or perhaps catch a shuttle to the festivities .

  10. 我们每天有四班去罗湖口岸的穿梭巴士,酒店住客可免费搭乘。

    We have four-shift shuttle bus to Luohu checkpoint everyday , Hotel guests can take it free of charge .

  11. 请注意,日航将不承担任何责任所造成的损害利用这一穿梭巴士服务。

    Please note that JAL will not be liable for any damages caused by use of this shuttle bus service .

  12. 我跳下穿梭巴士,奔向那辆的士,迅速坐进司机身后的那个作为上。

    I jumped out of the shuttle and ran to the cab , sliding into the seat behind the driver .

  13. 酒店同时提供设备齐全的商务中心、美食屋、火车站穿梭巴士服务、小轿车及礼宾。

    Other facilities include a fully equipped Business Centre , Deli Shop , shuttle service to the train station , limousine and Concierge services .

  14. 本届展会与广交会同期举行,在广交会场外和广佛部分有名酒店,设置了免费穿梭巴士服务。

    The fair opens in the same time of Canton Fair , free shuttle buses are arranged in certain Hotels and Canton Fair Venues .

  15. 抵达澳门机场后,就搭公共巴士到港澳码头,然后再转搭酒店的穿梭巴士前往酒店。

    After arrived at the Macao airport , we took public bus to Macau Ferry Terminal , then transfer to hotel by hotel 's shuttle bus .

  16. 三月,落马洲与皇岗之间开始提供穿梭巴士服务,多少纾缓了罗湖铁路关卡的挤塞情况。

    In March , the commissioning of the new shuttle-bus service between Lok Ma Chau and Huanggang partly alleviated pressure at the Lo Wu railway crossing .

  17. 文章说,这个市将为奥运腾出道路,以新的穿梭巴士增加公交提供给参观者和本地居民。

    The city will dedicate lanes to Olympic traffic and increase public transportation with new shuttle buses to accommodate visitors and local residents , the article said .

  18. 一九九七年八月,协会又献新猷,为启德机场过境旅客开办过境旅客穿梭巴士观光团。

    In August , the HKTA launched a new tour - the Transit Bus Tour - for transit passengers at Kai Tak with a few hours to spare .

  19. 瑞士警察采取了一种新措施,会向运送与会者在酒店和活动场馆之间穿梭的巴士闪灯,提示乘客展示自己的证件。

    In a new practice , the Swiss police shined flashlights into the shuttle vans that bring participants to hotels and events , requiring passengers to show their credentials .

  20. 近在咫尺的机场专线,在酒店附近穿梭市内观光巴士,不仅让您的商旅之行方便快捷,更使您与市区的繁荣同在。

    Nearby airport special road and city tour buses not only make your business trip fast and convenient , but also let you enjoy the city prosperity .