
  • 网络US military;US ARMY;united States Army;USA;USA Military
  1. 我是美国军队克拉伦斯匹兹上校。

    This is colonel Clarence e pitts , United States army .

  2. 美国军队致夏克兰的人们。

    From the United States Army to the people of chakaran .

  3. 国会投票同意拨出更多资金来维持美国军队的开支。

    The Parliament voted more funds to help maintain American forces .

  4. 美国军队正对早先控制的地点重新布防。

    US troops are redeploying to positions held earlier .

  5. 约2.8万人的美国军队即将部署到位。

    Some 28,000 US troops are moving into position .

  6. 美国军队现在占领了该国的一部分。

    U.S. forces now occupy a part of the country

  7. 没有国会的完全同意,他不应该调遣美国军队。

    He should not commit American troops without the full consent of Congress .

  8. 他需要更多时间来增派兵力,以确保驻扎在那里的美国军队兵力充足。

    He needed more time to bring US forces there up to full strength .

  9. 美国军队作好了发动大规模海、陆、空攻击的准备。

    US forces are poised for a massive air , land and sea assault .

  10. 一条总统录音的口讯被播送给全世界的美国军队。

    A message taped by the President was broadcast to US troops around the world .

  11. 昨天,摩根将军的部队被迫向比利时和美国军队交出了他们的重型武器。

    Gen. Morgan 's troops yesterday surrendered their heavy weapons to Belgian and US troops .

  12. 美国军队和沙特军队共同组成的联合部队将继续在沙特阿拉伯境内实施军事行动。

    There would continue to be a joint command of US and Saudi forces operating within Saudi borders .

  13. 美国军队继续驻扎在韩国领土上这一事实仍然让这些学生深感气愤。

    The continuing presence of American troops on Korean soil remains a very sore point with these students .

  14. 盖茨在伊拉克北部基尔库克附近的ForwardOperatingBaseWarrior向美国军队发表了讲话。在与几百名美国军人举行的长达45分钟的市政会议风格的会议中,国防部长被问到是否有对伊朗采取军事行动的计划。

    During a wide-ranging 45-minute town hall-style meeting with several hundred U.S. troops , Secretary Gates was asked whether there is any plan for military action against Iran .

  15. LA是有战斗力的,至少打平甚至能够取胜被吹嘘的美国军队。

    The LA is a fighting force at least equal to , and most likely superior to , the vaunted U.S.army .

  16. 美国军队表示对抗ISIS是一场持久战。

    The U.S. military says the fight against ISIS won 't be quick .

  17. 在肯塔基州一个军事基地举行的秘密仪式上,他授予他们总统团队奖(PresidentialUnitCitation),这是美国军队最高荣誉。

    At a private ceremony at a military base in Kentucky , he awarded them the Presidential Unit Citation , the highest honour of its kind for a military unit .

  18. 这项研究9月份发表在《人与动物》(Anthrozoö;s)杂志上。美国军队卫生服务大学(UniformedServicesUniversity)的医学博士、家庭医学教授马克·B·斯蒂芬斯上尉(MarkB.Stephens)是这项研究的合著者。

    The upshot , says Capt. Mark B. Stephens M.D. , a professor of family medicine at Uniformed Services University and a co-author of the study - it was published in September in the journal Anthrozo & ouml ;

  19. 提示:文本转自普特听力论坛.?过去几个月,CNN一直跟踪报道一名年轻人从离开他的家乡到在美国军队中成年的过程。

    For the last several months , CNN has followed the path of a young man from his small town to his in the U.S. military .

  20. 在杜鲁门(Truman)总统1948年颁布废除种族隔离的命令以前,美国军队中存在着种族隔离,17个州和首都华盛顿的学校也是如此。

    The military services were segregated ( until President Truman issued a desegregation order in1948 ), as were the schools in17 states and the District of Columbia .

  21. 和布什一样,RobertGates反对仓促从伊拉克撤回美国军队,但是美国伊拉克之间达成协议,2011年之前,美国必须从伊拉克撤出所有部队。

    Like President Bush , Gates has warned against a hasty withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq , although the just-completed U.S. - Iraqi Status of Forces Agreement does set a 2011 deadline for removing American combat forces .

  22. 据NPR新闻的拉里·艾布拉姆森从多哈带来的报道,哈格尔一直试图让同盟国对美国军队向中东和西南亚所做的承诺感到安心。

    As NPR 's Larry Abramson reports from Doha , Hagel has been trying to reassure allies about the U.S. military commitment to both Middle East and Southwest Asia .

  23. 这对被美国军队用于提升态势感应能力的UAS而言正是如此。虽然军队有倾向于更大更贵飞行器的趋势。

    This is certainly true of the kind of UAS operated by the army to improve situational awareness , although there is a trend towards bigger , costlier aircraft .

  24. 1968年,当我随美国军队驻扎在德国时,我找到了Knuth第一卷关于基础算法的拷贝。

    I obtained a copy of Knuth 's first volume on fundamental algorithms when I was stationed in Germany for the US Army in1968 .

  25. 1994年担任总统期间,克林顿派遣美国军队前往海地恢复军事政变中被推翻的民主选举产生的Jean-BertrandAristide政权。

    And as president in 1994 , he sent U.S. troops there to restore democratically elected president Jean-Bertrand Aristide , who had been ed in a military coup .

  26. DeBakey等报道在第二次世界大战,美国军队2471例动脉损伤中仅81例做了动脉修复术。动脉结扎术后约半数病人发生肢体坏疽需要截肢术。

    DeBakey reported in the Second World War , among the 2471 cases of arterial injury in American forces , only 81 cases of arterial repair were done , about half of patients limb gangrene need amputation after artery ligation .

  27. 不久后美国军队即将撤退,马利基现在又恢复了购买F16战斗机的计划,作为展示伊拉克军队已经有军事能力保护自己的安全。

    With US troops due to withdraw shortly , Mr Maliki has now revived the F-16 deal as part of Iraq 's efforts to show it 's moving towards military self-sufficiency .

  28. 魔法少女小圆脸的粉丝真是无处不在啊-包括在美国军队中,证据就是装饰在一个美国陆军战地救护车内的“小HOMU”。

    It seems Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica has fans everywhere – including in the US Army , as evidenced by chibi Homu decorating what appears to be the inside of a US Army field ambulance .

  29. 美国军队德育方法探析

    A Probe into the Method of Moral Education in American Army

  30. 你已经从美国军队中除名。

    That you be dishonorably discharged from the United States army .