
  • 网络Introduction, digestion, absorption, and re innovation;secondary innovation
  1. 我国生物制药企业引进消化吸收再创新模式研究

    Pattern of Absorbing New Technologies in Chinese Biological Pharmaceutical Companies

  2. 自主创新包括原始创新、集成创新和引进消化吸收再创新。

    The independent innovation involves original innovation and integration innovation and imitation innovation .

  3. 我国企业要跨越技术追赶陷阱,加速企业技术引进消化吸收再创新。

    Chinese enterprises should cross the technological catch-up traps , speed up the introduction of technology absorption and innovation .

  4. 摘要通过问卷调查和实地调研,分析了浙江省制造业技术引进消化吸收再创新的特点及其存在的问题,并提出相应的对策建议。

    This paper analyzes the characteristics and problems in the import and innovation of Zhejiang manufacturing industry , and puts forward some countermeasures based on the questionnaire and on-the-spot investigation .

  5. 本文把技术创新模式分为自主创新和模仿创新,而自主创新又把它分为原始创新、综合创新和引进消化吸收再创新。

    This innovative model of technology innovation and imitation into innovation , and innovation took it into the original innovation , integrated innovation and the introduction of absorption and innovation .

  6. 自主创新,主要指科学技术领域的创造性活动,大体有三方面内容:一是原始创新,二是集成创新,三是引进消化吸收再创新。

    The independent innovation , mainly refers to the science and technology domain the creative activity , has three aspect contents roughly : First , primitive innovation ; second , integrated innovation ; third , the introduction digestion absorption innovates again .

  7. 技术引进消化吸收再创新是在技术引进基础上,通过学习、模仿和借鉴,形成具有自主知识产权的新技术、工艺或产品的活动。

    The technology introduction , assimilation and absorption and re-innovation are activities which develop new techniques , new crafts or new products with the independent intellectual property rights , which are based on the introduction of technology , and by the means of learning , imitating and absorbing foreign technologies .

  8. 通过对引进技术的消化吸收再创新和开展国际合作交流,促进自主创新能力的提高;

    Promote self-innovation capability by assimilating and re-innovating the imported technology and carrying out international cooperation and exchange ;

  9. 加强自主创新,需要准确把握自主创新的内涵,从全面提升国家创新能力出发,加强原始性创新、集成创新和引进技术的消化吸收再创新。

    To strengthen independent innovation , we should grasp the connotation of independent innovation , advance the national competition capability completely , strengthen the original innovation , integrative innovation , re-innovation after digesting the introduced technology .

  10. CRTSⅡ型板式无砟轨道是我国近几年通过引进、消化、吸收及再创新而研制出的一种新型无砟轨道结构。

    CRTS ⅱ type slab ballastless track is a new type of ballastless track structure which is introduced , digested , absorbed and re-innovation by our country in recent years .

  11. 随着动车组的引进、消化、吸收、再创新,不少动车组已经在既有线路上高速运行。

    With the introduction of EMU , digestion , absorption and re-innovation , a number of EMU have been in service with high-speed .

  12. 通过创立支撑产品设计的参数化模型以及可对产品性能进行优化设计的虚拟样机,来实现对国外产品及专利的引进、消化、吸收和再创新。

    Virtual prototype ( VP ) is constructed to support assimilation and innovation of import product and technology based on product parameterization model .

  13. 通过对国外先进技术和装备的引进、消化、吸收和再创新,铁路企业已经取得了一定的成果。

    Through the introduction , assimilation , and re-innovation the advanced foreign technology and equipment , the home railway enterprises have achieved certain good results .

  14. 在技术引进过程中,强化对引进技术的消化吸收再创新,注重自主技术的积累。

    In the course of technologies introducing , Japan paid special attention to the digest , modification and innovation of the imported technologies , and accumulated its own independent technologies .

  15. 日本政府对引进的技术进行严格筛选和审查,同时强化对引进技术的消化吸收再创新。

    The Japanese government made strict regulations on selecting the imported technologies , and emphasis that the enterprises should have the digest and absorbing capabilities .

  16. 建立在技术引进基础上的技术跨越属于引进式技术跨越,对于以技术引进消化吸收再创新为主要创新模式的技术追赶者来讲,对引进式技术跨越的研究有重要意义。

    The technological leapfrogging on the basis of technology introduction belongs to the introduction-style technological leapfrogging , which tells the great significance to the introduction-style technological leapfrogging towards the technology catcher who takes the digestion and innovation of technology as the main creation model .