
  1. 网络问政便是其中的重要表现。

    Network of political action is one of the important performance .

  2. 网络问政时下已成为流行语。

    " Network in politics " has become a buzzword nowadays .

  3. 重点梳理分析了官员触网以及制度化网络问政平台两种形式。

    This chapter focuses on official contact network and institutionalized network politic .

  4. 我国网络问政工作取得很大成就。

    Great achievement has been made in China in governance through the Internet .

  5. 本文是对中国网络问政在过去十年中发展过程的梳理总结。

    This article summarizes the development process of Network politics over the past decade .

  6. 目前,网络问政现象在中国呈现出方兴未艾的态势。

    Currently , the network of political action in China is in the ascendant .

  7. 网络问政制度的构建是一个极具现实意义的问题。

    The Construction of the network system in politics is of very practical significance .

  8. 但同时,我们也应该清楚的看到,网络问政也有很大的局限性。

    But , we should also clearly see , the network governance has some limitations .

  9. 在理论支撑方面,笔者将公民参与理论引入网络问政研究。

    In theory , the author introduced citizen participation into the study of network governance .

  10. 网络问政的强大力量使得政府不得不重视研究如何更好得推动其快速完善。

    The powers of politics in network make the Government study how to promote its improvement .

  11. 我们认为,网络问政就是人们通过互联网过问与提问有关政治方面的内容。

    The network system in politics is that people concern with and question political issues through internet .

  12. 网络问政依赖网络这种迅捷的交流方式推动了党政机关与民众民意的双向交流与反馈。

    Network of political promote the opinion by the government and the public into two-way communication and feedback .

  13. 所以,从这个意义上讲,网络问政不可避免,我们需要适应和利用好它。

    In this sense , network governance is inevitable , and we must make good use of it .

  14. 目前,我国的电子政务已经进入了网络问政的新阶段。

    At present , the e-government in China has stepped gradually into a new stage as intervening politics under internet .

  15. 网络问政毕竟是一个辅助性的平台,或者是我们现有的制度和机制的一个非常重要的补充,但不可能替代现有的制度和机制。

    It is only a subsidiary platform and an important supplement . It cannot replace the existing system and mechanism .

  16. 第五部分结合上述各分析要点,找出解决问题,加强网络问政应用于政府决策的道路。

    The fifth Part finds the the right way of strengthening politics in network used in government decision-making based on above analysis points .

  17. 第二、渠道畅通,包括:加强政府门户网站建设;整合网络问政的渠道。

    Second , smooth channels , including : strengthening the government portal website construction ; Integration the channel of the network political interaction .

  18. 网络问政在我国的兴起和发展充分表明在我国网络问政制度的实施是可行的。

    The development of inquiring after politics in networks in our country sufficiently shows that the institution of inquiring after politics in networks is viable .

  19. 为此,地方政府通过制度创新,建立网络问政平台,顺势关注和吸纳网络民意。

    Therefore , local governments have conducted institutional innovation and established online platform for political participation so as to notice and adopt online public opinions .

  20. 网络问政所独具的优势和功能,在推动政府职能转变,建设服务型政府中将发挥不可替代的作用。

    Intervening politics under internet plays the irreplaceable role in advancing the transformation of government functions and the construction of service-oriented government due to its particular strength and function .

  21. 具体对策如下:加强网络问政平台与其它机构联动;完善网络问政各项制度建设;提高公民网络问政水平。

    The concrete countermeasures are following : strengthen the interaction between network politics platform and other organizations ; to perfect the system of network politics ; improve the citizen network politics standards .

  22. 其次,本文描述了网络问政的历史和现状。

    With the application of this model to analysis the practice of " Network Political Interaction " . Secondly , the history and current situation of the " Network Political Interaction " is described in this article .

  23. 微博,在网络问政、反腐监督、信息传播、社会救助、公益行动、民意表达等多方面呈现出巨大的能量和影响力。2011年,微博发展势头不减。

    Micro-blog , showed great energy and force in network governance , anti-corruption supervision , information dissemination , social assistance , community action , public opinion expression and other aspects . 2011 , Micro-blog development impetus is not decreased .

  24. 南方报业传媒集团下属的奥一网开通了网络问政平台,由此掀起我国网络问政的大潮,网络问政为公众通过网络参政议政、获取政务信息和表达民意开辟了崭新的通道。

    Southern Media Group opened a Politics-in-network platform , which set off a tide about Politics-in-network in China . Politics-in-network opens up a new channel for the public to participate in politics , access government information and express public opinion .

  25. 第三部分探讨当前我国网络问政存在的主要问题及成因,包括分析政府网站问政、网络媒体问政和官员上网问政三种形式存在的突出问题及成因。

    The third part of the current our country network asks government existing problems and their causes , including the analysis of the government website governance , network governance and official media Internet governance three forms existing outstanding problems and causes .

  26. 第三、资源丰厚,包括:加快国家经济发展的步伐,夯实网络问政的经济基础;推进社会信息化进程,提高互联网和手机网络的覆盖率。

    Third , rich resources , including : to speed up the pace of national economic development , to strengthen the economic foundation of the network political interaction ; Promote the social informatization process , improve the Internet and mobile phone network coverage .

  27. 第一部分交代网络问政研究的理论基础,具体从勾勒网络问政的起源及其发展脉络着手,转入对网络问政的含义及作用的诠释,并找出网络问政研究的理论渊源。

    The first part explain network governance theories , specifically from the outline of " network governance " the origin and development of network governance to begin , the meaning and function of interpretation , and find out the network governance theory origin .

  28. 笔者希望借此研究为我国即将开通个人微博的官员提供可以借鉴的理论指导意义,使官员微博制度化和成熟化,以期更好地实现网络问政功能。

    The author hopes it will provide theoretical significance for launching the personal microblogging for officials in China through this study , which can make the officials ' microblogging institutionalized and mature in order to better achieve the aim of politics by internet .

  29. 网络问政是互联网技术迅速发展和民众政治参与热情不断高涨时代的产物,是信息技术在政府执政领域的运用,其核心价值不是技术,而是借助技术来实现政府治理的优化。

    Network politic is the product of the fast developing Internet technology and the rising political enthusiasm of the common people . It is the information technology application in the field of government . Its core value is not technology but to achieve optimization of governance by technology .

  30. 中央政府网站的开通以及最高领导层公开利用网络与网民交流的举动使得网络问政进入了快速发展的轨道。

    The opening of the central government websites and open access to the highest levels of network and allows network users to communicate in politics make politics in network move into the fast development track .