
  • 网络Robben Island;Robben
  1. 目前这艘沉没的油轮夹在南部的罗本岛(RobbenIsland)与北部的达森岛(DassenIsland)之间。而这两个岛正是企鹅们繁衍生息的主要据点。

    Now , the ship sank between Robben Island to the south , and Dassen Island to the north -- two of the penguins ' main breeding islands .

  2. 1964年他被判终身监禁后,在狱中度过了逾四分之一个世纪的岁月,其中大部分时间被关押在开普敦附近罗本岛(RobbenIsland)上一个戒备森严的监狱里。

    After he was sentenced to life in prison in 1964 , he spent more than a quarter-century behind bars , much of it in a maximum-security prison on Robben Island , off the coast of Cape Town .

  3. ――1994年2月11日于罗本岛

    - Robben Island , Feb. 11 , 1994