
  • 网络rafflesia;Rafflesia arnoldii;Rafflesia Flower;Rafflesias Flower
  1. 被撕痛的大王花感觉不妙,赶紧张开花瓣,将这顿难以消化的午餐吐了出去。

    Rafflesia torn feeling pain is not good , and quickly open the petals , this is difficult to digest lunch spit out .

  2. 还没等他醒过神来,大王花的恶臭又灌满了鼻子,差点没熏得他背过气去。

    Before he woke up , the king spent the stench has filled his nose , he almost cannot breath .

  3. 眼看就要成为大王花午餐的呜兹,情急之下,慌忙用手里的木棒死命支撑花瓣,一面甩开大门牙,疯狂地撕咬大王花的花蕊。

    He was about to become the King of the Woods take lunch , so he hurriedly doom by the hands of the wooden support of the petals , side throw off large front teeth to bite crazy the king flower stamens .