
  • 网络Beautiful starry sky;Beautiful star
  1. 在山谷里,在美丽的星空中,我看到了从你的笑容散发出的光芒。

    In the valley , in the pretty star , I saw the shining light out of your smile .

  2. 然后是命中注定地,逐渐地爱上了沙漠的狂暴与沉静,爱上了沙漠美丽的星空。

    Then it is decreed by fate , gradually fell in love with the Desert Fury and quiet , fell in love with the desert sky .

  3. 该图拍摄于上月的某个夜晚,远远的背景中还有美丽的星空,其中就包括大熊座中的北斗七星。

    The scene , captured one night last month , also shows a beautiful starscape far in the background , including the Big Dipper , part of the constellation of the Great Bear ( Ursa Major ) .