
yǐn lù rén
  • a guide
  1. 李何林就是这样一位引路人,他以自己的思考结合过往的经历,提供了对中国现代文学的独特见解,并以文字形式保存了大量的史料信息。

    Li Helin is a guide like this . With the reflections on his own experience , he provides a unique views on Modern Chinese Literature . He also has used a great deal of writing to preserve the historical information .

  2. 高校的导师,不仅应当是研究生专业上的引路人,而且应当是研究生思想发展的第一责任人;导师既应做好教书的工作,又应做好育人的工作。

    College instructors , graduate students should not only be a guide for professional and graduate students should be primarily responsible for the development of thinking ; instructors teach both should do the work , what should the good work of educating people .

  3. 因此,引路人+新女性成为一个普遍的叙述模式。

    Therefore , guide & new women became a general narrative formulation .

  4. 找到这样的人,把他们当作你的引路人,依靠他们。

    Find one person , make them your sherpa , and lean on them .

  5. 一位一向颇具耐心的领导者和引路人。

    An unfailingly patient leader and guide .

  6. 我们年轻一代崇拜那位伟大的引路人和教育家的智慧。

    We of the younger generation extol the wisdom of the great leader and educator .

  7. 时代要求教师迅速转变教学观念,更新教师角色理念,从知识的传递者转变成学习知识的引路人,从几个方面和具体实例重点讨论了学生创新能力的培养。

    It is the times requirement that teachers must transite the teaching concept , cultivate the students innovation ability .

  8. 以上结构模式和引路人模式的特征在《他们眼望上苍》中得到了充分体现。

    The above features of structure pattern and mentor pattern are adequately exemplified in Their Eyes Were Watching God .

  9. 我国媒体争取自身宽松、良好发展环境的前提首先是自身管理的加强,媒体要在社会发展中承担重任,形成一个具有高层次职业道德的专业群体,自律是最好的引路人。

    Strengthening self-regulation and undertaking positive role in society is the premise for Chinese media to enjoy an advantageous environment .

  10. 我们英语教师将在这里以引路人的身份,充分利用这套语音系统辅导学生加强英语学习,取得更好的成果!

    Our English teachers will be a guide to help them with English and do our best to achieve good results .

  11. 第三部分从成长主体和成长引路人两个角度分析了影片中的人物形象。

    The third part has analyzed the images in the movies from two angles of growing individuals and the leading person .

  12. 与他的专制形象正相反,他把自己描述成授权于奥委会11人执委会的“引路人”。

    Contrary to his authoritarian image , he describes himself as " the conductor " who delegates to the11-member IOC executive board .

  13. 在他们走向觉醒的过程中,成长的引路人与宗教都起到了重要的作用。

    On their way to awakening , both the pathfinder in the course of their growth and religion play an important role .

  14. 第二部分从记述哈克与霍尔顿的流浪历程开始,对两位主人公流浪的场所以及各自遇到的引路人进行对比分析,将这一阶段看成是主人公自我意识确立的过程。

    The second part began with the descriptions of the journey of Huck and Holden , analyzed the wandering places of them .

  15. 高校代写员是开铺大学生思惟政治教育的骨干力量,是大学生健康成长的指点者和引路人。

    University counselors are the ideological and political education to carry out the backbone and guide the healthy development of students and guide .

  16. 高校辅导员是教师队伍的重要组成部分,是开展大学生思想政治教育的骨干力量,是大学生健康成长的指导者和引路人。

    College counselor is the important component among teachers ; it is the backbone of moral education and ideological and political education in colleges .

  17. 成长主人公在引路人的影响下,历经磨难,战胜困难,从而在顿悟后变得更加坚强和成熟。

    Under the influence of initiation guides , the initiation protagonist encounters obstacles , conquers difficulties and then becomes stronger and smarter after epiphany .

  18. 高校辅导员与学生接触较多,是大学生健康成长的指导者和引路人,对其进行心理教育有着得天独厚的优势。

    College counselors and students more contact with the healthy growth of the university instructor and guide , their psychological education has a unique advantage .

  19. 引路人呵,在光明逝去之前,请领我进到安宁的山谷里去吧。在那里,一生的收获将结晶为金子般的智慧。

    Lead me , my guide , before the light fades , into the valley of quiet where life 's harvest mellows into golden wisdom .

  20. 他们不仅仅作为双方的翻译,也是西方使者入华的引路人。

    They were not merely regarded as the translations of both sides , it was " guiding the passerby " that the western envoy entered China too .

  21. 教师要从传统的“教学”变为“导学”,要成为学生学习知识的参与人、启发人、引路人;

    Teachers from the traditional " teaching " to " learning ", must become the student learning knowledge of the involvement of people , inspire , guide ;

  22. “田亚梅”们的“出走”,是作为女性解放运动“引路人”的男性知识分子们的现代想像与性别焦虑。

    The " running away " of women including Tian Yamei , comes from modern imagination and gender dysphoria of male intellectuals as the leader of the woman liberation .

  23. 高校应建立一套有效的保障机制,使辅导员真正成为大学生思健康成长的指导者和引路人。

    The universities should establish one set of effective Guaranteeing mechanisms , which causes the instructor truly to become the guider and leader of university student 's thought health grows .

  24. 高职院校辅导员是高职院校思想政治工作的骨干力量,是教育、引导、激励高职学生健康成长的引路人。

    Higher vocational college counselors are the skeleton strengths and guides who are engaged in ideological and political education work to educate and encourage vocational college students to grow well .

  25. 在此过程中,外语教师成为他们的“引路人”,而现代化教育技术又为学习者开展自主学习提供了有利的物质条件,使其从中获得最大收益。

    Foreign language teachers are supposed to be their " guide ", and modern educational technology provides them with essential physical basis , from which they can get the maximum benefits .

  26. 中等职业学校共青团是共青团的基层组织之一,是广大中等职业学校学生的引路人和知心朋友,它在引导中等职业学校学生成才发展上发挥了极其重要的作用。

    And as one of the primary Youth League organizations , the Communist Youth League in secondary vocational schools could be considered as the guide and bosom friend of the students .

  27. 很多德黑兰人民对奥巴马给予了厚望,希望美国这位引路人可以讲伊朗和西方世界的关系带入光明的篇章,但这次德黑兰人民的希望要落空了。

    For the many people in Tehran who had hoped that Mr Obama would help usher in a bright new chapter in relations between Iran and the West , this is depressing .

  28. 而作为他们前辈和引路人的容闳,其在中国政界的地位也十分尴尬&既要做实际工作,又不能主持大局。

    But Rong Hong , as their father and guider , was on an awkward position in the politic world of China , he did actual works but did not mastermind overall situation .

  29. 这不仅因为现代中国知识分子是现代中国思想文化的引路人,而且他们还是现代中国文学的创作主体。

    It is not only because that they were the leaders of the fields of Chinese ideology and literature , but also they were the subjects of the literary creations of Chinese modern literature .

  30. 专职从事学生思想教育和行为管理工作的独立学院辅导员是学生思想政治工作的骨干力量,是独立学院学生健康成长的指导者和引路人。

    Full-time engaged in ideological education and behavior management of students in independent college counselors are the backbone of ideological and political work , is the healthy growth of independent college students mentor and guide .