
luó bù
  • Rob;spread out ;arrange/display over a wide space
罗布 [luó bù]
  • [display;spread out] 密布;散布

  • 群星罗布

  1. 她到罗布那儿寻求慰藉。

    She turned to Rob for solace .

  2. 罗布在做医生还是当运动员之间痛苦抉择,左右为难。

    Robb is torn between becoming a doctor and a career in athletics

  3. 他凌晨4:30去敲门唤醒罗布。

    He went to knock Rob up at 4.30am .

  4. 罗布或许能拥有双重国籍。

    Rob may be entitled to dual nationality .

  5. 罗布先生上个月辞职了。

    Mr Robb resigned his position last month .

  6. 检方可能要努力查证罗布在大陪审团面前是否作了伪证。

    Prosecutors may try to determine if Robb gave false testimony when he appeared before the grand jury .

  7. 她感到自己的脸变红了——“对不起,罗布,我只是,呃,一时情绪失控。”

    She felt her face going red — ' I 'm sorry Rob , it 's just that I 'm , um , overwhelmed . '

  8. 营地上帐篷罗布。

    Tents are spread out over the campsite .

  9. 罗布总是迟到&他要是准时到达这里,我把脑袋给你。

    Rob 's always late-if he gets here on time I 'll eat my hat .

  10. 罗布接下了话茬。

    Rob picked up the story .

  11. 博和它的主人罗布和劳里罗伯茨乘坐一艘16英尺长的船沿科罗拉多河而下。

    Bo and his owners , Rob and Laurie Roberts , were going down the Colorado River in a 16-foot boat .

  12. 罗布所传达的最重要的信息是:"当恶霸对你不友善时,那不是你的错。"

    Rob 's most important message is : " When bullies are unkind to you , it isn 't your fault . "

  13. 例句罗布本来面对鱼类不感兴趣,但去水族馆游玩的经历让他大开眼界。

    He didn 't think he would be interested in fish , but Rob found the trip to the aquarium1 a real eye-opener .

  14. 中国罗布泊地区红柳沙包δ~(13)C特征与环境变化研究

    Study of δ ~ ( 13 ) C Feature in Tamarix Cone and Environmental Change in Lop Nur Region , China

  15. 新疆罗布泊F4浅坑孢粉组合及意义

    The sporo-pollen assemblage and its significance of pit f_4 from Lop Nur area in Xinjiang

  16. 罗布泊红柳沙包有机质C、N和C/N记录的环境信息研究

    Environmental Information Study Based on the Data of C 、 N and C / N Recorded in Tamarix Cone Organic Matter in Lop Nur Region

  17. 联席CEO沃尔特•罗布称:“我们非常珍爱公司价值。”

    Says co-CEO Walter Robb : " [ we ] really make love to the company values . "

  18. 帕塔加斯D4号(PartagásSerieDNo.4),浓郁型罗布图雪茄,带有木质及辛辣的香味。

    Partag á s Serie D No. 4 A full-bodied robusto with a woody and spicy aroma .

  19. 在上海机场,我买了《中国之路》(ChinaRoad)&美国公共广播电台(NationalPublicRadio)前驻中国记者罗布•吉福德(RobGifford)对中国问题坦率的评述。

    At Shanghai airport , I bought China Road , a candid account of the country 's problems by Rob Gifford , a former China correspondent for National Public Radio .

  20. 乌普曼皇家罗布图雪茄(H.UpmannRoyalRobusto),以浓郁的咖啡豆香味及橡木的尾调而闻名。

    H. Upmann Royal Robusto Known for its full coffee bean flavor and oak finish .

  21. BBC新闻的罗布·沃森报道这场不具约束力的投票使卡梅伦和这个国家进退维谷。

    The BBC 's Rob Watson reports the non-binding vote leaves Cameron and the country in a tough spot .

  22. 新疆罗布泊K1孔岩心中有孔虫化石的发现及其意义

    The Discovery of Foraminiferal Fossils in Cores from Hole K1 in Lop Nur , Xinjiang

  23. 但到目前为止,通常会看到的情况是伦敦初创公司TheOutsideView的联合创始人罗布•赛姆斯(RobSymes)的经历。

    But so far , the experience of Rob Symes , co-founder of a London start-up called The Outside View , is typical .

  24. NPR新闻的罗布·斯坦将带来详细报道。

    NPR 's Rob Stein has details .

  25. 小公司的例子也有很多,比如Etsy公司的罗布•卡林、OpenDNS公司的大卫•尤勒维什和SecondLife公司的菲利浦•罗斯戴尔。

    Small-company examples abound as well , such as rob Kalin at Etsy , David ulevitch at OpenDNS , and Philip Rosedale at second life .

  26. 根据古地磁资料计算得知,罗布泊K1孔的古纬度为34.1°。

    Calculation of palaeomagnetic data shows that the palaeolatitude of hole Kl of Lop Nur is 34 . 1 ° N.

  27. 新疆罗布泊地区柽柳属(Tamarix)植物根际土壤中可培嗜盐古菌多样性研究

    Biodiversity of Culturable Halophilic Archaea Isolated from Tamarix Rhizosphere Soil in Lop Nur Region of XinJiang , China

  28. 我个人则倾向于比较特别的人选,比如高端健身俱乐部Equinox的总裁莎拉•罗布•奥哈根。

    ( GE ) I was looking for some more out-of-the box names like Sarah Robb O'Hagan , President of equinox .

  29. 但公司联合创始人罗布&12539;雷内尔(RobReiner)看了剧本后,他提出要自己导演。

    But when studio co-founder Rob Reiner read the script , he broached the idea of directing it himself .

  30. 据NPR新闻的罗布·斯坦报道,女孩的母亲在脸书上公布了手术的进展。

    As NPR 's Rob Stein tells us the girl 's mother posted the news of the development on her facebook page .