
  • 网络the Great Recession;the Great Depression
  1. 要证明这一点,可以回顾我们对大衰退的反应。在大衰退中,我们将损失社会化,却将收益私有化。

    For proof of this go back to our response to the Great Recession , where we socialized losses , even as we privatized gains .

  2. 它们也经历了一场周期性震荡:大衰退(GreatRecession)。

    They have also experienced a cyclical shock – the Great Recession .

  3. 从长远来看,我们没有陷入绝境,仍将能从大衰退(GreatRecession)中复苏。

    In the long run we are not dead , we will still be recovering from the Great Recession .

  4. 由金融领域触发的2008年大衰退(GreatRecession)给这项记录蒙上了污点,但并不能将其彻底抹去。

    The financially triggered Great Recession of 2008 - ? blemishes this record but does not wipe it away .

  5. 在“大衰退”(greatrecession)之后,我们进入了一个不确定的时期,这需要我们采取果断的行动。

    In the wake of the great recession , the uncertain times in which we live call for decisive action .

  6. 这一数字远高于2009年大衰退(GreatRecession)猛烈冲击住宅建筑业时的55万套新建住宅。

    That 's well above the 550,000 new homes built in 2009 as the Great Recession hit home-building with particular ferocity .

  7. 大衰退(greatrecession)的硝烟尚未散尽,西方国家与亚洲强国的不同命运已经成为中心主题。

    In the aftermath of the great recession , the divergent fortunes of the western and Asian powers have become an overarching theme .

  8. 在2008年末,正是中国激进的财政刺激政策帮助全球其他地区渡过了大衰退(GreatRecession)。

    In late 2008 , it was the aggressive fiscal stimulus by China that helped pull the rest of the world through the Great Recession .

  9. 美国从大衰退(GreatRecession)中复苏的情况好于其他发达国家,美元也节节攀升。

    As America emerges from the Great Recession in better shape than the rest of the developed world , the US currency is on a roll .

  10. 2008年的金融危机和随后的经济大衰退(GreatRecession)迄今没有真正恢复严重动摇了人们对自由市场的信心。

    The faith in free markets was severely shaken by the financial crisis of 2008 and the subsequent Great Recession & and has never really recovered .

  11. 但许多人仍沉迷于不受监管的市场能够自我纠正的理论,尽管这种想法早就应该被大衰退(greatrecession)所打消。

    But many remain hypnotised by the theory that unfettered markets will self-correct , even though such thinking should have been extinguished by the great recession .

  12. 你肯定能想起2005年12月9日发生的大事,当时人们发现,2004年的日本经济大衰退(greatjapaneserecession)从未发生过。

    I am sure you recall the momentous events of December 9 2005 , when the great Japanese recession of 2004 was discovered never to have happened .

  13. 经济学家们警告称,大衰退(GreatRecession)、以及对其采取的并不充分的应对政策,会给美国带来经济增长疲弱、生活水平停滞不前的失落的十年。

    Economists warn that the Great Recession , and the incomplete policy response to it , will result in a lost decade of weak growth and stagnant living standards for the US .

  14. 摩根大通预测,新兴市场本季度和下一季度的经济增长率将仅为4%。摩根大通的经济学家们表示,这是过去10年间、除大衰退(GreatRecession)时期以外的最低水平。

    It forecasts emerging markets to grow this quarter and next by a mere 4 per cent , the lowest in the past decade outside the Great Recession , according to its economists .

  15. 去年11月发布的《美国价值观调查》(AmericanValuesSurvey)显示,大约72%的人觉得经济仍然处于衰退状态,尽管经济分析人士称“大衰退”已在2009年年中结束。

    Some 72 per cent of people feel the economy is still in recession , according to the American Values Survey released in November , even though economic analysts say the Great Recession ended in mid-2009 .

  16. 几乎就在同一时期,团购的大衰退开始了,尽管当时Groupon已经宣布公司即将上市。

    Almost immediately , the backlash ensued , even as Groupon announced that it would go public .

  17. 仅仅因为Facebook的市值‘只有’大约710亿美元就认为引起大衰退发生的‘恶性循环’就要出现,这种想法太离谱了。

    It 's ridiculous to think that Facebook 's market cap at ' only ' about $ 71 billion should create a ' vicious circle ' ' that leads to a major downturn .

  18. 这一人口分布变化可以同18岁到30岁无家可归人口显著但并不是那么剧烈的增长相对照,这些人大部分是在大衰退(GreatRecession)时期进入工作市场,目前占无家可归人口的24%。

    The demographic shift is mirrored by a noticeable but not as sharp increase among homeless people ages 18 to 30 , many who entered the job market during the Great Recession . They make up 24 percent of the homeless population .

  19. 在经济大衰退(GreatRecession)之前,就算布什政府大幅度减税,增加社会福利,提高国内支出并扩大军事行动规模,那时的政府债务占GDP比率也只有现在的一半。

    Before the Great Recession , even with the major tax cuts , new entitlements , increased domestic spending and the expanded military operations of the Bush administration , the debt-to-GDP ratio was just half as big as it is now .

  20. 但如果结果是永久性丧失经济产出正如克里斯托弗道(christopherdow)在其巨著《大衰退》(majorrecessions)中所说,那么,这些指导方针将暂时被抛弃。

    But if the alternative is output that would be lost for ever ( as Christopher Dow maintained in his mammoth work major recessions ) then the guidelines should give way for the time being .

  21. 相比之下,中国和其他亚洲及拉美新兴经济体,以及独联体国家(程度较小一些),在从大衰退(GreatRecession)复苏以来经历了一轮超出潜能的产出猛涨以后,增长已经降温了。

    By contrast , growth in China and many other emerging economies in Asia and Latin America , and to a lesser extent in the Commonwealth of Independent States , has cooled , after a surge in output beyond potential following the recovery from the Great Recession .

  22. 在MBA课程申请人数出现下滑的美国,硕士学位提供了一个可喜的收入来源,同时也在大衰退时期为本科毕业生提供了一块求职的垫脚石。

    In the US , where applications to MBA programmes have fallen , masters degrees have provided a welcome source of revenue while giving those leaving undergraduate degrees a leg-up in the job market during the great recession .

  23. 根据经济学家马克•阿吉亚尔(MarkAguiar)和埃里克•赫斯特(ErikHurst)2006年发表的一项研究,收入更高者享受的空闲时间减少。该研究是对“大衰退”之前生活的精彩“快照”。

    According to research published by economists Mark Aguiar and Erik Hurst in 2006 - a nice snapshot of life before the great recession - higher earners were enjoying less leisure .

  24. Saez先生认为,不应该期待大衰退之后会发生持久的变化。

    Mr Saez argues that there was little reason to expect enduring change from the Great Recession .

  25. 即使在大衰退让低调行事成为一种必然选择之前,天美时铁人系列手表(TimexIronman)已经成为领导者们的主流选择,这些领导要么没有虚荣心,要么特别自命不凡,想以此彰显其个性。

    Even before the Great Recession made modesty a must , Timex Ironman watches had become a mainstay for leaders who either lack pretension , or have enough pretense to want to appear that way .

  26. 以此降低再次发生大衰退的风险。

    M.F. , to reduce the risk of another Great Depression .

  27. 究其原因是仍挥之不去的大衰退所造成的影响。

    The reasons , the lingering effects of the Great Recession .

  28. 此次大衰退给富人们造成了严重的损失。

    The recession then took a heavy toll on the rich .

  29. 目前的经济大衰退对这一信条造成了猛烈冲击。

    That principle was severely shaken by the great recession .

  30. 自从大衰退正式结束已经过去了5年。

    It 's been five years since the great recession officially ended .