
mù běn zhí wù
  • woody plant;xylophyta
木本植物 [mù běn zhí wù]
  • [woody plant] 茎有木质层、质地坚硬的植物,如乔木、灌木等

  1. 天津木本植物的冬态观察与鉴定

    The observation and identification of xylophyta in winter condition from the Tianjin

  2. 对天津23种木本植物进行冬态观察,并以检索表形式区别其特征。

    The paper deals with the observation of 23 species xylophyta in winter condition from Tianjin , and to differentiate their distinction with the form of index table .

  3. 修剪灌木和乔木这样的木本植物时必须小心。

    Care must be taken when trimming around woody plants like shrubs and trees

  4. 这些木本植物都是从俄国进口而来。

    All these ligneous plants are imported from Russia .

  5. 木本植物对CO2浓度和温度升高的相互作用的响应

    Woody plants respond to interactions between elevated co_2 and increased temperature

  6. CO2浓度和温度升高对木本植物养分含量、分配的影响

    Effects of Elevated CO_2 and Temperature to Plant Nutrient Content and Allocation

  7. 木本植物老根老叶总RNA的提取方法

    Extraction of RNA from Older Leaves and Roots of Woody Plant

  8. 茶油(Camelliaoil)又名山茶油,是从山茶属油茶树种籽中提取的木本植物油。

    Camellia Oil is one of the woody oil , milled from tea plant .

  9. 木本植物组织总RNA提取的要点与原理

    The Main Points and Principles of Isolating Total RNA from Ligneous Plant Tissues

  10. 这是首次从木本植物的基因组DNA克隆到类黄酮3′-羟化酶基因片段。

    It is the first time for the segment of F3 ′ H gene to be cloned from the gDNA of ligneous plant .

  11. 几种木本植物插穗生根与内源IAA,ABA的关系

    Relationship Between Adventitious Root Formation and Endogenous IAA and ABA of Several Tree Species

  12. 八种木本植物木质部栓塞恢复特性及其与PV曲线水分参数的关系

    Refilling of embolism in the xylem of eight tree species and its relationship with Pressure-Volume parameters

  13. 这是首次用热不对称交错PCR法从木本植物的基因组DNA克隆到类黄酮3'-羟化酶基因。

    This was the first time to clone flavonoid 3 ' - hydroxy-lase gene from genomic DNA of woody plants by thermal asymmetric interlaced PCR .

  14. ICP-AES法测定内蒙古地区六种沙生木本植物中金属元素

    Determination of Metal Elements in Six Kinds of Desert Plants in Inner Mongolia by ICP-AES

  15. 承德木本植物不同部位S及重金属含量特征的PCA分析

    PCA analysis on sulphur and heavy metals contents in different parts of woody species in Chengde of North China

  16. UV-B辐射对几种木本植物幼苗生长和叶绿体超微结构的影响

    Effects of UV-B Radiation on Seedling Growth and Chloroplast Ultrastructure Changes in Some Woody Plants

  17. 无论是富磷还是正常区域,草本植物的N、P和K含量均高于木本植物,乔木与灌木差异不明显。

    Higher P and K contents were observed in plants growing in higher P areas , but higher N / P and K / P were observed in lower P sites .

  18. 大气CO2浓度升高条件下对木本植物的研究、在分子水平上的深入研究以及在不同环境下的研究将成为未来研究的主要方向。

    The mainstream study of future under elevated atmospheric CO2 concentration include woody plant studies , further studies at molecular level and studies under di - verse environments .

  19. EST-SSR标记在木本植物中的开发和应用

    Development and Application of EST-SSR Markers in Woody Plants

  20. 两种方法均以硼砂为缓冲液,分别用SDS、和CTAB为主要提取试剂,可以提取出高质量的木本植物总RNA;

    The main reagent of extraction buffer is borax , and the main extraction reagent is SDS and CTAB respectively in the two extraction methods .

  21. 结果表明,长白山阔叶红松林25hm2样地内胸径≥1cm的木本植物共51个种,59158个活的个体。

    The results show that there are 51 woody species and 59 158 living individuals .

  22. 关于BR生物合成途径的研究多集中于一年生的草本植物(如拟南芥,水稻等),在多年生木本植物中少有研究。

    Most of the existing studies on BR biosynthesis have been done on annual herbaceous plants , such as Arabidopsis thaliana and rice , with few on the perennial woody plants .

  23. 为了模拟CO2、O3质量浓度升高的环境条件,OTC-Ⅰ型优化开顶式气室设计实现计算机自动控制气室内的气体质量浓度,其它环境条件接近自然状态,气室内空间适合木本植物生长。

    To simulate the environmental condition of elevated CO2 and O3 , optimal open top chamber ( OTC-1 ) was designed to control the atmosphere concentrations automatically . Any other environment factors in the chamber are kept to be close to nature for arboreal growth .

  24. 封禁12a的小流域,木本植物的种类达41种,分属于16科34属。

    In a small watershed , the arbor plants are increased to 41 species in 34 genera and 16 families after the hillsides are closed to facilitate afforestation .

  25. 甘肃省虎耳草科木本植物种类及分布

    Study on Species and Distribution of Saxifragaceae Woody Plants in Gansu

  26. 木本植物原生质体培养与融合研究进展

    Advances in research on protoplast culture and fusion of woody plants

  27. 浅谈木本植物物候观测要求及各物候期观测标准

    Discussion on the request and standard of Woody plant phenological observation

  28. 宁夏三大主要山地林区木本植物区系分析探讨

    Studies on the woody plants flora of the mountains in Ningxia

  29. 甘肃省木本植物上的白粉菌

    Powdery Mildews ( Erysiphales ) on Woody Plant in Gansu Provence

  30. 几种木本植物组织培养的愈伤组织形成和器官再生

    Callus formation and organ regeneration in tissue culture of woody plants