
  • 网络US presidential election;the american presidential election
  1. 上周美国总统选举之后,谷歌(Google)因虚假的网上新闻而被拖入一场争议。

    Google has been dragged into the controversy over fake online news in the wake of last week 's US presidential election .

  2. 2012年7月份,美国总统选举步入高潮,伦敦奥运会即将开幕,而大多数人都认为苹果(Apple)股价涨到1000美元只是一个时间问题。

    In July 2012 , the presidential election was kicking into high gear , the Olympics were about to begin , and most people thought it was a matter of time before shares of apple hit $ 1,000 .

  3. 再过两周,美国总统选举将迎来最后时刻。民调显示,罗姆尼(MITTROMNEY)和奥巴马(BarackObama)目前的差距仅有数个百分点。

    With three weeks to go , the polls show Mitt Romney and Barack Obama within a few points .

  4. 随着众议员保罗瑞安(paulryan)被提名为共和党副总统候选人,美国总统选举俨然已经成为了一场高声喧哗的意识形态之争。

    With congressman Paul Ryan as the Republican vice-presidential candidate , the US election is shaping up to be a full-throated ideological brawl .

  5. 每隔四年,奥运会、美国总统选举和欧洲杯或多或少都会存在时间上的重合。英国广告公司WPP的老板MartinSorrell常常谈及由此带来的全球广告市场热潮。

    Martin Sorrell , the boss of WPP , a British ad firm , often talks of the boost the global ad market receives when the Olympics , an American presidential election and the Euro football tournament more-or-less coincide every four years .

  6. 20世纪末美国总统选举评析

    Comments on the president Election in Late 20th Century 's America

  7. 2000年的美国总统选举与美国的对台湾问题政策

    US presidential election in 2000 and US policy toward Taiwan

  8. 这个日期,正好是美国总统选举的日子。

    That date , the day of U.S. presidential election .

  9. 论美国总统选举人团制度与其政党制度的互塑

    On Mutual Influence of American Presidential Electoral College and Political Party System

  10. 这些政党中的哪一个曾经赢得过美国总统选举?

    Which of these political parties has won a U.S. presidential election ?

  11. 正是从此后,美国总统选举才开始重视国内民生问题。

    S.presidential race been so focused on domestic affairs .

  12. 美国总统选举人团制度评析

    Analysis on Electoral College in US Presidential Election

  13. 摘要总统选举人团制度是美国总统选举制度的重要组成部分。

    The electoral college is an important part of the American presidential selection institution .

  14. 在今年美国总统选举之后克劳德特身上可能会发生什么?

    Question 25.What might happen to Claudette after this year 's American presidential election ?

  15. 美国总统选举传统上是在那一周的星期几举行?

    The U.S. presidential election is traditionally held on what day of the week ?

  16. 美国总统选举中的宗教因素

    The Religious Factor in American Presidential Elections

  17. 到那时候,我们也会知道美国总统选举的战线在哪里。

    By then , we will also know the battle lines for the US presidential election .

  18. 在美国总统选举之后,全球很多地区的状况甚至可能明显改善。

    After the US presidential election , the world might even witness substantial improvements in many areas .

  19. 试论美国总统选举政治对美国外交政策的影响(1952-2004)

    The Impacts of American Presidential Election Politics ( APEP ) on US Foreign Policy ( 1952-2004 );

  20. 选民的情绪非常认真,因为他们清楚地知道,今年他们的投票结果将真正在美国总统选举中起到重要的作用。

    The mood is serious , with voters well aware that this year their ballots really count .

  21. 就本质而言,美国总统选举是一场自由与公平之间的拉锯战。

    Stripped to their essence , US presidential elections are a tug of war between freedom and equity .

  22. 本届美国总统选举很可能决定下一个大概也是最后一个英美全球霸权时代的特点。

    This presidential election might well determine the character of the next , possibly final , epoch of Anglo-American global hegemony .

  23. 美国总统选举所采取的选举人团制度是美国国内最具争议的一项政治制度。

    The United States selects its President through the electoral college system , which has always been subject to constant criticism .

  24. 选举团制度是美国总统选举政治的独特产物,它直接影响着美国总统选举的结果。

    The electoral college system is unique product in the presidential election politics . It directly affected the US presidential election results .

  25. 当然,英国的电话窃听丑闻已经演变成一场政治马戏,而美国总统选举从来就是一场马戏表演。

    Of course , the phone-hacking scandal in Britain has become a Political Circus , and US presidential elections are always thus .

  26. 近几个月来,参议员希拉里和奥巴马进行了当代美国总统选举史上一场最持久,最艰难的(党内)初选之战。

    For months , Senators Clinton and Obama have waged one of the longest and hardest-fought primary battles in modern American presidential history .

  27. 一项对1904-1994年间美国总统选举的调查研究发现,80%情况下是高个子候选人获胜。

    A study of US presidential elections between 1904 and 1994 found that , 80 percent of the time the taller candidate won .

  28. 气候变化在美国总统选举中不属于讨论的议题,而欧洲又有一定程度上的“气候问题疲劳症”。

    Climate change is not a live issue in the US presidential election , while in Europe there is a degree of climate fatigue .

  29. 成功地协助菲兹格兰特赢得美国总统选举之后,奥利维亚波普创办了危机管理咨询公司奥利维亚波普联合公司。

    After successfully helping Fitz Grant win his campaign for President of the United States , Olivia launched her crisis management consultancy Olivia Pope Associates .

  30. 据美国总统选举开选的一年,是制定重大战略决策的时刻。

    One year out from a presidential election is the point at which big strategic decisions about the shape of the forthcoming fight are being made .