
  • 网络Concentration Ratio;the degree of concentration;CRn
  1. 南京市建设监理行业市场集中度研究

    Market concentration ratio of construction supervision industry in Nanjing

  2. 以中国西部地区上市公司为研究对象,考察上市公司股权集中度对资本结构的影响。

    The paper investigates concentration ratio of shares effect in capital structure about west region in China .

  3. 地震空间集中度C值与地震危险度D值在华北中强以上地震前的短期异常变化

    Short term anomaly variation of spatial scanning of seismic concentration degree C-value and seismic dangerous degree D-value before moderate-strong earthquake in North China

  4. 分析结果表明,我国制造业集中度与X非效率之间大体呈负的相关关系。

    We found that there exists a negative correlation between concentration and X - inefficiency of manufacturing in China .

  5. 基于SCP框架的济南市零售业市场集中度实证研究

    An Empirical Research on Retail Concentration Degree of Jinan Based on SCP Paradigm

  6. 加入WTO后,中国的钛白行业正面临着战略性结构调整,以提高产能集中度及企业竞争力;国内钛白行业未来竞争态势分析

    After took part in the WTO , the national titanium dioxide industry is facing the trends of strategic structure regulations . Analysis on the competing status of the Chinese titanium dioxide industry

  7. 由于荧光胶不易沉淀,色坐标集中度就会得到提高,从而提高了白光LED产品的对档率。

    With the resistance precipitation powder , the phosphor glue is not easy to precipitate , as a result , the concentration and the accuracy of the color coordinate of the LED can be improved .

  8. 研究发现股权集中度、少数股东联盟、CEO任期、总经理董事长独立性和法制环境等因素在不同程度上对财务舞弊行为产生影响。

    We conclude a result that factors of the ownership concentration , league of minor shareholders , CEO tenure , CEO duality and the law have effects on financial fraud .

  9. 按照产业组织理论的市场结构(S)市场行为(C)市场绩效(P)分析框架,本文以多个指标计算了中国银行卡产业的市场集中度,认为中国银行卡市场属于寡头垄断型市场。

    This article applies the market structure - market conduct - market performance paradigm to the analysis of Chinese bank card industry . With the concentration data of bank card industry , it is concluded that the bank card market consists an oligopoly .

  10. 另外,由于汽车供应商在多个品牌、汽车和产品周期上进行扩张,通过投资于它们获得该行业的敞口,有助于分散原始设备制造商(OEM)或品牌集中度风险。

    Additionally , since auto suppliers expand across multiple brands , vehicles and product cycles gaining exposure to the sector through them can help diversify OEM or brand concentration risk .

  11. 随着世界产业结构调整的加快,我国加入WTO后房地产业集中度低的状况,严重影响了我国房地产企业的市场竞争力,阻碍了房地产市场结构的优化。

    Along with adjusting industrial structure in the world and China 's entering WTO , the lower concentration of estate industry will affect the efficiency of estate market and the competition of estate enterprises , which is not good for bettering the structure of estate market .

  12. 在对新产品开发(NPD)团队交流网络的特征参数进行深入分析的基础上,研究了NPD团队交流网络的交流频率和交流集中度等对团队创新的影响。

    Based on the characters of new product development team communication network , it analyzes the impact of frequency and centralization of communication on new product development team creativity .

  13. 在SCP范式基础上,通过一个理论模型说明即使放弃SCP假说垄断竞争假定,银行业市场集中度变化也会对银行绩效产生影响。

    Although abandon the SCP hypothesis assuming monopoly competition based on a theoretical model of SCP paradigm , changes of the banking market concentration will also have an impact on the banks performance . 3 .

  14. 未来的十年将是中国3PL企业蓬勃发展的十年,随着3PL企业加大行业间资源整合力度,行业集中度将进一步加强。

    The future decade will be China 3PL enterprises ' decade of the booming development . The degree of industry centralization will be further enhanced with 3PL integrate more resources in industry .

  15. 本文提出了一个股权结构-公司治理-经营绩效(Ownership-Corporategovernance-Performance)的分析框架,并具体分析了股权集中度、股东属性(shareholderidentity)和管理层持股(managementshareholding)对公司治理的影响。

    Performance and corp. valuation . This article provides us with an analyzing framework called " Ownership-Corporate Governance-Performance ", studying how such factors as ownership centralization , shareholder identity , management shareholding will work on ownership structure .

  16. 第三章运用SCP范式基本框架,分析了转轨时期我国产业组织在市场结构、市场行为和市场绩效方面存在的具体问题:如,市场集中度普遍偏低,专业化和协作水平低;

    Chapter three applies SCP paradigm and analyses the problems which existing in China 's industrial organization , for example : the degree of market centre is low generally ; the level of specialization and cooperation is low ;

  17. 小波分解形成了图像能量的聚集,这种聚集可以形成更多的零树,而MSR作为对对偶小波波形集中度的度量参数,同样也可以作为衡量零树编码效率的度量。

    Wavelet decompose can made the energy of image get together to the low frequency , thus it can form more zero-trees and MSR as the measure of the efficiency of Zero-trees coding .

  18. 传统的HHI集中度指标本身的静态特性不适应电力商品的特殊性,无法描述电力市场的动态结构特性。

    The static characteristic of HHI does not meet the particularity of the electric goods ; it is unable to describe the dynamic structural characteristic of the electricity market .

  19. Macarthur的少数股东们如今正在权衡,是折价发售新股,提高股东名册上业内公司的集中度,还是接受目前很小、但有增大潜力的溢价,全部脱手。

    Minorities are now weighing the issuance of shares at a discount , increasing the concentration of industry players on the register , against a currently small , but potentially bigger premium to remove them altogether .

  20. 农业样本上市公司前五大股东持股比例总和CR5所代表的股权集中度与公司绩效呈现倒U型特征;

    Equity concentration ratio CR5 which is the sum of shares of the leading five shareholders and corporate performance present an inverse-U shape .

  21. 结果:伴有成绩不良的ADHD儿童的听觉及反应控制商、听觉审慎性、一致性、听、视觉注意商、警觉性、集中度均低于不伴成绩不良组,但无显著性差异。

    Results : Compared with ADHD children without learning disability , ADHD children with learning disability got lower score in auditory response control quotient , auditory prudence , auditory consistency , auditory , visual attention quotient , vigilance and focus , but with no significant difference .

  22. 此外,程序还可进行光学点图计算,显示出在人工给定离焦面上点分布,给出空间光线对主光线的能量集中度曲线和OPD均方根值。

    Besides , it can also be used to calculate Spot-Digram of the system so as to display ray distribution in the defocussed image plane , give out the curve of the ray 's energy density and Square-root-means of its OPD value in that plane .

  23. 我国输日农产品贸易集中度研究

    Trade Concentration Study on China 's Agricultural Products Exported to Japan

  24. 中国保险业市场集中度的实证分析

    Empirical Analysis on Concentration Ration of China 's Insurance Industry Market

  25. 中国外汇市场集中度研究

    A Study of the Concentration of China 's Foreign Exchange Market

  26. 作大作强,扩大企业规模,提高市场集中度,实行集约化生产与现代企业经营;

    To enlarge enterprise scale and raise market concentration degree ;

  27. 行业集中度与公司控制权市场效率

    Microconcentration and the Efficiency of the Market for Corporate Control

  28. 我国医药产业市场集中度浅析

    Discussion about Market Concentration Ratio of Pharmaceutical Industry in China

  29. 试用集中度分析计划免疫相应传染病的季节性分布

    The Analysis of Seasonal Distribution of EPI-Target Infectious Diseases by Centralized Indices

  30. 中国高尔夫产业市场集中度与市场绩效的分析

    An Analysis of Market Concentration and Market Performance of Chinese Golf Industry