
  • 网络transkei;S.Africa Transkei Xora
  1. 他在特兰斯凯(Transkei)的一个小村子里长大,村房用泥巴制成,茅草覆顶,屋里的地板是抹着牛粪的土地。

    He grew up in a village of mud huts and grass rooftops , the floors made of earth smeared with cow dung , in the land known as the Transkei .

  2. 我知道我会怀念住在特兰斯凯时的生活的。

    I knew I should miss living in the transkei .

  3. 此处为南非特兰斯凯一处叫做瀑布峭壁的地方。

    At a place called Waterfall Bluff in the Transkei , South Africa .

  4. 他行割礼时取名“达理邦加(Dalibunga)”,意思是“邦加的建立者”,邦加是南非特兰斯凯地区的统治组织,曼德拉就出生在这里。

    His circumcision name was Dalibunga , meaning " founder of the Bunga , " the traditional ruling body of the Transkei - the rural area where he was born .