
yáng máo shān
  • cardigan;woollen sweater
羊毛衫 [yáng máo shān]
  • [woollen sweater;cardigan] 一种羊毛制成的厚毛衣,尤指运动员训练之后所穿或为发汗而穿的毛线衫

  1. 羊毛衫装饰图案CAD设计系统

    The Decorative Pattern CAD System for The Woollen Sweater

  2. 羊毛衫织物的密度参数与线圈长度的关系

    The Relationship between Density Parameters of Woollen Sweater Fabric and Its Loop Length

  3. 她发现羊毛衫的袖口上起了一些毛球。

    She noticed some bits of fluff on the sleeve of her sweater .

  4. 羊毛衫CAD中尺寸缩放的研究与实现

    The Studying and Realizing of Measurement Pantograph on Woolen Sweater CAD

  5. 羊毛衫CAD中拼图式组合设计新款式

    New pattern design of cardigan using combined pattern element method in CAD

  6. 羊毛衫编织工艺CAD的研发

    Exploitation on knitting technology CAD system of sweater

  7. 基于SOA的羊毛衫网络定制系统的研究及实现

    The Research and Application of Sweater Network Customized System Based on SOA

  8. SIXSIGMA在羊毛衫生产中的应用

    Application of Six Sigma in Knitted Sweater Manufacturing

  9. 我买过的一件Equipment品牌的黑色圆领羊毛衫给我留下了教训。穿过几次之后,毛衣起球严重,简直是一团糟。

    I learned the hard way with a black cashmere crew neck from contemporary line Equipment that , within a few wears , turned into a pilled mess .

  10. 为克服人工方式设计毛衫的种种不利因素,研究羊毛衫编织工艺CAD,运用VB语言开发了一套针织羊毛衫工艺设计计算软件。

    In order to avoid the disadvantages of designing sweater artificially , the CAD of knitting technology is studied .

  11. 并且通过对J2EE技术和WebServices技术的运用,实现了羊毛衫的网上定制。

    And by using the technology of J2EE and Web Services , the Knitted Sweater online custom system is realized and put to use now .

  12. 论述了羊毛衫CAD中拼图式组合设计新款式的主要技术和基本原理。

    This paper introduces the main technology and basic principle of new pattern design of cardigan using combined pattern element method in CAD .

  13. 分析了羊毛衫CAD系统中为计算任意款式工艺单所创建的区域分步计算法的实现方法,并进行了数学论证。

    Introduces the practical method about how calculating the arbitrary style with sweater CAD system , and builds the whole mathematics model on it .

  14. 基于Internet的电子商务以及分布式组件开发技术的发展,为羊毛衫远程定制业务的开展创造了良好的基础环境。

    The rising of the E-Business , which is based on the Internet and distribute module technology , create a good foundation environment for the woolen sweater online custom business .

  15. 当蒂埃里·亨利在BBC节目中穿着的时髦羊毛衫将衣着纳入热议的范畴,可以看出本次世界杯在时尚方面已经下了大手笔。

    With Thierry Henry adding sartorial kudos to the commentary couch , the style stakes were already high .

  16. 这里探讨了SIXSIGMA在纺织类企业中,尤其是羊毛衫生产中的初步应用,并且针对部分问题提出了一些建设性的观点。

    In this paper the simple application of Six Sigma in textile enterprises , especially in knitted sweater manufacturing , is studied , and some constructive suggestion on particular problems is brought forward .

  17. MTM在羊毛衫设计中的应用

    Application of MTM in cardigan design

  18. 为了将分布在不同地理位置上的羊毛衫设计、生产、销售等环节,通过Internet实现信息资源共享,提出了羊毛衫网上定制系统的设计方案。

    In order to bind Knitted Sweater design , manufacture and sale systems which are located at different places all together to share the data information through the Internet , this article brings forward a scheme of designing a Knitted Sweater online custom system .

  19. 本课题开发的羊毛衫编织工艺CAD系统主要实现了常用羊毛衫服装的产品设计、编织工艺设计、毛衫单件用料重量预测、工艺计算方法的编辑与修改和工艺文件的管理五大功能。

    The CAD system we developed realizes five functions mainly : production design , knitting technical design , the weight forecasting of individual fabric consumption , the edit and modification of technical calculation method , and the management of technical file .

  20. 格拉斯穿了一件红色羊毛衫,外面罩着厚花呢外套。他抿着白葡萄酒,多数时间都在谈论自己,以及作为一名公共知识分子,他的作品对我们的报纸——《时代》周报(DieZeit)——产生了多大的影响。

    Dressed in a red wool sweater and a thick tweed jacket and sipping white wine , Mr. Grass spent most of the time talking about himself , and how much his work as a public intellectual had influenced our paper , Die Zeit .

  21. 工业控制计算机在羊毛衫布料编织系统中的应用

    Industrial Computer 's Application in Weaving System of Woolen Sweater Material

  22. 羊毛衫罗纹领工艺设计探讨

    Discussion on the Technical Design of Rib Neckband in Woolen Sweater

  23. 浮线在羊毛衫组织设计中的应用探讨

    Probing about the design of a float in woolen sweater stitches

  24. 羊毛衫织物编织密度系数与弯纱深度的关系

    The Relationship between Cover Factor and Looped Deep of Woollen Sweater

  25. 我有朋友做羊毛衫的,你需要吗?

    I have friends who do cardigan , and you need ?

  26. 针织衫,两件套,开襟羊毛衫可以穿着。

    Sweaters , twin sets , cardigans are ok to wear .

  27. 这些羊毛衫是上海首家合资企业的产品。

    They were products of the city 's first joint venture .

  28. 基于人体测量的羊毛衫领型结构设计

    Study on collar pattern design of sweater based on body measurement

  29. 我决定不了买什么羊毛衫好。

    I can 't decide what kind of sweater to buy .

  30. 触摸这块软布;顾客用手抚摸羊毛衫。

    Feel this soft cloth !; The customer fingered the sweater .