
  • 网络Logitech;Logi;Logitech International;logicool
  1. 前CEO陆瑞诺将暂时重掌罗技科技的大权。

    Former CEO Guerrino De Luca is helming Logitech in the interim .

  2. 显而易见,罗技在MXAir的设计上花了很多心思。

    Logitech has clearly put a lot of thought into the design the MX Air .

  3. 我测试的其他几款出类拔萃的鼠标包括:苹果公司(Apple)的MagicMouse、Penclic鼠标和罗技(Logitech)的超薄触控鼠标(UltrathinTouchMouse)。

    Other standouts I tested were Apple 's Magic Mouse , the Penclic Mouse and Logitech 's Ultrathin Touch Mouse .

  4. IT、OEM这是两个被讨论过千次万次的话题,在罗技这两个词又连在一起了。

    IT , OEM these over talked two words , connect together again in Logitech .

  5. 我在诺基亚键盘盒上一分钟敲了80个单词,在iPad的罗技键盘盖上的速度为一分钟72个单词。

    I typed 80 words a minute on the Nokia keyboard case , and 72 on the iPad 's Logitech cover .

  6. 电脑鼠标现在的形状外观可谓是多种多样,但罗技(Logitech)的MXAir是首批确实能飞的鼠标。

    Computer mice come in many shapes and guises but Logitech 's MX Air is one of the first actually designed to fly .

  7. 我不想冷落最受欢迎的平板,所以我给一台iPadAir配上了罗技科技公司(Logitech)的超薄蓝牙(UltrathinBluetooth)键盘盖。

    I didn 't want to ignore the most popular tablet , so I paired an iPad Air with Logitech 's Ultrathin Bluetooth keyboard cover .

  8. 曾经用他提供了一个网络接口以允许通过网络实现pan/tilt我的罗技OrbitAF,当然Skype就来补充音、视频流的功能了。

    I use this to provide a web interface for others to control the pan / tilt of my Logitech Orbit AF while Skype does the audio and video stream .

  9. 对于拥有iPadAir、在寻找键盘产品的的人来说,罗技(Logitech)的Type+蓝牙键盘提供了双倍功能,可以当作保护套、支撑平板电脑。

    For iPad Air owners looking for something similar , Logitech 's Type + Bluetooth keyboard ( about $ 100 / 90 ) doubles as a protective case that props up the tablet .

  10. 罗技科技(Logitech)今年第一季度净损失2960万美元,与去年同期1950万美元的盈利相比,实在惨不忍睹。季报出炉后,公司CEO杰拉尔德•昆德兰宣告辞职。

    Logitech CEO Gerald Quindlen resigned after the company reported a $ 29.6 million net loss for its first quarter compared with a $ 19.5 million profit the year before .

  11. 底线是:罗技已达到和超过了在介绍其新的业绩鼠标MX市场上功能最强大的鼠标传感器,微软最近的鼠标技术创新。

    The bottom line : Logitech has met and surpassed Microsoft 's recent mouse technology innovations by introducing the most versatile mouse sensor on the market in its new Performance Mouse MX .

  12. 谷歌已公布了多家首批试点客户,其中包括美国航空公司(AmericanAirlines)、罗技(Logitech)和KIPP(美国一个全国性的特许学校网络)等。

    For now , Google has announced a series of pilot customers including American Airlines ( AMR ) , Logitech ( logi ) , and Kipp ( a nationwide network of charter schools ) .

  13. 罗技科技的lifesize视频中心是一款向职工发放培训和会议视频的商业产品。

    Logitech lifesize video center is a product for businesses to stream video to employees for the purpose of training or meeting .

  14. 虽然面临着来自罗技科技、美加狮、Corsair和赛睿等竞争对手的竞争,但雷蛇将自己看成了一家做平台的公司,而不是一个纯粹的产品制造企业。

    Despite competition from companies such as Logitech , Mad Catz , Corsair , and SteelSeries , Razer has distinguished itself by operating as a so-called platform company , rather than as a pure product manufacturer .

  15. 罗技键盘和它的快捷方式没起多大作用。

    The Logitech keyboard and its shortcuts didn 't help much .

  16. 罗技公司售价70美元的超薄触控鼠标也具有类似的触控功能,这款鼠标纤巧的体积非常便于随便携式电脑一起携带。

    Logitech 's $ 70 Ultrathin Touch Mouse puts similar gesture functionality into a body small enough to travel with a laptop .

  17. 罗技旗舰有线游戏鼠标G5-即得到了人们对于其创新的褒奖,也有人对他大肆吹捧的激光传感器表示不满。

    Logitech 's flagship corded gaming mouse-The G5 has taken both sweet appreciations for innovation and hard critiques for its much touted LASER sensor .

  18. 方便无线自由:从罗技的加密、安全的无线技术中您能获得更多,带给您可靠的连接,没有延迟或掉线。

    Convenience Cordless Freedom : Get more from Logitech 's encrypted , secure cordless technology , which ensures a reliable connection without lags or dropouts .

  19. 2011年参展商的名单也缺少了以前的常客–微软,奥多比,佳能,罗技。现在只剩很少大公司了。

    The2011 exhibitor list also lacked a number of big-name brands that used to be mainstays & Microsoft , Adobe , Canon , and Logitech , just to name a few .