
  • Roy;Roe;Brandon Roy;Arundhati Roy
  1. 罗伊用简单的、人人都能理解的语言讲述了他那个伤感的故事。

    Roy told his sorrowful tale with simple words anybody could understand .

  2. 那是个罗伊显然无法回答的问题。

    It was a question that Roy not unnaturally found impossible to answer

  3. 罗伊小心地把腿挪下沙发,坐了起来。

    Roy swung his legs carefully off the couch and sat up .

  4. 一瞬间罗伊脸上似乎闪过一丝忧伤。

    For a moment a shadow seemed to pass across Roy 's face .

  5. 罗伊巨丑特丑。

    Roy was tremendously ugly , mega ugly .

  6. 罗伊将这些信息提炼成一种非常有感染力的东西。

    Roy distills these messages into something powerful

  7. “你想要什么,罗伊?要钱的话,那你别指望了。”

    ' What do you want , Roy ? If it 's money , you 're out of luck . '

  8. 你为什么不请教罗伊呢?他对中国的艺术很精通。

    Why don 't you ask roy ? he 's well up on Chinese art .

  9. 突然我看见阿尔罗伊夫人在我的前面,蒙着厚厚的面纱,走得很快。

    Suddenly I saw in front of me lady alroy , deeply veiled and walking very fast .

  10. 他表示过关怀如果他关怀过她的话那也只是因为她是他儿子罗伊的母亲。

    He cherished if he cherished her only because she was the mother of his son , roy .

  11. 从前,这个王国由其创始人兄弟——“沃尔特大王”(KingWalt)和“罗伊大王”(KingRoy)共同管理。

    Long ago , the kingdom had been ruled jointly by its founding brothers , King Walt and King Roy .

  12. BloombergBeta负责人罗伊•巴哈特对于最终结果的多样性感到欣慰。

    Roy Bahat , who leads Bloomberg Beta , was pleased by the diversity of the group .

  13. 他登记的信息是:罗伊•M.•赫芬顿,罗伊•M.•赫芬顿公司(RoyM.HuffingtonInc)董事长兼首席执行官。

    Roy M. Huffington , chairman and chief executive of Roy M. Huffington Inc , reads his entry .

  14. 必须建立一种面对面的关系,瑞士信贷(CreditSuisse)驻格恩西岛的首席执行官罗伊•麦格雷戈(RoyMcGregor)表示。

    It is essential to establish a face-to-face relationship , says Roy McGregor , chief executive of Credit Suisse in Guernsey .

  15. MM2皮质型散发性克罗伊茨费尔特-雅各布病的临床特征和诊断

    Clinical features and diagnosis of the MM2 cortical subtype of sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jak-ob disease

  16. (英国乐队U2主唱)不,我是在模仿罗伊。

    No , no , I was doing Roy .

  17. 但在我浏览名单时,有一个人引起了我的注意,那就是前美国驻奥地利大使罗伊•赫芬顿(RoyHuffington)。

    But the man who caught my eye as I scanned the list was Roy Huffington , a former US ambassador to Austria .

  18. 伦敦警察厅也开始使用Flickr,发布在西诺伍德(WestNorwood)和克罗伊登(Croydon)等地的嫌疑骚乱者和掠夺者的照片。

    And the Metropolitan police have used Flickr to post photos of suspected rioters and looters in places like West Norwood and Croydon .

  19. 玛尼(Marni)的三角形镜片和克罗伊(Chloe)CE638SL的六角形镜片都强调几何形状的特点。

    Marni 's triangular lenses and Chloe 's ( CE638SL ) hexagonal ones emphasize geometric shapes .

  20. 当过卡车司机的小罗伊•哈罗德•谢勒(RoyHaroldSchererJr),经过长期奋斗,最终登上了自己选择的职业的巅峰。

    Roy Harold Scherer Jr worked as a truck driver on the long haul to the top of his chosen profession .

  21. 蒂姆·劳厄(TimRaue)或许是柏林最有活力的厨师。十几岁时,他和街头帮派混迹于克罗伊茨贝格一带。后来,他在餐厅后厨找到了自己的天地。

    Perhaps the most dynamic chef in Berlin is Tim Raue , who as a teenager ran with a street gang in the Kreuzberg neighborhood and then found his home in restaurant kitchens .

  22. Inspira行销集团(InspiraMarketingGroup)采用的方法是:如果公司达到了销售目标,公司的27名员工就能够享受一年一度的旅行,赴牙买加或者圣克罗伊岛这样的海岛度假三天。

    Inspira marketing group invests in taking its 27 employees on an annual three-day trip to an island like Jamaica or St. Croix if the company hits its sales goals .

  23. 这让罗伊得到了加菲尔德高中的总教练一职。前高中明星、现任NBA新秀小迈克尔·波特和乔纳森·波特曾在那里打球。

    That led to Roy being offered the job as head coach at nearby Garfield High School , where former high school stars and current NBA prospects Michael Porter Jr. and Jontay Porter used to play .

  24. WendyLe是一名来自广州的企业家,她有一个14岁的儿子在克罗伊登(Croydon)的惠特吉夫特学校(WhitgiftSchool)就读。她也参加了学校考察之旅,为自己年仅三岁的女儿物色学校。

    Wendy Le , an entrepreneur from Guangzhou , has a 14-year-old son at Whitgift School in Croydon , and is on the tour to find a place for her daughter , who is three .

  25. 遭到10名武装分子袭击的三家酒店泰姬玛哈酒店(tajmahalpalace)、奥贝罗伊酒店和三叉戟酒店(trident)中,有两家已经部分或完全恢复营业。

    Two of the three hotels targeted by the team of 10 militants in the attacks , the Taj Mahal Palace and tower and the Trident , have already partially or fully reopened .

  26. (科技博客Betabeat的杰西卡•罗伊甚至因此猜测,这是不是就是BuddyMedia急着把自己卖出去的原因。)

    All of this begs a familiar question , being debated on comment boards : is it time to light the torches , get out the pitchforks and once again skewer Facebook for messing with a good thing and refusing to leave well enough alone ?

  27. 我一直并将永远效忠和尊敬这个由我叔父沃尔特(Walt)和父亲罗伊(Roy)创建的公司,忠于我们忠诚的员工和股东。

    I have and will always have an enormous allegiance and respect for this Company , founded by my uncle , Walt , and father , Roy , and to our faithful employees and loyal stockholders .

  28. 跳投和不断攻击篮筐,这是选秀日球队将未来的全明星球员布兰登-罗伊(BrandonRoy)交易到开拓者换来弗耶和一些现金时想要的球员类型。

    Shooting and attacking the rim from the jump , this is the kind of player the team envisioned when it traded future All-Star Brandon Roy to Portland on draft night for Foye and cash .

  29. 伊卡恩15日提出的主要指控是不理性和恣意妄为,他针对的目标是杨致远和以非执行董事长罗伊•博斯托克(roybostock)为首的雅虎董事会。

    Irrational and unconscionable were the main charges levelled by Mr Icahn yesterday as he took aim at Mr Yang and a Yahoo board led by Roy Bostock , the non-executive chairman .

  30. 它反映了中国与澳大利亚的整体经贸关系以及两国间不断增加的金融联系,澳大利亚央行副行长菲利普??罗伊(PhilipLowe)昨日在上海发表讲话时表示。

    It reflects the broader economic relationship between China and Australia and our increasing financial ties , Philip Lowe , deputy governor of the Reserve Bank of Australia , said in a speech yesterday in Shanghai .